G4 Turning to Men's Channel, Call For Help Canned


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Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Western WV
I was reading on the DishRetailer boards and Beagle from there posted that he had talked to Andy Walker from Canada's Call For Help show that has also been broadcasted here in the U.S. that the Call For Help show has been canned and that they were turning G4 into a man's channel. Look at it now, its got The Man Show on it.

We need a tech channel. I hope that their show that they do with the old crew from The Screen Savers and the old Call For Help thrives online.
I was reading on the DishRetailer boards and Beagle and skypros from there posted that he had talked to Andy Walker from Canada's Call For Help show that has also been broadcasted here in the U.S. that the Call For Help show has been canned and that they were turning G4 into a man's channel. Look at it now, its got The Man Show on it. It seems as if it may be staying in Canada though.

We need a tech channel. I hope that their show that they do with the old crew from The Screen Savers and the old Call For Help thrives online.
Call For Help is still being produced in Canada, broadcasted in Canada (and I believe in Australia) but no longer being broadcasted here in the USA. G4 currently seems to have "shelved" the series, but it is unclear to me whether that means they are actively preventing some other network from carrying it. From what I have read, there are not many networks willing to carry CFH in the USA because it would pretty much require at least 5 hours a week of airtime.

Maybe Rogers Media (the Canadian owner of G4techtv) should look into licensing the series directly to cable operators as a VOD selection?

(BTW, G4techtv Canada let Andy Walker go - they offered him a new contract with a very low rate, which he turned down. He is however producing his own show now at http://www.labrats.tv/ )
Sounds like they are back to letting people go like they did with The Screen Savers where we would see hosts change often. What a wild year it was the past year especially with the returning hosts from the past.
Stargazer said:
Sounds like they are back to letting people go like they did with The Screen Savers where we would see hosts change often. What a wild year it was the past year especially with the returning hosts from the past.

Oh I miss Tech TV. :(
I had to check the date, this sounded like a thread from 2 years ago...

CFH isn't the same show it used to be. They only put it on to shut people up. They saw it wasn't the same and nobody really watches it. Now G4 can can it again, say "Hey, we gave it a chance" and move on...

As for the rest, yeah they're taking all the reruns that other networks have shown for years and put them all in once place. Do we really need 1 more channel showing star trek reruns? The only difference between the shows on G4 and anywhere else is that G4 uses all kinds of graphics and sound effects on screen while you're trying to watch a show...So f**king annoying...
Why are there 2 topics? I just replied to the other one...

G4 didn't do anything, and andy SUCKED...Guy is not cut out for TV, mumbles and stammers his way through his segments...
I realize that the new Call For Help (Made In Canada) is not the same as the old one. From what I have read, it is more similar to the old Screen Savers show. There are still ways of obtaining the new CFH in the USA; check the forums at Leo Laporte's website.

Admittedly, the new CFH isn't as good as the old TechTV programming - but at least Rogers Media is making some effort to keep tech shows rather than turn into a clone of many other channels, like G4 USA.

(I am going by others' experiences, as due to what I must assume is massive incompetence on the part of my cable operator, I never get any new channels until they've been stripped of the programming I would have found interesting in the first place. Example: I never had TechTV until it primarily consisted of the "TechLive" news program - and then of course it was bought out by G4 in short order. I never had MuchMusic USA, but did get Fuse this week.)

BTW - Purogamer, I agree - if I hear one more "Star Trek Communicator" beep on G4, during a show that is obviously not Star Trek, I'll scream!
If you watched CFH when it appeared on G4, it wasn't like ANY show ever on tv. It was boring as all hell. The screen savers was never anything like this, even in the beginning when they were on ZDtv. CFH was like a 10 minute show that they insisted on stretching for an hour, and with boring personalities.

I was furious the first time they took it off. The 2nd time I could care less
If G4's really concerned about viewers how about taking a real chance and produce a show dedicated entirely to coverage of imports from Korea and Japan. Give me good video coverage and reviewing and I'd watch it.

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