Funai to release Final Standard BD under $300

Yes, your right, Denon doesn't care about upconvert......THAT is why they use the UniPhier chipset. How long have you owned the BD-30 or the Denon BD player? You keep saying how bad it've tested it? Oh the irony of the "spell check, grammar check and Fact check." Look back at your not only misspell words, but your sentences are grammatically incorrect and nothing you have posted resembles fact. Instead, it's merely biased, anti Blu-ray diatribe. Interesting. Now, can we get back to the Funai player?
Typical BD ploy, cloud the facts by mentioning the $1000 player. The player that less then 1% of people have. Nice try. Oh and if you have been reading everyone's post you would have learned that ownership is not a prerequisite for opinion. If you had been in this and many other forums you'd know that is common.

As far as me being against BD and $ony yes mostly because the way they treat customers. I also think as most here did that HD DVD was a more complete consumer friendly product that produced an equal sometimes better HD experience. When BD gives consumers what HD DVD did at similar prices I'll consider it. I don't have a problem with the BD technology it's the way $ony is forcing it on the public in crappy profiles and high prices. So to stay on topic the Funia falls inline with these BD short comings. If you think because it's a little cheaper all else will be excused your mistaken
Typical BD ploy, cloud the facts by mentioning the $1000 player. The player that less then 1% of people have. Nice try. Oh and if you have been reading everyone's post you would have learned that ownership is not a prerequisite for opinion. If you had been in this and many other forums you'd know that is common.
What facts have I clouded? The point is, is that the UniPhier chipset is very well respected in the industry and that's why Denon uses it. Also, ownership is else can you test the merits of a player or a chipset? This thread is supposed to be about the Funai player. You need to start a new thread in a smackdown forum to argue your views on why HD DVD is superior. Why are you still arguing the merits of a dead format? (which I own btw) You implied that I haven't been in any other forums. How do you know that? I actually frequented two other forums, but wanted to come here because I thought it would mean MORE facts and less mindless arguing and fanboyism. Also, if you hate BD so much, why are you here? NEWS FLASH: HD DVD IS DEAD. That said, I have no animosity towards you NonRev, I used to feel the same way. Anyhoo, any first end users of this Funai player out there? Do you have any other impressions?
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I actually frequented two other forums, but wanted to come here because I thought
it would mean MORE facts and less mindless arguing and fanboyism.
This must be a joke... :)
Would you mind telling us what those other 2 forums were?
And for how long are you reading Satelliteguys?

What facts have I clouded? The point is, is that the UniPhier chipset is very well respected in the industry and that's why Denon uses it. Also, ownership is else can you test the merits of a player or a chipset? This thread is supposed to be about the Funai player. You need to start a new thread in a smackdown forum to argue your views on why HD DVD is superior. Why are you still arguing the merits of a dead format? (which I own btw) You implied that I haven't been in any other forums. How do you know that? I actually frequented two other forums, but wanted to come here because I thought it would mean MORE facts and less mindless arguing and fanboyism. Also, if you hate BD so much, why are you here? NEWS FLASH: HD DVD IS DEAD. Anyhoo, any first end users of this Funai player out there? Do you have any other impressions?

Got my BD30 today to compare against.

Here's a quick summary of my experience today with 2 discs (Enchanted and Alvin) compared to what I remember compared to the Magnavox

BD30 is definately faster from power up to tray open
BD30 is faster to load/play the 2 movies mentioned.
I didn't actually time them because the BD30 was noticably faster on both accounts.
PQ is very close, which should be expected given (last I knew) they both use the UniPhier chip.
BD30 is slimmer profile wise and takes up less of a footprint.

No difference in the bitstream to the 606, which should be expected. No audio drop outs on my BD30 in enchanted like some have experienced.

Given those points when considering the price, I still think the mag is a nice player and at the price (that we know will decrease) it's a really good player.

I don't care if it's not 2.0. My personal needs are met more than adequately by the Mag. The BD30 has features I don't need like analog outputs. But overall for the features I want and use, both would suit me fine. However, I am going to return my Magnavox and keep the BD30 for 2 reasons primarily
1. Remote response on the Mag is crappy to put is bluntly. Same results with my harmony so it's not the included remote that was the problem, it's the player or sensor itself
2. I feel panasonic is going to give me better and faster firmware updates than I will get from Funai/Magnavox.
This must be a joke... :)
Would you mind telling us what those other 2 forums were?
And for how long are you reading Satelliteguys?

AVS, and Hi Def forum. I have read Satellite guys for about 3 years, but mostly in the Dish Network forums. It seems for Dish Network info, US Satellite guys cannot be beat. I sadly thought that the format war was over. But not for some here. Time for all to move on. Home Theater is so much fun. No need to argue about the events of the past.......We can't change what happened. But what we can do is enjoy the many great releases on Blu-ray.
Interesting. I wonder if the 606 has a different set of DSP's.


Well "lucky" for me, kids want to watch enchanted again tonight, so I'll try to keep a ear out for the drops again, just to make sure. It's halfway through already, but I'll see if anything happens with what is left.
AVS, and Hi Def forum. I have read Satellite guys for about 3 years, but mostly in the Dish Network forums. It seems for Dish Network info, US Satellite guys cannot be beat. I sadly thought that the format war was over. But not for some here. Time for all to move on. Home Theater is so much fun. No need to argue about the events of the past.......We can't change what happened. But what we can do is enjoy the many great releases on Blu-ray.

If you have not noticed, the guys with a blu grudge moved here from the war zone shortly after the whole thing was over. The goal here is to throw threads off track and complain.

I can see you are on to their agenda, so just use the ignore feature and enjoy. I like being able to talk in small threads here about certain things blu because can be childish, and threads at avs tend to run up 1000 posts very quickly making it hard to get help.

As for the Funai, thanks for the review SatinKzo. Nice to know wally world has a sub $300 player that people should enjoy.
I like being able to talk in small threads here about certain things blu because can be childish, and threads at avs tend to run up 1000 posts very quickly making it hard to get help.
Thanks. It's so funny you mention those two things..............those also were reasons I decided to migrate over. It's a blast to share info and learn from each other in a smaller forum like this.:)

I did notice 1 truehd drop out during enchanted tonight, near the end ballroom dancing scene. very quick and hardly noticeable and had it not been a fairly noisy part, I probably would have missed it. So it does seem to still exist with the 606, which makes sense since others have reported it on the bd30 with other receivers.

I did notice 1 truehd drop out during enchanted tonight, near the end ballroom dancing scene. very quick and hardly noticeable and had it not been a fairly noisy part, I probably would have missed it. So it does seem to still exist with the 606, which makes sense since others have reported it on the bd30 with other receivers.

Well, since they are working on it hopefully the fix will be out soon. We'll keep our fingers crossed that the fix doesnt create another issue :)
AVS, and Hi Def forum. I have read Satellite guys for about 3 years, but mostly in the Dish Network forums. It seems for Dish Network info, US Satellite guys cannot be beat. I sadly thought that the format war was over. But not for some here. Time for all to move on. Home Theater is so much fun. No need to argue about the events of the past.......We can't change what happened. But what we can do is enjoy the many great releases on Blu-ray.
This post of yours was all about the Funai player huh? We all know the format war is over and if BD replaces DVD and has a 10 year run we'll all have to get a BD player. But BD tactics makes it hard to switch over. It's not arguing its just that these forum turns into a cheer zone and the usual suspects ignore serious flaws and continue to sanction these flaws and mislead new comers. You would know this is the cheer zone as you claim to have viewed it for 3 years. Before I exposed the BD30 for not being able to internally decode and HD audio it was swept under the rug in this cheer zone. Now I think its pertinent information for a new comer to the forum to know that they would have to replace their AVR to be able to fully enjoy the BD30. That same flaw exist within the Funia player and that had nothing to do with the format war. This is a forum need I define it?
Before I exposed the BD30 for not being able to internally decode and HD audio it was swept under the rug in this cheer zone. Now I think its pertinent information for a new comer to the forum to know that they would have to replace their AVR to be able to fully enjoy the BD30. That same flaw exist within the Funia player and that had nothing to do with the format war. This is a forum need I define it?

You did not expose anything. For those of us that have had the BD30 since before you joined this forum, our reviews back in November clearly state that you will need an AVR that decodes advanced audio codecs to fully take advantage of this player.

I'm not debating the fact that their does need to be players out there that internally decode all audio formats, as I need one of those also to go with my Lexicon. People have different needs. That is why it is always nice to have choices. It is not Bd's fault, nor HD DVDs, that players that internally decode DTS Master have just recently hit the market, look to DTS for that one as there has been no chipset available for players.

You did not expose anything. For those of us that have had the BD30 since before you joined this forum, our reviews back in November clearly state that you will need an AVR that decodes advanced audio codecs to fully take advantage of this player.

I'm not debating the fact that their does need to be players out there that internally decode all audio formats, as I need one of those also to go with my Lexicon. People have different needs. That is why it is always nice to have choices. It is not Bd's fault, nor HD DVDs, that players that internally decode DTS Master have just recently hit the market, look to DTS for that one as there has been no chipset available for players.

We could argue about my use of the word exposed right or wrong, but lack of HD audio rarely got mentioned. I know you recall any mention of the BD30 was all cheers.

PS: Shouldn't the manufacturer give priority to the choice that benefits what will fit most people's needs? Not the few that have high end AVR. Where is the choice within this recent string of players released that don't internally decode HD audio?
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