FTA just got more expensive

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These manufacturers are the ones who release the hacked software. Their the ones with the source code of the different receivers. That blacklist guy works for pansat for goodness sake. I think you guys are letting the manufacturer off way too easy. My next fta purchase will probably be a traxis , I dont think the hackers use those.
Tracy, again who cares if the receivers are being hacked....you are just not getting my point. If the manufacturers wanted they could increase their supply thus lower the price. I don't see you blaming the gas companies for restricting supplies in order to increase prices and please don't say it's because of the hurricanes. Yes hackers are bad, but hey companies are worst.
maddawg said:
Tracy, again who cares if the receivers are being hacked.....

um, a few of us do care :)

It all has to do with supply and demand. Why are specific boxes out of stock and others there is plenty? Because they can be hacked…plain and simple.

Why was it prices were dropping 2 weeks before “the end”? Because suppliers knew the boxes wouldn’t sell as many because the hackers wouldn’t want them
Why did all of a sudden did the prices jump worse then the damn gas? Because the suppliers knew hackers would pay anything to get their free tv back.

Who suffers? The real FTA people

It really sucks that a month ago I could buy a nice box for $150…a week later, for some strange reason, they jumped $100…same guts, same software, same remote, same everything…so why did it jump? Because of hackers buying all of them so suppliers couldn’t keep them in stock

Who’s to blame IMO…
Suppliers for not making as many
Dealers for screwing the prices making them higher
Hackers for taking the fun out of FTA for the legit people
Dish for not having a secure enough system and using the cheapest encryption

I wish Dish would get some encryption like Direct did…or make their own..DONT USE DVB!!
Iceberg said:
um, a few of us do care :)

Who suffers? The real FTA people

I wish Dish would get some encryption like Direct did…or make their own..DONT USE DVB!!

If we didn't care, we most likely wouldn't be on this site everyday. :D

Most of the "NOT Real FTA" people don't even know what FTA stands for, much less who Dr. Eugene Scott is. :p

Dish... They really need to get this under control. :no Dish is beginning to remind me of Microsoft and their faulty security schemes of the late 90's.

:wave DOWN WITH THE THIEVES!!! :wave
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Making a profit is not "greed". What part of this chain don't you guys get:

Cheap Receivers>N2 Hacked>Expensive Receivers.

Simple logic.

GREED- excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves

making profit is selling them before and after n2 hack for the same price
greed is seling them for more after n2 hack
it is my definition of greed in FTA tuners field
I think Iceberg said it best when he said it's a combination of hackers, suppliers, dealers and Dish causing the problem.

My original point (which has been somewhat lost) is that the CURRENT price hikes can be tied directly to the recent N2 hack.
Well I rest my case.....its everyone to blame just not hackers. Iceberd did put my point across very eloquently...don't blame dish...you should blame nagra. Dish is only a customer.
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