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TeleAmazonas PAS 1R

Go to www.lyngsat.com

In there you will find all you need to know. At the bottom it says Free TV and you can choose South America and then Ecuador or any other country. You can also see all satellites and their related info.

I have tried like hell to read nahuel 1. I can not get it. I can read AMC-6 all day long. Can anyone tell me why.

I have tried two different LNB with no hope. I have not get the yellow bar at ( Quality) all just the signal at 9600 mhz goes up to 95 at 10700 it drops to 81%. is it me or I just can not the the bird? I am now watching the middle- east news on AMC-5.
Some one please let me know what is the issue.

Thanks Baya.
I have gotten nothing either when I have tried. Look in lyngsat and you will see as PBS says that there are not that many US beams

what is your most westward satellite that you can read?
What is the side of your dish?
What LNB do you have?
I trying to figure out isf equipment such as satellite antennas (size) has something to do with reception.
Please reply by conversation.

Would Freeview work in the states?

Single LNB and Multiswitch...