New, never used Magnepull Wire Pulling System. I do not need one of these at this time so I figured a SatelliteGuy could use it. It is great for those wiring jobs where traditional wall fishing is not an option (you don't have to rip open your entire wall)! You can even use this in insulated walls! $125 shipped to CONUS. Payment via PayPal's gift option.
Magnepull is a unique product that is changing the way wires are being installed in walls. Super strength rare earth magnets are used to magnetically couple a wire or pull line through the drywall, allowing the installer to have complete control. Simply attach the pulling device to the end of the cable and couple it through the drywall to the wire retrieval unit. Once coupled, the installer can move the wire retrieval unit onto the outside of the drywall to the desired location, and retrieve the wire or pull line.
Magnepull is a unique product that is changing the way wires are being installed in walls. Super strength rare earth magnets are used to magnetically couple a wire or pull line through the drywall, allowing the installer to have complete control. Simply attach the pulling device to the end of the cable and couple it through the drywall to the wire retrieval unit. Once coupled, the installer can move the wire retrieval unit onto the outside of the drywall to the desired location, and retrieve the wire or pull line.