The X-Files vibe is strong with a little 4400 thrown in for good measure. I liked the 1st episode and have no problems with the pseudo science aspects. These type of shows exist in their own universe with their own rules, anyone looking for real science needs to stick to the Discovery channel. This is action fantasy; turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. It least it's not more "dancing with the idiots" or glorified game show crap


The X-Files vibe is strong with a little 4400 thrown in for good measure. I liked the 1st episode and have no problems with the pseudo science aspects. These type of shows exist in their own universe with their own rules, anyone looking for real science needs to stick to the Discovery channel. This is action fantasy; turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. It least it's not more "dancing with the idiots" or glorified game show crap


The problem for me is that the X-Files vibe way too strong. At one point, one of the FBI agent said to the other..."The Truth is.... " and then he pasued... I thought he would say "is Out There" but he ended up saying something like "that we are obsolete." With the mad professor in the beginning at the mental institute, I feel like I was watching Silence of the Lamb. I guess if you are an X-Files fans, this show is okay. The cases in X-Files seem to be more "out there", where the cases here are more technology based.

And then there is this "Lost" theme of a secret organization... I stop watching Lost after 3 seasons because I got tired of they never tell you anything about what it is. I am not about to start again!
I guess it all depends what you want out of a show. My main focus in a show like this is on characters and immediate circumstance not the big puzzle. I loved the X-Files but once Duchovny left I lost all interest in the show. If I don't care about the characters the whole thing becomes a waste of my time. For me it's the journey not the puzzle, if there is some payoff at the end fine, but in my experience it's almost always fails to live up to the hype. :)

The ensemble cast is one of the best I've seen in a long while. I don't care if they are selling sci-fi or CSI, they are worth watching.
The ensemble cast is one of the best I've seen in a long while. I don't care if they are selling sci-fi or CSI, they are worth watching.

I found the Peter Bishop character to be annoying to the point of distraction. His entire dialog seemed to be poorly written smart-*ass comments.
Wanted to like it. It was like X-files with no smarts. I will give it another chance but had a hard time getting through episode one. It might be i'm just getting old but wise ass dialogue and ridiculous science might amuse the teen in me but I'm too far past those days.
Yeah, most TV shows do actually ask you to "turn off your reality meter" because they are "TV SHOWS"... Duh!!!! If you want more reality then go to Nat Geo or Discovery...

That being said, I enjoyed it and am needing something to replace my X-Files fix!!!
I even found myself finishing that sentence for him at the end... "The truth is... OUT THERE!!!!"
Agreed! I like this show so far, but it is pretty hard core sci-fi so I hope it catches on!
I enjoyed the first show too (suspenseful and interesting mix of characters), but I see this show getting stuck on stupid pretty quick. A lot of shows try to be like X-Files, but almost none of them succeed. In any case, I will be tuned in this evening.

We shall see...
okay how did I miss this thread?! I thought the First episode has GREAT potential.....My wife and I couldnt stop watching this show (even though she said she was "scared" after the episode and couldnt go right to sleep!) This is a great show that I will crank the surround sound for (Lost, 24, Prison Break belong in this category, I am stingy with my surround sound :) ). Episode 2 tonight!! I will be checking in with you guys tommorow if not tonight.
I think I'm afraid to get into sci-fi shows now since so many get canceled. Going all the way back to Freaky Links (Anyone remember that!) and several others. IMHO, nothing will ever be the same as or replace the X-Files (I own all 9 seasons on dvd!) but this one has potential. I'll be watching tonight for sure.
so far so are my wife and I take on the show

my wife: I hate it, it is too scary for me, and I cant stop watching it! :)

Me: I love it, turn off your that dosent make sense part of your brain and just enjoy a good show, plus the old man is kinda funny.
I will turn off the "That doesn't make sense" part of the brain when it comes to the sci-fi aspect. I just have a very hard time when an obvious real-world gaff is made in order to further the storyline necessarily. Really, what was gained by the foot chase of the baddy across the city streets and alleys? Nothing.

See ya
I will turn off the "That doesn't make sense" part of the brain when it comes to the sci-fi aspect. I just have a very hard time when an obvious real-world gaff is made in order to further the storyline necessarily. Really, what was gained by the foot chase of the baddy across the city streets and alleys? Nothing.

See ya
I agree! I used to hate the CSI genre until I decided to accept that CSIs didn't just gather and test crime scene evidence...they led SWAT Teams, executed arrest warrants, traveled overseas with FBI and ATF agents, and were world class marksmanship and self-defense experts.:rolleyes:

<CSI MODE ON>Anyway, I really enjoyed the show last night!:)<CIS MODE OFF>
I enjoyed the second episode, but I do hope that NOT everything they encounter is somehow related to research the old guy did 30 years ago. :)
Watched the first epidode and liked it a lot. Been out of town and I'm planning on watching the second episode tonight. Went to Indianapolis for a motorcycle race last weekend, think I should have taken a boat instead of my bike.
Here are some good news on LA Times:

'Fringe' enjoys ratings binge
12:27 PM PT, Sep 17 2008

Usually, a TV series loses viewers after the premiere episode, starting the inevitable drift down to whatever its typical audience is going to be. But Fox's "Fringe" is proving to be a big exception.

Last week, J.J. Abrams' latest thriller launched with a less-than-spectacular 9.1 million total viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research. Given Fox's heavy promotion of the costly series, some TV insiders were already making dire predictions about the show's future. But on Tuesday, "Fringe" roared back with 13.4 million viewers -- a 47% increase, the biggest second-episode jump for any network series since at least 1991, according to Fox -- suggesting that it may be difficult indeed to make solid predictions about this post-strike season.

The key factor behind the "Fringe" surge was the Season 5 premiere of "House," which was the night's most-watched program, with 14.4 million viewers. Last week, "Fringe" had premiered without any lead-in, which often poses a challenge for a new program. This week, though, "Fringe" held on to a healthy 90% of the "House" audience, which suggests that most viewers liked the new Abrams show once they sampled it.

Meanwhile, The CW's teen soap "90210" held up well in the competitive 8 p.m. hour, improving last week's result by 6% among its target women aged 18-34 audience (3.3 rating/10 share), according to early data. And NBC's two-hour Season 6 premiere of "The Biggest Loser," with 7.8 million total viewers, was on par with the series' previous fall launches.

But all the competition took a heavy toll on the 90-minute season finale of ABC's summer hit "Wipeout," which limped across the finish line with an average of 5.9 million viewers.

-Scott Collins

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