
Hardly Normal
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Supporting Founder
Apr 14, 2006
Normal, IL
Tonight FRINGE premiered on FOX. Two hour pilot. Only half-way through it, but so far, its pretty good. I keep waiting for an Oceanic 815 reference, but I think this show has big potential.

That said, it seems to be much more geared towards the serious sci-fi fan; the premiere of LOST was able to garner a wide audience, because it was about a surviving a plane crash; it drew in people who don't necessarily watch sci-fi. Fringe, on the other hand, has geek written all over it, from the get-go.

Of course, as a geek, I love it! And Anna Torv isn't so bad either. :D
It replays on Saturday with a full complement of commercials.

Is "Fringe" the new "Lost"?


It's the new X-Files.


It has EXACTLY the same formula as X-Files. I watched the hour and 40 minutes in just over 1 hour as I zipped passed the formulaic plot twists I was used to with X-Files. The "love interest" was so much crap that it really detracted from the story for me. I know it was supposed to the be impetus for the heroic efforts of our protagonist to go after any lead like a pit-bull on acid. But I found it just so predictable.

Though I am a sci-fi fan and I have a very high capacity for suspension of disbelief when it comes to pseudo-science, I have zero tolerance for real-world situations that would never happen. When there is an FBI/Local police raid on a suspected bio-terrorist there the ENTIRE BUILDING is locked down. All exits are covered, even the back door! The scene leading to that foot chase had me groaning out loud!

The scene in the "lab" where the infected agent is magically there to partake in a human experimental treatment was another groaner! Pul-leeze!

The the obligatory scene where the good guy is really the bad guy and is killed in a tragic scene...BUT WAIT! Is he really dead? A-uh-uh... What was one of the things flashed in the title sequence of this show? Could it be "reanimation"?

I'll give this show a whirl. But I cannot stand gaping plot holes due to "real world" procedural idiocies that would have the person in charge pounding the pavement instantly due to gross negligence!

See ya
Loved the cow!!!

First impression, a keeper. Great cast and an exceptional music score for a TV show. I was afraid it might get overly cryptic like Lost often does, but it stayed coherent.

And then there's the cow.
I keep waiting for an Oceanic 815 reference, but I think this show has big potential.

The passenger number of the bad guy was 108, which ties in to Lost.

I kept waiting for them to use the Lost title sound when the ridiculous 3-D captions appeared. :D
The passenger number of the bad guy was 108, which ties in to Lost.

I kept waiting for them to use the Lost title sound when the ridiculous 3-D captions appeared. :D

Just before they went to commercial, it sounded like lost, almost. :D
So far, 1 show, looking good, but me too, I need a couple shows to decided. Lost lost me after 3 episodes as it just didn't seem to have any clue what is wanted to be. I never have gone back to trying to watch it.

only problem so far is vocals seem low and trying to watch at night with sleeping kids is tough when the music comes blaring cause I have it turned up to hear the voices.
Didn't blow me away, but I enjoyed it. Seems to have the potential to be something good if its given the time to develop (as in, don't keep changing the day it airs; Firefly I'm looking right at you). The effects were pretty damn cool, that guy's jaw falling off in the cockpit of the plane and John's transparent skin were well done. Can't help but make an X-Files comparison, hopefully Fringe will distance/distinguish itself as it goes along. The name of JJ Abrams will ensure that this series will stay on the air much longer than it will if it had been anyone else writing it.
This is one my son and I will watch -- my wife won't like it, so I am recording it on the HT room dvr, and it will be something we'll enjoy.

JJ Abrams does up the ante a bit, that is for sure. Still, I wish FOX would give their shows more of a chance, like New Amsterdam.
Not bad. We'll have to see where it goes. It'll probably be cancelled like everything else before we have an answer.

I found Fringe to have potential. They need to focus on the crime/mystery/drama/detective aspects, build on the quirky, yet interesting, team dynamics, and completely drop the incredible/unbelievable/ sci-fi nonsense. Get rid of the translucent human ectoskeleton miraculously saved at the last minute by quaffing a potion whipped up in a matter of minutes by some guy who was committed to a mental institution the past 17 years:confused:, and this show may make it.;)

Oh, and get rid of the LSD induced vulcan mind meld crapola too. :rolleyes:
I found Fringe to have potential. They need to focus on the crime/mystery/drama/detective aspects, build on the quirky, yet interesting, team dynamics, and completely drop the incredible/unbelievable/ sci-fi nonsense. Get rid of the translucent human ectoskeleton miraculously saved at the last minute by quaffing a potion whipped up in a matter of minutes by some guy who was committed to a mental institution the past 17 years:confused:, and this show may make it.;)

Oh, and get rid of the LSD induced vulcan mind meld crapola too. :rolleyes:

So basically get rid of the entire premise of the show. :D
I was thinking the same thing.

I can see dropping the "fantasy" and "paranormal" aspect of the show, but the sci-fi aspect must stay to make this show work!

See ya
X-Files meets 24. With all of 24's unbelievability. At least X-File allowed you to suspend your disbelief. This show stretches credibility in a BIG way. I'll give a few weeks because it is interesting, about then Fox will probably cancel it anyhow, like they have with other interesting series' they pulled the plug on over the last few seasons.
I am disappointed at the show's pilot. I don't really see anything interesting about a chemical weapon. The mind link is okay, but it is nothing new. Even the preview for the future episodes doesn't seem very interesting. I expected more from JJ. I don't think I willl be watching it.
I love sci-fi, and was hoping for another great new show....but Fringe wasn't it. I thought it was very disappointing, for many of the reasons already pointed out by others.

The plot holes where just too big to even be remotely believable. The "Science" was just too hokey.

Trust me, I really, really, really wanted to like this show, but man, the pilot episode really blew.
The X-Files vibe is strong with a little 4400 thrown in for good measure. I liked the 1st episode and have no problems with the pseudo science aspects. These type of shows exist in their own universe with their own rules, anyone looking for real science needs to stick to the Discovery channel. This is action fantasy; turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. It least it's not more "dancing with the idiots" or glorified game show crap


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