Fringe: Season 5

You know the show is called FRINGE ,like in infrequent, weird,strange, unusual events. Otherwise it would be called MAINSTREAM. I'm sticking around till the bitter end. Next week looks like the whole 2036 thing might be just a dream. What if this whole thing is a dream and they are still stuck in Amber? Or they were back to before the observers actually invaded - like in the clip they keep showing with Olivia, Peter and Etta as a child- and it is a dream.
You know the show is called FRINGE ,like in infrequent, weird,strange, unusual events. Otherwise it would be called MAINSTREAM. I'm sticking around till the bitter end. Next week looks like the whole 2036 thing might be just a dream. What if this whole thing is a dream and they are still stuck in Amber? Or they were back to before the observers actually invaded - like in the clip they keep showing with Olivia, Peter and Etta as a child- and it is a dream.

If it was a dream. This is more reference to the matrix. No originality in this last season. Why go this way?
The only reason we're having a half-season this year is so Fringe would log 100-episodes and syndicate the show, which recently started airing on SCIHD. Many of us were hoping to tune-in to 13-episodes of pleasurable viewing in which the stories were well written and everything (whatever that may be) was explained in adequate detail. Instead, we're be treated a low-budget thing (whatever that may be) written by the chimpanzees and produced by an baboon. If anyone doubts that this show has gone to the observers this season, just tune-in to a season 1 or 2 episode on SCIHD and compare the difference.

I'm still hanging in 'till the end...but I am very disappointed - I was hoping for something much, much, much better.
Fringe: The Cast Talk About Saying Goodbye, What's to Come and Their Reaction to the Finale


"For the team at Fringe, the end is truly here, as production is currently underway on the final episode, which began filming Monday. At the show's big 100th episode/finale party this past Saturday night, I spoke to most of the cast, just a couple of days before production began on that final episode, to get their thoughts on the journey coming to an end – and some hints on what we might expect along the way.

Joshua Jackson ("Peter Bishop") said that when it came saying farewells, "That process has begun. [The finale] is a very big episode, as you can imagine. In my recollection of the last time I did this [on Dawson's Creek], it doesn't start to hit you until you come into the home stretch, and then all of the sudden everybody looks up and goes, 'Wow, this is it. We're about to say goodbye.' That being said, we have an unbelievable gift, which is so unusual in television, that we know that it's goodbye. So we've had from a storytelling standpoint the proper opportunity to put our story to bed. Also, from a community standpoint, the people who have been working on Fringe all these years, an opportunity to enjoy this time with each other as much as we possibly can and work to put it to bed in the right way."

John Noble ("Walter Bishop") told me that when it came to his spirits regarding filming the finale, "It's good! It's good because it's such a fun episode. There's still such a spirit in the company. We're not going out with a whimper, we're going out on our own terms with a great episode. I can't think of a better way to go. And you know, the show has a life beyond us. It's already running on Science Channel. I was saying about 12 months ago that I think we might have been one of the great science fiction shows of all time, and now having done this season I actually think we have. When this is reviewed, they'll go, 'Oh my goodness, that was extraordinary.'"

Full Story

Let's just hope we're not saying, "Oh my goodness, that was extraordinarily bad."
I loved the way Peter just SHOVED the short knife in the back of his neck (which would have probably killed most of us) and readily removed the implant. Geeze!!!
They already said earlier in the episode when Walter tried to get him some pain meds that he could no longer feel ANY pain.

I've had an Myelogram right about there, where the doctor shoved in a large gauge needle (that looked 12 inches long, and buried it to the hilt!) of radioactive dye. He accidentally pierced my spinal cord, which leaked spinal fluid and caused a nuclear bomb of a headache for weeks, but it didn't kill me.
I loved the way Peter just SHOVED the short knife in the back of his neck (which would have probably killed most of us) and readily removed the implant. Geeze!!!

Yeah, you think with all the brains he grew that he would realize shoving an unsterilized pocket knife the base of his neck along his spinal column, and yanking out a device that is rewiring his melon, might be a bad idea. Well, at least he will now stop taking like a robot. ;)
Black Blotter: Friday, 14 December 2012 (9:00 PM ET)

"Walter tries to remember a plan to defeat the observers; while following a signal to the woods, Peter and Olivia come across a gruesome footage of Seasons 1-2 in which the show was well-written, well-produced, well-acted and interesting; fans are once again disappointed." But perhaps I inflect some of my own thoughts and opinions into the story. :rolleyes:

Don't forget to rate this episode over at
Well, I don't know what to say about this episode other than it focused on Walter taking blotter acid. It was a trip. Unfortunately, the highlight of the show was that 2-minute Monty Python segment which, by the way, was pretty good. Well, other than finding the boy this was pretty much a 10-minute episode stretched into an hour-long show.
Makes me wonder if they know that the show has X number of episodes for the season and it is the final season all the good writers moved on to other shows.
I guess they're employing the Seinfeld Strategy...shows about nothing, followed by more shows about nothing. If they do anything on the Finale, it will be something, which is better than nothing. :confused:

I think Walter's recent LSD and acid trips are affecting me. :o
I can't remember....who was the blonde? And yes, the ep was another dud.

As I recall, and I could be wrong, she was a brilliant scientist who worked with Walter briefly before he ripped open a hole to the other Universe. I believe she was briefly in an episode or two...and that she died a horrible death. I just can't seem to remember much about her.
I think I see the finale after last night's trip. Going back to the beginning, not creating the rip, and not bringing Peter over from the other side.

Having lived during, and surviving the whole drug scene of 30-40 years ago, I think they are somewhat glorifying the use of lsd. IMHO, that is reckless on their part. I NEVER took a trip as nice as Walter's.