Fringe: The Cast Talk About Saying Goodbye, What's to Come and Their Reaction to the Finale
"For the team at Fringe, the end is truly here, as production is currently underway on the final episode, which began filming Monday. At the show's big 100th episode/finale party this past Saturday night, I spoke to most of the cast, just a couple of days before production began on that final episode, to get their thoughts on the journey coming to an end – and some hints on what we might expect along the way.
Joshua Jackson ("Peter Bishop") said that when it came saying farewells, "That process has begun. [The finale] is a very big episode, as you can imagine. In my recollection of the last time I did this [on Dawson's Creek], it doesn't start to hit you until you come into the home stretch, and then all of the sudden everybody looks up and goes, 'Wow, this is it. We're about to say goodbye.' That being said, we have an unbelievable gift, which is so unusual in television, that we know that it's goodbye. So we've had from a storytelling standpoint the proper opportunity to put our story to bed. Also, from a community standpoint, the people who have been working on Fringe all these years, an opportunity to enjoy this time with each other as much as we possibly can and work to put it to bed in the right way."
John Noble ("Walter Bishop") told me that when it came to his spirits regarding filming the finale, "It's good! It's good because it's such a fun episode. There's still such a spirit in the company. We're not going out with a whimper, we're going out on our own terms with a great episode. I can't think of a better way to go. And you know, the show has a life beyond us. It's already running on Science Channel. I was saying about 12 months ago that I think we might have been one of the great science fiction shows of all time, and now having done this season I actually think we have.
When this is reviewed, they'll go, 'Oh my goodness, that was extraordinary.'"
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Let's just hope we're not saying, "Oh my goodness, that was extraordinarily bad."