Free Map Master

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When I was asked to setup this forum for MapMaster I posted everything I was asked to post about it, if I am missing anything please let me know. I can not get to the other site from here at work as it is blocked as an adult site.

You did everything right and thank you very much! The first post on this topic included the link to where the files and instructions are stored. There has been updates to the documentation on the MM file site to make things even easier for everyone. It is just that some people forget to start at the beginning and go to the end to understand what has to take place to complete a task. If people took the time to read the instructions and documentation, half of the posts on this forum would not be required. There can always be improvements to documentation so that everyone will understand them. When documentation is written by developers, they are sometimes missing pieces that make things hard to understand. Over time these things get worked out and everyone wins. Thanks again for all your support of the MM project and providing a forum to discuss our views.
One thing I learned since starting this forum almost 10 years ago is no matter how good your documentation is, people will still not follow the instructions. :)
One thing I learned since starting this forum almost 10 years ago is no matter how good your documentation is, people will still not follow the instructions. :)

First, I wasn't being critical of anyone. Second, people are humans and they make mistakes. So, since I'm going to be insulted I won't make anymore posts about this issue. "Thanks".
Hell I was excited to get the program i skimmed over it myself, and had a couple of errors, I relaxed, chilled and reread it did everything step by and it worked great for me.
I did the A4 fix and it was too easy. When I screw up by not following directions , I'll laugh right along with everyone else and move on.
As Azcoder said:
>>There can always be improvements to documentation so that everyone will understand them. When documentation is written by developers, they are sometimes missing pieces that make things hard to understand. Over time these things get worked out and everyone wins. <<

When these are written up one needs to understand that it is done after the fact, after those who have done it many times finally put it down to pen and ink.
Then there may be a step or two not in the documentation that we take for granted and unless it it pointed out by someone then we miss it entirely.

So I don't take anyone not knowing something for granted but try to use it as a stepping stone to help improve it for others coming along after them.

With that said, if there is something that needs to be re-written then get hold of Azcoder and let him know this so He can check it out.

This was done on the A4 firmware instructions by one individual who pointed out one item and it was corrected in the instruction document right away.

The more people use it the more things may be discovered by someone. Then the programmer can use that discovery and make things even better for all of us.
Then that makes this a real team effort to enhance these receivers we own even more.

Isn't that what this is really all about?
Back when dirt was new...

Whenever we rolled out a new 'something' that required customers or users to follow directions, we passed the preliminary documentation to one of the junior people who had never seen the product. We also used to give the instructions to totally ignorant people who had never heard of the topic, much less the product.
If they could follow the instructions, we felt we had done a decent job in documentation, but were still open to comments from the peanut gallery.
First, having been a 4DTV user since around 1998 or so and a Cband user from back in 1988, I was sad when NPS/Echostar decided, along with MOTO to pull the plug. By that time I had gotten pretty heavily into FTA and had also acquired a second system so I just decided to park my 920 and concentrate on FTA.

Along about that same time there was a bunch of hype going on and as I've told Ice, I read that SOB like a book as what started out as "helping people" be able to work on their own sheite evolved to running a pay service, which I'm not into at all. I never followed him and the rest to Oz and just decided to sit back and see what shook out on the other end, which is where we are now as this was the original intent when the project was started.

So now, after reading some of this stuff it's kinda making me want to drag that 920 back out just to fiddle with it with this new software. Yeah, I'm a tinkerer and can't resist stuff like this and I do still have a 6 fti Janell Junior on the ground that I could "plant" a post for just to have a separate system specifically for that receiver.

Ennywho, thanks to all you guys for the hard work and also the selflessness in working for free for the good of the 4DTV community in general. I'll probably download that software this weekend when I'll have more time to mess with it and find out what I need to buy to get started.


Lone Gunman
I can tell you that this has made the hobby fun again and to me that is what its all about. :)

I know I am not the only one who finds C Band interesting again. :D
I know I am not the only one who finds C Band interesting again. :D

Again? Heck, C Band has always been interesting, and has never stopped being interesting. :) But if you're meaning 4dtv has become interesting again, then that may very well be true. But I would still prefer to sub to all of the masters like in the good ole days, especially when there were both analog and digital masters to sub to, and you could buy one channel for 50 cents or less, and not the 5 or 10 dollars per channel that SRL and Skyvision try and sell you, or whatever they're charging these days.
Again? Heck, C Band has always been interesting, and has never stopped being interesting. :) But if you're meaning 4dtv has become interesting again, then that may very well be true. But I would still prefer to sub to all of the masters like in the good ole days, especially when there were both analog and digital masters to sub to, and you could buy one channel for 50 cents or less, and not the 5 or 10 dollars per channel that SRL and Skyvision try and sell you, or whatever they're charging these days.
Those days are gone.
The $5.00/channel isn't the issue with me, it's the lack of choices. Not a whole lot to choose from.
As far as interest goes, I'm excited about MM and plan to redo my maps before summer is over. About 5 months ago, I was ready to scrap my 922 and everything DCII and keep just my S9. I was informed at that time that only smart people could program the maps and that I was too stupid. I was informed I had no choice but to pay through the nose and lose my subscription services and 922 for several months. I was so discouraged that I nearly did destroy my 922 by placing the blade of my 650 on top of my 922 out in the driveway. I'm glad I didn't now.
I know how to fix & operate dozers, backhoes and excavators, how to build houses and work with concrete and metal, but I don't know much about working on electronics. I don't even know what a USBBDM is or what it looks like but this sight and a couple other sights have been friendly and encouraging about this new free version of MM. I do plan to do this myself & any mistakes I make I'm going to post so others don't make the same mistakes, just as Stargaze says. If a construction/general contractor can do this, then anyone can.
Thanks to the real MapMaster team, my general interest in C band has increased, especially with the 4DTV side of it.
In like Flynn!

I'm so glad to see this here at SatGuys.

Back when MM was restarted I followed along, even bought the hardware (and prototyped a BDM interface) but I never took the plunge, I got cold feet I guess.

Anyway, here were are today and the discussions and support have renewed my inner-MM!

As of 5 minutes ago I achieved the following:

1) Replaced battery in 920
2) Copied the SRAM (all 6 parts)
3) Created updated NVRAM with latest maps
4) Uploaded updated NVRAM

...and it still works - correct UA and everything!

Couldn't have done it without the awesome documentation and program.

Yesterday I afternoon I installed a new battery into my DSR 922. This afternoon I wrote the new maps developed by the Map Master Team to my receiver. This evening I'm kicking back with several cool ones celebrating not bricking my receiver from the battery change or installing the new file into the 922. Later I want to try my own maps. Stargaze has given me some directions and I'll be testing the maps. That's later though.

Thank You MM Team:)


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Way to go feels good don't if?

And you didn't have to pay some schmuck a lot of money and wait 3 months to get your receiver back that makes it even better!
Way to go feels good don't if?

And you didn't have to pay some schmuck a lot of money and wait 3 months to get your receiver back that makes it even better!

Better yet I will not have to pay "some schmuck a lot of money" to do the ratings fix because I'm not bright enough and it's to complex for the average person.:D

Thank You MM Team
Good to see you got it done.
Now till you decide if you want to go through with what you planned download the sat position document....
#7 on the list at the web site.
That will allow you to get to know the satellites and position of each one.
Of course printed out and sitting next to your remote always helps!
Good to see you got it done.
Now till you decide if you want to go through with what you planned download the sat position document....
#7 on the list at the web site.
That will allow you to get to know the satellites and position of each one.
Of course printed out and sitting next to your remote always helps!

I just posted some info on that in the Map Master User Generated Maps Forum

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12' Unimesh added to the lineup


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