Free Map Master

Please reply by conversation.
Thanks rrob311 for the reply. If its not asking too much, could you just name of a few of these free analog 4dtv channels? I googled and searched without success. Am hoping to get a a dsr410, I know this has no actuator control, but will the master lest be compatible, or specific to the 900 series?

Cheers, K
Thanks rrob311 for the reply. If its not asking too much, could you just name of a few of these free analog 4dtv channels? I googled and searched without success. Am hoping to get a a dsr410, I know this has no actuator control, but will the master lest be compatible, or specific to the 900 series?

Cheers, K

4dtv is digital.

However here are a few analog cband channels.
EWTN US TP-11 Sat-133
C-SPAN TP-7 Sat-131

Don't get a DSR-410 for Map Master. (Not tested very much) Not saying it will not work just be prepared. I think your better off trying a DSR-406 if you don't want a sub.

Get a DSR-920,DSR-922 or DSR-905 if you want to rock it out the day it comes.
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Either I lost my BDM cable or I chucked it. I never expected to see MapMaster released anyway. Besides, is there anything worth watching on the 4D to justify re-mapping? I once had a sub to HITS but the crummy video didn't justify the expense so I didn't nenew.
There is a Linux and Windows version of the program, so you can run it on most any computer (except a MAC).

It might be possible to do it with a MAC if you install a virtual box program and run Windows and/or Linux in a virtual machine window.
This is what the guide data looks like on a 920 receiver if you have a subscription to the guide with the maps we have made up.

Remember any analog channel would be numbered from 1-24
however with that in mind every Horizontal channel 1 or 2 was also listed in the guide for easier DVB use if the 4D receiver was a master dish mover.


even part time analog channels that had any analog video over the course of the past year were mapped in:




The G5 DMX Music Channels in the guide


Limited guide info was found so it is not on every channel that is up there in DC2 we had to go with what we could find.



On a 920 for analog channels the guide key shows up with no name on the channel but the guide data was for Nat Geo West. The 922 shows Nat Geo W on the channel. So it was weird things we find between the 2 receivers.
Remember there was no longer a guide code for O/V so the best was done with what was located.



So there you go for some interesting things that were figured out in the maps.
This made the guide button really useful once more but you have to have that sub to get the guide info.
It was like bringing the receiver back to it's original glory when it first came out.
[QUOTE="johnnynobody], is there anything worth watching on the 4D to justify re-mapping? .[/QUOTE]

Dish mover
Either I lost my BDM cable or I chucked it. I never expected to see MapMaster released anyway. Besides, is there anything worth watching on the 4D to justify re-mapping? I once had a sub to HITS but the crummy video didn't justify the expense so I didn't nenew.
That's my feeling as well but with this free download, my interest has been resparked. After learning about the high price and a long extended time to get my unit remapped, I decided I would scrap it once it looses it's maps. I had all but given up, listening to all the excuses and all the broken promises wears on a guy. Then one day, I learned about this free download followed by tons of raves & good reviews that really dampened my doubt. Way to go & thanks to everyone involved in getting MapMaster up and running.
I have been asked by the folks involed with making MapMaster to move this thread back to public view so more people can learn about Map Master.

It also seems that one person who charges people to do what you can do for FREE was happy when I moved this to the Private forum so that he could continue to bilk people of their hard earned money. If you want to have someone update your 4DTV then the ONLY PLACE authorized by the Map Master Team to work on is ATS Electronics of Newton, NC.

As far as I understand it the other schmuck who has been claming he is the god of 4DTV didn't even have anything to do with the making of Map Master and is NOT authorized by the Map Master team to use their code (yet I am told he is still using it anyways.) From what I am seeing this guy is NOT to be trusted and has not only been banned (although he logs in from a different name) here, but also at the Sat Forums, Fridge FTA and even Ricks. That alone has to tell you a lot about the guy.

I have watched this guy talk to HIMSELF on his own forum to make it look like he is some kind of god. People have provided me his alternate username he uses on his own site and it is funny yet sad to see him talking to himself.

Anyways with that said, if you want to post your maps and updates please do that in the private forum. Also if you want to talk about free open DCII feeds please do it in that area as well so that way its not indexed by the search bots.

Most importantly have fun giving your 4DTV new life. :)

Thanks for being SatelliteGuys!
Even if there wasn't any DC2 channels available you could still run a DVB-S2 receiver off the 4dtv to get those channels on each bird with a click of the remote. There are also a handful of analog channels that can be viewed with the 4dtv

You mean you can hook the DVB-s2 receiver into the 4DTV receiver? If that is possible, that may give my 905 a new purpose instead of keeping it plugged in so the battery doesnt die
You mean you can hook the DVB-s2 receiver into the 4DTV receiver? If that is possible, that may give my 905 a new purpose instead of keeping it plugged in so the battery doesnt die

Just change the battery its super easy for the 905. (You don't need any security bits)

You could use the 905 as a nice dish pointer for your DVB-S2 STB.
You mean you can hook the DVB-s2 receiver into the 4DTV receiver? If that is possible, that may give my 905 a new purpose instead of keeping it plugged in so the battery doesnt die

What I mean is with a DSR920 or 922 with updated maps you can move your C-band dish to whatever dish you needed to and then slave your dvb-s2 receiver off/through the 4dtv unit in order to view whatever channels you wish. IE: You want to watch Reelz on 91w you would enter the G7 tile on the 4dtv to move you dish there. Then if you wanted to watch QVC in HD you would then pick the C3 satellite tile to move to 131W. Then if you wanted to watch CBC in HD you pick the F1 tile and it moves you to 107W. Then you can adjust skew with the 4dtv unit. However the DSR905 does not move the dish. It does have Skew control though. It gets a little more complex if you pass the signal through the receiver but there are several ways to hook up both receivers to the same LNB.
A time ago I asked a simple question about MM and got bitched out on another forum. I don't go there any more.
With that in mind and the long delay in getting the program out, I turned off the 920 and replaced it with a Gbox to move the BUD. A mover is all the 920 was used for anyway.

A time ago I asked a simple question about MM and got bitched out on another forum. I don't go there any more.
With that in mind and the long delay in getting the program out, I turned off the 920 and replaced it with a Gbox to move the BUD. A mover is all the 920 was used for anyway.

Hopefully you didn't scrap the 920.
A time ago I asked a simple question about MM and got bitched out on another forum. I don't go there any more.
With that in mind and the long delay in getting the program out, I turned off the 920 and replaced it with a Gbox to move the BUD. A mover is all the 920 was used for anyway.


Ya I hear ya with that. It doesn't matter. Once you dig out your 920 and get the USB with a computer ready it takes about 15 minutes or so to remap. It is pretty much as easy as using a channel editor. I changed my battery first however.
You forgot to mention that SatelliteGuys member tvropro (Glen) was the one that got this Map Master stuff rolling and it is based on the 4 Play software. Check it out by doing a search of the archives here on SatelliteGuys.

Glen did start out and offered a place for development of the program in a private setting. Glen did not develop the program and there was only one programmer who created the Map Master Program.

I created those maps and while Glen did put in a little help it was nothing in comparison to what I had stumbled upon and figured out, so I know all too well exactly what is in those maps and they would not be in there if it was not for my direct work in this.

Did Glen map out the DC2 signals up there? NO, I did.
Did Glen figure out the guide info ? No, I did.
Did Glen even give an opinion on the naming of the sat tiles used in the maps? NO! I did that work myself.

All he did was to take everyone else's work and try claiming it as his own or to spout off how he spent $100,000 in getting this done, which is so laughable but those who really konw it is just another lie by glen. Pity one has to lie so much.

Glen also does offer install service and has the most complete set of maps for 4DTV receivers and the guys that released the free Map Master worked with Glen. The free version is still in beta testing stage so "do it your selfers" just be careful because it does have issues.

The most complete set of maps? Beta stage ?
Are you just repeating something you have no clue about or where is your proof sir?
First off, I do not have to defend something that is out there for FREE for any one who wants to create their own maps for their receivers and people are giving a choice at this time of the mappings from Jan 3, 2011 or the new ones which has everything in them.
Oh that's right, you did not see the email from glen to the programmer when he saw those maps! He was ticked off that the maps had everything in them and he could no longer bilk the people out of money by his deceptive practices.
Besides that I have heard from several people who did re-do their own maps by themselves and now if something changes such as a Frequency, or satellite change on a DC2 mux are you going to pay again and again to have those channels re-mapped in or do it yourself ?

If you send a receiver to a shop they have the equipment to make sure the install goes well..
Oh now that's a real understatement from someone whop has no clue as to the real truth!
Did you know sir how many batteries he installed that were not done properly?
I already had to send one of my 922's that Glen Tech installed a battery in back in November to ATS Electronics because of it acting up on me. ATS Electronics had to replace the battery in May due to the shoddy workmanship of the previous battery installer which would be Glen Tech. How many more of these are out there now?

I may sound a bit harsh on Glen but many people do not know the real truth.
1) Glen took any donations he received and used it on himself not the map program which is morally wrong and they could also be legal implications there and that is being looked into.

2) Glen first touted that this program would be free to the people and that is what everyone involved agreed to, no one did this to allow one person to take the program and make a living off of it due to their desperate situation; then he discouraged it's release to the public and held the program hostage while he continued to use the program to make a living off of it.

3) Glen then came out not only discouraging it's use to anyone else then started making up lies and more lies to try keeping people away from restoring their own maps. Well if it is so bad then how is it that I have several receivers with the maps in them and they work GREAT and other people who have used the program are NOT complaining that they do not have to spend well over a $100.00 to get maps in their receivers.

So are you going to trust a Liar and a Thief ?
Do you want to know what else he has stolen ?
You really want me to make that public ?

Dishman Dan, you may not have been aware of things that were going on but your post is so out of line here especially the beta testing stage that your only spouting things directly from glen.

Will the program ever be finished? Not if anyone who uses it and wants to see if it can go further asks for more things to do with it. IMO that is not beta that is just taking a program and using it to it's fullest potential.

Want to know why ATS Electronics was selected to be the only Authorized map restorer?
Their reputation is outstanding.
Their code of conduct goes without saying.
They understand these receivers and know their work.
In all the years they have been in business there has not been one negative thing said about them, and they have been around for many years!

So the choice is your.
Want to do it yourself then the program is out there for you to do it yourself and no more shipping out your receiver to someone else.

Want to Use ATS Electronics? A reputable business with a proven track record and who have their ethics intact!

Or do you want to use a know liar and a thief as Glen Tech has proven themselves to be ?

The choice is yours.

Oh By the way, I would not have posted this until I saw your post and felt your post really needed some truth in there for a change.

We did not come out attacking glen, glen came out attacking people who used the Map Master program then would spread lies and untruths about the programmer and the map writer. Only after he did that did we come out letting people know more of the truth but there is still some out there we have not mentioned yet and when that goes public I doubt Glen would be able to keep his own home as the IRS may be really interested in his activities the way he is doing things these days!
I am sorry I removed Dishman Dans post as a number of people reported it as Spam. (And yes I considered it spam myself)

But Stargaze has replied to it and made some VERY valid point of why you should NOT trust Glen and I could pile more on myself but I wont at this time.

I am now looking into his new "4PLUS" which has magically appeared since he was told he was no longer authorized to use the Map Master software. Since Glen did not program the original Map Master I find it hard to believe that he magically came up with this new bug free "4PLUS" program. The belief I have now is that he is still just using the MapMaster program he was told not to use, which is in violation of the owners copyright. Needless to say that if 4PLUS is found infringing on the MapMaster program in any way I do hope that the MapMaster Team goes after him legally.

Make no mistake about it, the only thing that Glen cares about is Glen. I have been sent plenty of documentation showing this, so that my opinion and I am sticking to it. He could care less about 4DTV, the only thing he cares about is this was his meal ticket and its been taken away from him. (again my opinion) If he had actually written the MapMaster program then my opinion would be different but all's that he did was profit off of someone elses hard work and gave them nothing in return.

As a number of people have told me privately it appears I was correct about Glen all along.

For some reason my keyboard is not working now :censored: darn it.

I thought the folks over in asia were the ones that stole others work for profit?
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I am sorry for bring up Glens name as this thread is not about him its about MapMaster.

I would like to ask that the thread once again be about discussing MapMaster and not Glen. And further discussion about him will be removed. He is now a banned topic on this forum as I hear he now is on other forums. Thank you for your understanding.

Now I am still waiting for someone to report they applied the ratings fix. :) How did it go?
Please reply by conversation.

12' Unimesh added to the lineup


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