Fox Sues Dish Over Ad-Skipping Auto Hop

That's nice Jr, thank you for the lesson how the courts work. :)

But just look at it this way, since the Hopper records the entire broadcast (including commercials) its not violating any copyright laws. (Don't need to be a guy in a robe sitting at a bench to understand that)

Plus AutoHop is NOT automatic, a user has to enable it for each show they watch. Which in turn makes it no different then the user hitting the skip button.

It is the USER making all of this happen not DISH. Again no copyright violation at all.

In addition you cant use AutoHop of shows that were recorded that day, skipping the comemrcials is no difference then watching the shows on Hulu, the Networks own website or cables video on demand service.

DISH did their homework here. But I can't say I am surprised at the lawsuits.

I do however think that the Networks are giving DISH a ton of free advertising on this. I bet more people will want a Hopper now then ever before... and its because these Networks are the ones advertising these features.

Since the auto hop has to be enabled for each show makes it the same as skipping? NOPE.l One is automatic and the other is similar to pressing the mute button in REAL TIME. Skip is in real time, Mute is in real time. Going to the refigerator is in REAL TIME.
Delete or skip. To the user they may as well be deleted as the consumer won't see them.
With or without AutoHop I never see them anyways. :)

Doing a quick search on your name I could see why you would be against the AutoHop and I can respect that. Please remember I am looking this as a consumer as that what I am.

The broadcast groups fighting this are not looking out for the consumer, they are looking out for their own pockets. And I guess if I were in that business I would be upset too.
How the show is shown to the user IS MODIFIED.

Dream on buddy. Live in the 21st century. Haven't watched a commercial in 8 years. It's called the skip button. But my recording is exactly the same, I just choose to jump ahead. If I want to watch an inane commercial, I can. Nothing is modified.

WRONG!!! i'm a tv watcher and i don't care what you and your networks thinks about the way i see your programming using whatever technology i have available!!! you only care about the money in your pockets and care anything about any copyrights, you're only preoccupied about your "rights" to steal more money from our pockets with programming with less value every year and using this as an excuse to continue with the scheme!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!!

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I don't know I just find it funny that the Chief Technology Officer of a big broadcast corporation is scared of Technology. :D

How about your take on who should pay for producing TV programs?
If this technology becomes widespread the advertisers will stop purchasing ads right?
and every time dish is in a dispute with a programer you think they are asking for too much so the networks can not charge dish more. so who pays? is it to go all pay with every channel getting 15.99 or more?
These are accepted industry practices! The auto hop feature is not!

Didn't you used to be one of the biggest opponents of "HD-lite?" Even had a web-site on it, back in the day?

If Auto-Hop was tied to full-time HD-RSNs I doubt we'd be hearing such complaints from you :haha :haha
As I am reading more and more about this I am finding the networks have NO CLUE of how this all works and are just making things up to file a lawsuit. That in itself should be illegal.

If your are going to sue at least know what you are suing over... The AutoHop does not MODIFY shows or DELETE commercials. The commercials are still there!
That is probably because they don't like the idea of DVRs to begin with. They rather have everyone watch live TV from beginning to end
That is probably because they don't like the idea of DVRs to begin with. They rather have everyone watch live TV from beginning to end

Looking at it from their standpoint I can't say I blame them. But times have changed and the Genie is out of the bottle. The TV Industry needs to take a look at what the Music Industry did. The Music Industry was heavily anti computer and now look at them. They adapted and are rowing again. Time for television to do the same thing.
How do these network lawsuits have any validity period. Commerical Skip has been around for years and the Networks have not sued or won a suit over it. Furthermore; the networks should be more concerned about the practice of providers using technology to replace network commericals with their own Satellite or Cable Company initiated commericals. It would seem to me that the Networks should forget the lawsuits and resolve this issue with Dish when network affiliates are negotiating retransmission agreements.
Looking at it from their standpoint I can't say I blame them. But times have changed and the Genie is out of the bottle. The TV Industry needs to take a look at what the Music Industry did. The Music Industry was heavily anti computer and now look at them. They adapted and are rowing again. Time for television to do the same thing.
I agree. And you will see further change. The money is going to have to come from somewhere. You will begin to see more ads imbedded in programs through displays on the show or lines stated by the actors, and ad overlays as screen bugs during the shows. You may even see technology that puts an image of an ad while you are fast forwarding.
You may even see technology that puts an image of an ad while you are fast forwarding.
Actually Comcast (the owners of NBC) just Patented technology which does just that. Although I would think overlaying commerical images over a program that were not origionally there WOULD BE a violation of Copyright.
Not if it was done under contract with the nets getting some of the ad revenue kicked back to them.
I am not saying it is illegal or done without permission. I am just stating that they changed the way the original broadcast is being displayed. Whereas fast-forwarding through commercials in and of itself does not change the way the original broadcast is displayed.

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