It isn't an issue about "both sides are to blame" in this dispute. This is a false equivalency . Same thing people say about congress: "Both sides are to blame." But there is always one person up there from a certain party, that shows his ass in these political disputes. Blaming both parties in congress or in this Fox /DISH dispute is like saying "Oh someone got shot on the street in a dispute and both sides are to blame." False equivalency. There is always one side that is a little more to blame. In this case FOX trying to force negotiations over three sports channels that aren't really up for renewal anyway. This is what made DISH say NO way and then FOX pulls their News and Business channels because their extortion attempt to force the other three sports channels -that were NOT even up for renewal , didn't go their way. Fox clearly bears more blame in this dispute ,just like they have been to blame in the legal disputes over the Hopper and auto hop.