FOX News Channel/DISH dispute

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Billy O can barely get a .2 in the demo. Yeah people are REALLY watching Faux News...

On the flip side, that is still more than CNN. So both sides don't have a leg to stand on when asking for more money.

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They are times the #1 cable channel, not just news channel. They recently beat the network news something thought would never happen. O'reilly is one of the most watched programs there is. What are you talking about? When he is getting near 3 million viewers CNN is getting around 500,000 if lucky and very often they get less. I don't think CNN or MSNBC are even often in the list. The phones at DISH are jammed for a reason. I don't remember posts when AMC was off that had waits likes this.
I'm not saying anyone has to like Fox News but you are burying your head in the sand if you think Fox news isn't a big deal to be off.

Given how many cable channels there are now no one channel can amass an audience like many years ago, so the best indication is compared to others how is a channel doing.
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Fox is surly not deal breaker for me, but that said I believe this blackout will be very short. There are just to many fans of this type of news coverage across the country, them cookie cutter, blown big hair queens are extremely popular.. Dish could cave, this could be big, lots of coulds equals over soon.
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Don't blame Charlie! ... .
Charlie Ergen has emerged as one of the shrewdest dealmakers in the cable and satellite TV business, having built DISH Networks and EchoStar into multibillion-dollar businesses from scratch..

I don't get what you mean. Yes, he's shrewd.
  1. 1.
    having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute.
Thanks for reminding us!.
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Just make all of the cable "news" channels alacate.

Our bills are already going up at least 5 dollars without this fox news deal being done and at least 50% of subscribers probably either don't care about or flat out don't want this channel (as is also the case with the other so-called cable "news" channels).

Dish won't continue to stay in business if prices don't get under control.
No provider will. The trend toward IPTV is only in it's infancy. 10 or 15 years from now it is going to be "you used WHAT( satellite/cable) to receive TV programming!!!!!!?
Yeah well if CSPAN goes then I'll cancel Dish for good!. :eeek

Seriously though I need my daily dose of Fox News ladies, Martha, Andrea :heartbeat & Kelly.
So Fox needs to be "Fair & Balanced" in these negotiations.
Anna Kooiman is also very easy on the eyes...Lets face it, Fox isn't stupid. They know most of their viewers are in the Male 25-54 demo. Good looking women sell. and intelligent good looking women get good ratings.
Dish just got caught in a lie. The contract ended at midnight, but Ergan ordered Fox News off the air ten minutes before that, trying to "psych out" the Fox negotiators. Told them not to wait until the last minute, he pulled it down at 11:50 PM. So Fox is correct that Dish made the first move to remove the channel. Ergan used to be a professional poker player, I think he played his cards wrong. In a way, I hope this lasts as long as possible, let's see which side is stronger.

Dish's monthly churn rate is 1.6 percent per month. I am guessing it will be at least twice that this month.
Good looking women sell. and intelligent good looking women get good ratings.
What does that have to do with Fox News?
Dish just got caught in a lie. The contract ended at midnight, but Ergan ordered Fox News off the air ten minutes before that, trying to "psych out" the Fox negotiators. Told them not to wait until the last minute, he pulled it down at 11:50 PM. So Fox is correct that Dish made the first move to blackout the channel. Ergan used to be a professional poker player, I think he played his cards wrong. In a way, I hope this lasts as long as possible, let's see which side is stronger.
Oi! Seriously, you went from wating $25 a month in a refund (also known as a handout) to cutting the cord with Dish to "I want this to last a long time now!"?

Fox is trying to leverage a channel you love in order to get better deals for channels it rebranded with less programming... oh wait... this is just a Dish conspiracy, never mind. Newscorp is holy and Ergen is just one of those moochers seeking free handouts.
I spent 6 years in the army and actually every hospital and 'business' building I went into had HLN on. Every single one of them. Now I got out in 2010 and haven't been to a base since 2011, so I guess it is possible that this has changed, but probably not. They want things to keep the wives happy more than anything.
Pretty much the same. Every public building I enter seems to have CNN or HLN on the tv with volume off. Nobody watching though.
I guess the thought is FNC is a lightning rod and as such may "offend" a few people. So in order to relieve management of any of those nattering nabobs who call in to complain about anything and everything, including to whine that it's too sunny outside, they just put the Lib channel on. Conservatives don't concern themselves with such trivial matters. They just move on.
Imagine losing 50% of your sub base because your company could not make a deal with another company...
Fox viewers are not only passionate they are loyal. And they WILL leave Dish if FNC does not come back.
Charlie has to realize that it isn't the amount of dollars that FOX wants. It's what the money says. And that is, "your services consistently get by far the best ratings of any cable news outlet."
First you have to prove that 50% of Dish viewers watch Fox News regularly. I don't think you can as the viewer %'s and raw numbers for Fox don't support that at all.
Pretty much the same. Every public building I enter seems to have CNN or HLN on the tv with volume off. Nobody watching though.
I guess the thought is FNC is a lightning rod and as such may "offend" a few people. So in order to relieve management of any of those nattering nabobs who call in to complain about anything and everything, including to whine that it's too sunny outside, they just put the Lib channel on. Conservatives don't concern themselves with such trivial matters. They just move on.
Yes. We've learned alone in this thread that conservatives are very laissez faire about stuff when things don't go exactly the way they want it, immediately.
Let's say every single FoxNews viewer cancelled Dish (and we know that wouldn't actually happen). That would be about 2 million out of the current 15 million subscribers It would hurt, but it would not be crippling.

I don't want to see anyone's favorite channel go away, but to say that a company would not be able to survive without one channel (even ESPN) is a little over the top.
A 13% instant overall reduction in customer generated revenue would result in serious repercussions for any business
The internet has it's limitations as well. For example, while younger people insist the internet is their only source for ( fill in the blank) that applies only to those with access to high speed internet connections. And by that I mean speeds of at least 20 mbps down and 5 mbps up. Most video presentations over systems slower than that are a bother to watch.
And really, how much can one enjoy staring at their phone/tablet? I can use these things to view content and for info.....That is until I fire up the TV and my good old desk top.
I HATE using my phone for....I just hate it......If I did not need a smart phone for work, I would not have one. They are a big PITA....The one most glaring inconvenience is that others think I am available 24/7/365......I get calls and texts at all hours. No one one respects "the cut off time"....
Younger gen. is using miracast, roku, chromecast, etc., etc., to cast their phone/tablet screen to their big screen tv, It's a new world! 6 mbps plays nice video. The big boys are afraid of whats coming with internet TV. Watch the next few months and you will be able to get smaller channel packages with local access (if you choose). 30 bucks will probably get you Fox news and the other channels you watch with out all the Bloat of channels you currently are forced to subscribe to.

The cable and satellite television industry could be in for a big shift thanks to a small change proposed by the Federal Communications Commission

Analysts have said that this shift could mean an influx of competition into the TV industry, as well as rapid growth for television delivered over the Internet.

"Our proposal will mean more alternatives for consumers beyond the traditional cable or satellite bundle, including giving consumers more options to buy the programming they want," said FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler in comments he filed as part of the FCC's vote

"Big company control over access to programming should not keep programs from being available on the Internet. Today, we propose to break that bottleneck," Wheeler wrote,news-20047.html
A 13% instant overall reduction in customer generated revenue would result in serious repercussions for any business
Dish and Wall Street was worried about its churn rate going from 1.42 to 1.66 percent. Can you imagine if 5 percent cancelled this month? That will really tank the stock price of Dish.

As for me, I am in the enviable position of being able to get Fox News at any time, Just pick up the phone to U-Verse or Comcast and it will be back tomorrow.
The fact is 99% of Americans do not watch Fox News. And they don't watch CNN or MSNBC. And they don't watch the news on their local channels. Those who still do are, for the most part, boomers and the elderly. Younger adults do not turn to TV for their news, and increasingly they do not turn to TV for their entertainment.

As far as Fox specifically, they cater to a certain political, religious, and social demographic. As with CNN, they simply don't matter any more. Oh O'Reilly, Hannity, and the merry band of Fox and Friends will scream that Dish is really run by atheists, Muslims, and Barak Obama and are out to silence them, but the truth is they are no longer relevant in the eyes of 99% of Americans. (And the same can be said about all TV News)

When the boomers and their parents die off, so will TV news.
The internet has it's limitations as well. For example, while younger people insist the internet is their only source for ( fill in the blank) that applies only to those with access to high speed internet connections. And by that I mean speeds of at least 20 mbps down and 5 mbps up. Most video presentations over systems slower than that are a bother to watch.
And really, how much can one enjoy staring at their phone/tablet? I can use these things to view content and for info.....That is until I fire up the TV and my good old desk top.
I HATE using my phone for....I just hate it......If I did not need a smart phone for work, I would not have one. They are a big PITA....The one most glaring inconvenience is that others think I am available 24/7/365......I get calls and texts at all hours. No one one respects "the cut off time"....

I wasn't talking about watching anything on a mobile device. When I was talking about iTunes season passes I was referring to my Apple TV. Watching a TV show from iTunes is actually a better experience than watching on cable/satellite. I get my shows in 1080p at a higher bitrate than Dish and most other providers use and there are no commercials.

20Mbps download isn't necessary either. The highest bitrate 1080p streams Netflix uses are about 6Mbps. You only need more than that to watch 4K. I'm not sure why you think a 5Mbps upload is necessary either. As far as I know upload speeds are irrelevant to watching video streams.
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