FOX News Channel/DISH dispute

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Lol its getting harder and harder for the dish fanboys to wave the pom poms.

And to those of you that say bye bye and see ya,do you also want them gone from satguys?I'm sure Scott doesn't.

If your love for dish is so much that constant channel disputes and big increases are fine,then god love ya.I for one am fed up with all the bs.

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Drop both channels and I wouldn't care a bit. I already have them and the other News max and Blaze ,Aljazeera blocked now , so it won't change on my end either way.
Blocked? Wow.....Fear of information is not a good thing...
I'm a staunch fiscal conservative, right leaning social moderate and even I will hold my nose and watch CNN and MSNBC....Just to hear the "other" prospective.....
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So dish called me back and put me back on hold. Going on 20 min waiting for them to pick up. Are they getting that slammed with phone calls?
Lol its getting harder and harder for the dish fanboys to wave the pom poms.

And to those of you that say bye bye and see ya,do you also want them gone from satguys?I'm sure Scott doesn't.

If your love for dish is so much that constant channel disputes and big increases are fine,then god love ya.I for one am fed up with all the bs.

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Not a problem for me. Too many channels, not enough time!! :) And for those not on Dish, maybe, just maybe Charlie's harder line is making your bills not go up as much as they might. And also making it easier for others to strike a deal. Who knows?
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How is it that Dish has so many big contracts expire in the same time time span?You would think they have the foresight to try and stagger them out.

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The 7 P's kicked in...Or Violation of the seven P's....
"Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance"
Not a problem for me. Too many channels, not enough time!! :) And for those not on Dish, maybe, just maybe Charlie's harder line is making your bills not go up as much as they might. And also making it easier for others to strike a deal. Who knows?

Don't blame Charlie! He is doing it all for us. He cares only about keeping our monthly rates low!

Charlie Ergen
Real Time Net Worth
$18.7 Billion
Founder and Chairman, DISH Network
Age 61
Source Of Wealth Dish Network, Self Made
Self-Made Score 8
Residence Denver, CO
Citizenship United States
Marital Status Married
Children 5
Education Bachelor of Arts / Science, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Master of Business Administration, Wake Forest University School of Business Charles Ergen on Forbes Lists
#26 Forbes 400
#32 in 2013
#65 Billionaires
#28 in United States
< >
Charlie Ergen has emerged as one of the shrewdest dealmakers in the cable and satellite TV business, having built DISH Networks and EchoStar into multibillion-dollar businesses from scratch. With a combined market
Is Dish's plan to block every channel as it comes up for renewal? It seems pointless for providers to have this fight every few months. In the end the channels will be back, they will reach an "undisclosed agreement" and prices will rise and people will complain and it will be business as usual. I would applaud these blackouts if they actually meant something. But prices have not come down across the industry and in the end the networks get what they want. The whole exercise is pointless.
Wow... so much hate for one channel. Wow.
Fox News broke the status quo of liberals controlling the electronic media.
The fact that FNC presents news and commentary from a right leaning point of view isn't the issue.
People are threatened by change. A different viewpoint threatens viewer's comfort zones. Threatens journalist's jobs. Threatens a way of life for those who control the way news is presented.
People, viewers, etc who hold liberal points of view hurl venomous criticism at FNC. Why? Because it's "different"....FNC has dared to not go along to get along.....On the journalist side, they see a threat to the way things have been done since the beginning of mass broadcast news media. They hate it. So they criticize and impugn....
FNC's ratings are so high that one individual show such as Hannity or The Kelley File draw more viewers than all the shows on any one of the other cable news outlets in a given 24 hour period...In otther words, Hannity may draw 1.5 to 2 million viewers for his one hour show. MSNBC may not draw that many in an entire broadcast day.
If anyone has seen the movie "Money Ball" the same thing applies. Gen Manager Billy Beane saw the dire straits of the issues surrounding the fact that the Oakland A's are a small market team unable to buy free agents and keep start ballplayers once their contracts expired. So Beane along with his Yale educated Assistant devised a method to replace not players, but runs. Everything they did was different. The naysayers came out of the woodwork. They criticized the way Beane was doing things. The baseball establishment felt threatened. So they used blistering criticism. Beane's underfunded and out gunned teams have had 8 90 win and 2 ,100 win seasons. 9 playoff appearances. all in the 15 years since Beane became GM.
I was talking about Fox's ratings increase momentum. Fox's increase was more about the blood in the water to me. Fox certainly is killing the competition, but I think their growth potential is limited because they lack a crossover appeal.

I certainly wouldn't say MSNBC or CNN are quality news channels... or even news channels. And while MSNBC has tried to become a "liberal" version of Fox News, it isn't working... and it isn't because they haven't tried. It is the same reason Air America didn't pan out. That demographic doesn't buy into that sort of media model.

And after they tried to be so inclusive too.
Air America failed because the general consensus is Liberal talk radio, especially the far left wing shlock AA was presenting simply does not appeal to most people...
Shame on me?? My bill is getting raised 7 dollars a month next month. Please tell me how Dish is fighting to save me a dime.
That's an old tired response to which the answer has been given with exact figures and examples.
Air America failed because the general consensus is Liberal talk radio, especially the far left wing shlock AA was presenting simply does not appeal to most people...
I'd say that is a fair assessment. Most of us are not 'far' anything. The far left doesn't seem to need a daily feeding of their pablum, while the far right does. Odd.

As to Fox News, well it isn't really 'news' at all. About 5 minutes of any given hour might be a straight news story, the rest is opinionated. I've no problem with that as long as the viewer realizes it isn't straight news at all. Unfortunately, that formula worked so well for Fox that the others have gone right along with that to at least some extent.

I get my news from various sources and try to seperate the facts from the crapola that gets added to all too many stories.
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When all is said and done, Charlie will regret his decision blackout Fox News, the first time any carrier has ever done so. He thinks he is dealing with CNN, this is Fox News, and The Blaze isn't a replacement for it. That Dish fairy tale that this is all about Fox Sports Channel is just more smoke and mirrors. That is a separate contract and can't be removed by Fox for any reason at this time. Don't believe the spin. My prediction? Back on Dish by New Years Day, but at what cost in cancellations and service credits?
No I don't believe your spin you are wrong. Those other channels are not off and won't be till that contract ends. But that doesn't stop Fox from demanding DISH redo that contract before they will agree to a contract with Fox News.
Bloomberg West is the only news program worth a damn. When it comes to Breaking News, the channel you choose is the only thing that matters cause most times the entire team will be working that news so the currently airing program makes no difference.

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Many of us aren't switching back and forth anymore. I cut off Dish last December when they announced the package and hopper fee increases and I haven't missed it at all. I don't watch a ton of TV and I realized that a good chunk of what I actually watched was programming I could get OTA for free. I supplement that with Netflix, Amazon Prime, the occasional iTunes Season Pass and and I'm perfectly happy with that setup. I'm saving a lot of money and I'm paying for exactly what I want instead of a bunch of stuff I don't actually watch.

I realize that at 27 I'm in a different age bracket than many people here. TV habits are changing though. Out of my group of friends I would say about half of us don't subscribe to cable/satellite. Some of these people have never had traditional pay TV since they first got a place of their own after college. For people my age, cable/satellite isn't the required utility it was for people in my parents' generation. We get more of our content from the internet than anywhere else.

Basically, my point is that this isn't some never ending cycle of people switching between Dish, Directv, and Cable. Prices continue to go up and people paying those high prices continue to be negatively affected when these disputes happen. Every time this happens you see more and more of us decide that these high prices aren't worth it when we still aren't guaranteed to have the channels we signed up for.
The internet has it's limitations as well. For example, while younger people insist the internet is their only source for ( fill in the blank) that applies only to those with access to high speed internet connections. And by that I mean speeds of at least 20 mbps down and 5 mbps up. Most video presentations over systems slower than that are a bother to watch.
And really, how much can one enjoy staring at their phone/tablet? I can use these things to view content and for info.....That is until I fire up the TV and my good old desk top.
I HATE using my phone for....I just hate it......If I did not need a smart phone for work, I would not have one. They are a big PITA....The one most glaring inconvenience is that others think I am available 24/7/365......I get calls and texts at all hours. No one one respects "the cut off time"....
I expect about 50% of Dish customers would not miss FNC being off for a while and many would even be pleased. The other 50% or so would miss it badly. Fox needs Dish for the ratings, and Dish needs Fox to keep a large amount of their customers. Surely they can work it out without FNC going dark. I sure hope the new agreement includes Dish customers to stream FNC live without having to do it thru Dishanywhere.
Imagine losing 50% of your sub base because your company could not make a deal with another company...
Fox viewers are not only passionate they are loyal. And they WILL leave Dish if FNC does not come back.
Charlie has to realize that it isn't the amount of dollars that FOX wants. It's what the money says. And that is, "your services consistently get by far the best ratings of any cable news outlet."
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