Found a few 10ft Uni-mesh Dishes

Long Hair

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 17, 2009
The first one I found in town, I know for sure It was sitting on it's side for about 4 years. It's got a warp to it, but I wanted it because it's a perforated Uni-mesh and the mesh is in good shape. It's only the dish and half of the mounting ring, the guy didn't speak very good English. I was hoping that my Perfect 10 mount would work. I found out the hard way, it does not work. A few weeks later I seen on Facebook someone had a 10ft Uni-mesh in Arkansas for $40, It was about an hour and a half drive. And I was able to talk them in to letting me cut the pole out, for a different project. So it was a good Score, the dish was in very good condition, just a little dirty for the tree's. The c-band lnb was dead, but the ku-band worked well. Tested both of them on the 7.5 Perfect 10 dish. This was the first time i installed a dish, panel by panel. As opposed to all together and mounting on the pole. My pole stands 9ft tall, and I don't like asking for help. But I was able to do it without breaking my a** :oops:, I would strongly recommend having a helper. The only c-band lnb I had to use was an old Super Ice lnb, so I decided to get on the bay and picked up an 5150 lnb. And I was looking for a ku-lnb for the fun of it, and found a Norsat 1000a nos for $50. I'm hoping it was a good buy and I didn't over pay for it. A few days after ordering the lnb's, my ku-band stopped working. So I guess it was a good thing and good timing to by the lnb. I haven't fine turned the dish yet, but the 10ft is already a big improvement over the 7.5 on a few tp's that I couldn't lock and a few I couldn't even get a sniff of. So all in all I'm very happy to have a 10ft again ,about 10yrs after the Neighbors tree fell on it. I have an idea to see if I can put some of the warp out of the perforated dish. I stacked the panels on top of each other and used some wood clamps to see if I can straighten it out. I guess only time will tell, I did loosen the clamps and rearrange the panels around. And I seemed like it has pulled some of the warp out after about a week and a half.


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l thought I would share how I was able to install the dish on my own, just so the info is out there to help someone in the future. First off I put two out of the four panels together. Than I put a bolt through the center plate hole on one of the panels. The next thing I did was used a ratchet strap or half of the ratchet strap. The half without the ratchet, just the long strap and the hook. I let the mount sit all the way to one side, without the actuator connected. I ran the strap over the mount in between one of the rib cradles. Placing the hook end on the bolt and the other end I just grabbed with my hand for leverage. I raised up the dish with one hand and pulled the strap with the other. This worked very well, once the panel is in place at the bottom with the nuts and bolts. Just grab the next panel and set it in place bolt together and repeat for the last panel. It was to high up for me to put all the bolts in, so I pushed the dish and mount to the other (from East to West). So the top was now a lot lower and easier to access the nuts and bolts
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Good job so what kind of signal strength are you getting on it?
I'll try to post some signals later. I did find one on 89w and almost pooped myself, the signal was reading 20dbs ATL HDENC18 @ 4192 H 2045 3/4. It's strong enough that it bleeds over to 91w and reads 11dbs.
A lot of tps that im getting all over are showing around 14 H and 15 V. Which makes me smile, the ku is not as high as it was on the 7.5. I have three tree's in my yard. All of them to the south, so I won't be able to really fine turn anything until the leave's start falling off. That being said, a few of signals that I wasn't able to get a sniff of. Now Im able to get something, even if its low dbs most if not all are encrypted . But it's still a plus in my book. This is the first time Ive been able to get Reuters TV New @ 129 ku to come in, its only reading around 8dbs though.
Here's a few signal readings
87.W Ku
11800 H = 11.2dbs
11811 H = 7.3dbs
12044 V = 10.3
12050 V = 11.9
12137 H = 9.2
11960 H =13.9

89.W C
4192 H =21.2dbs

91.W C
4143 V =15.8dbs
4160 H =15.9
4051 V = 20.3
4040 H = 16.6
4068 V = 14.3
4084 H = 16.8
4120 H = 15.9
4160 H = 15.8
4068 V = 14.5
4020 V = 15.8
4062 V = 13.2
4009 H = 16.9
4074 V = 14.2
4066 H = 17.2
4157 V = 18.1

93.W C
4140 H = 15.5dbs

97.w C
3810 H = 13dbs
3860 H = 13.4
3913 H = 14.1
4120 V = 14.4
4052 H = 14
4160 V = 12.5
4052 H = 13.9
4032 H = 13
4140 H = 13.7
4080 V = 15
4057 V = 17.8
4064 H = 12.1

97.W Ku
High and Low
13.2 and 10.9

4040 H = 18.1
4140 V = 15.2
4156 H = 12.7
4120 H = 16.4
4180 v = 16.2
4080 H = 16.6
3940 V = 16.2
4149 H = 15.1
4144 H = 14.3
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I got up this morning and playing around with the dish. I'm now able to receive signals on 107 again. So now I'm feeling better about my alinement, one of my dead zones is from 113w-127w (tree issue). On top of that I can now get one tp on 113w, 3 tp's on 123, 3 or 4 tp's on 125w, and I can now get all tp's on 127 I believe. And 129 Reuters TV New is now reading around 10dbs so that's the good. And 131,133, and 135 are all reading stronger now. Back at the center (97w) went down a little on C and Ku, and 99ku is gone. Haven't checked the east side yet. Assuming the east is good, Would the Declination be my issue on the center of the arc, to much maybe? One other ?, on 133 on the Edision mio 4k when it scans in the tp's with the HBO's the east over ride the west channel and visa versa. Im guessing there is a way to stop it from doing this? Here's a panoramic picture to give an idea what the dish is looking at. I can see 55w and a hair past that if I'm really feeling froggy.


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Well boys, I've been fighting the ku-band on this big dish. I know it's more difficult to get the ku dialed in on a big dish. So I just assumed that was the majority of my problem. Issues I'm having is some stuff comes in well (11-13dbs) and other's will show a good signal for a few seconds than drop to zero, and back up and down. So I readjusted the dish multiple times, this last time the c-band is looking really good. But now I've lost all signals @ 16apsk and the Ku is still having the same issue. So I started thinking that the ku lnb must be a dud. Then I realized, I'm a jackass. The Norsat 1000A KU-Band LNB is a high quality "external reference" LNB.:facepalm. Now I'm waiting on a different lnb, hopefully it will work a little bit better and I'll be able to get the dish aligned a little better.
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I got a call last week from the fellow that bought our mountain top home 25 years ago asking if I was interested in the 15 foot Hughes dish I left there. He had never used it, choosing to go with DBS instead. Since my wife and I currently live full time in our RV, I told him no, but I'd mention it to a couple of people I know that are into FTA satellite reception. One of them got all excited and disassembled it this week end. Today he called me asking for my help in putting it back together and creating a base for it. He wasn't happy to hear that the government contractor that installed it for us on the mountain used most of a full yard of concrete to put in a base that went below the frost line. He also wasn't pleased to hear my health prevented me from doing more than advising him on setting the dish up, so he decided he'd rather call another fellow that could also help him with the physical work. Sounded good to me! :)
I received a Norsat 4106a LNB, and now the Ku side is working a lot better. Signals are locking and not bouncing all over the place. As far as the 16apsk signal's on the c-band side, they are coming in just fine. Before I noticed the ku lnb was external ref. I swapped from turner A two turner B, and apparently the B turner in the Edision mio 4k will not lock on to that type of signal. Still need to fine tune the dish, but the cnn feeds on 87w come in at around 12.5 Dbs and the Cozi TV @ 103 is showing 14.3 Dbs. There are others, so I feel like i'm in a good starting point. Long story short, buy the right LNB.
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Motorized KU band issue

Old Ariza 120 cm dish gets new elevation system
