Food HD Wednesday Aug-16 is on!, no date for INHD yet

HookedOnTV said:
When has this happened? I can't think of a single time things improved down the road. Once they downrez/drop bitrate it's there to stay.

My only quibble with this is that I believe they could downrez/bitstarve it again!

Remember we have some 1440x1080 channels that could easily be dropped again to 1280x1080. And bandwidth can be shaved down at any time.
Tom Bombadil said:
Remember we have some 1440x1080 channels that could easily be dropped again to 1280x1080. And bandwidth can be shaved down at any time.

True, but we also have comments made by someone at E* (Scott posted them from the Team Summit I think) stating that there is no reason for them to drop to 1280 from 1440, because it wont allow them to add another HD channel to that transponder, and they dont mix SD and HD, so in theory, there shouldnt be anything lower than 1440. But then we have Voom at all 1280 for whatever reason. Pick your favorite excuse from either side of the aisle on that one.
Well, if they improve the efficiency of MPEG4 just enough to allow them to squeeze in another HD channel on a transponder if they downrez/bitstarve the other channels a little bit more, then count on them doing it.

And they are always working on making those encoders a little more efficient.
guffy1 said:
Yes, this is pretty much what Im getting at here.. I sure wish my Charter Cable system would just get off their dead asses and add my RSN in HD, because I am ready to be completely done with these downrezzing/bitstarving crooks..

guffy1, you might be interested in looking up Charter and rate shaping before you switch. I'm pretty sure they'd fall in your "downrezzing/bitstarving crooks" list.
GeorgeLV said:
guffy1, you might be interested in looking up Charter and rate shaping before you switch. I'm pretty sure they'd fall in your "downrezzing/bitstarving crooks" list.

I already have Charter HD, and have had it for a couple years.. Its the best Ive had out of D*, E*, and BEV...

I know the rumors you speak of, but here in West Michigan its not true..We have one of the newest HD distribution systems in the Charter fleet, the HD is excellent, and the bandwith is plentiful..

Charter is not bad everywhere, just like Comcast is not outstanding everywhere..
Maybe once they get all hd to go mpeg4 by next summer, they will be able to equal out the resolution on all the hd channels , including Voom. I would hope that with the transition to mpeg 4 receivers Dish will be able to improve the picture quality on all the channels both sd and hd , someday. IF they could ever get the mpeg4 encoders to work efficiently at more than 30 % .
Once HD DVD players start getting into more households, consumers will see what HD should *really look like. Maybe then E* will show the channels in their full glory?
MikeD-C05 said:
Maybe once they get all hd to go mpeg4 by next summer, they will be able to equal out the resolution on all the hd channels , including Voom. I would hope that with the transition to mpeg 4 receivers Dish will be able to improve the picture quality on all the channels both sd and hd , someday. IF they could ever get the mpeg4 encoders to work efficiently at more than 30 % .
They said that the 30% now was due to compressing on the fly. I would think they could get VOOM to compress in DISH language to get another 30-40% since their is no live content.
They should push (free upgrades) to mpeg4 next year and change everything HD to mpeg4. Forcing voom to pre-encode to mpeg4 should help open quite a bit of bandwidth and hopefully by then the on the fly encoders will be more efficient.
HookedOnTV said:
When has this happened? I can't think of a single time things improved down the road. Once they downrez/drop bitrate it's there to stay.

Well it does not happen overnight!! It takes years and Dish is in the same boat with everyone else as far as hardware. They half to wait on the hardware companies to come out with the better equipment.. I would say between 07 and 08 things will be address due to things will be more available than what they are now which makes things expensive.. Overtime the price will drop due to things will become more of the standard.. But it takes time and it takes money it would be nice if things would get here faster but it does not work that way.. Overall I'm just glad Dish is giveing us something which is always better than nothing in return..
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dont24 said:
Once HD DVD players start getting into more households, consumers will see what HD should *really look like. Maybe then E* will show the channels in their full glory?

Our best hope on this front is Fios. If the promised bandwidth materializes, then they should be able to blow away cable and satellite with uncompressed or minimally compressd pictures.

THAT may force the dishies to increase PQ, bu they are dealing with a limited amount of bandwidth and customers are more concerned with quantity than quality on the whole, so we get more channels, but they are compressed heavily.

Actually, PQ is better than it was,... I remember the vapor trails of heads walking across the screen on WWOR. Spotbeams helped a lot, although I admit that the HD pictures have been going downhill..... Still better than SD, but not as good as it once was...
BobMurdoch said:
Our best hope on this front is Fios. If the promised bandwidth materializes, then they should be able to blow away cable and satellite with uncompressed or minimally compressd pictures.
Until FiOS deploys a MUCh better DVR, they can forget about getting my business.

They are deploying a new "Media Server" DVR, but its $20/month. Unfortunately, I believe it has pretty much the same interface as the MOtorola box they use now.
BobMurdoch said:
THAT may force the dishies to increase PQ, bu they are dealing with a limited amount of bandwidth and customers are more concerned with quantity than quality on the whole, so we get more channels, but they are compressed heavily.

[RANT ON] Actually, I believe that people are interested in receiving the programming that they want, and programmers do a p... poor job of programming their existing channels so that they can launch new ones. If the content providers actually programmed their channels correctly, we would have about 40-50 tops excellently programmed channels with a lot of compelling content.

What we're stuck with is 200+ mediocre channels, that show repeats of programs over and over again. Who needs to watch "Back To The Future III" or "Hope Floats" nearly every week, with multiple replays then, no less. [/RANT OFF]

625 vs 510 - New guy question

Any status on Dish 1000.2?

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