Five foot fiber glass dish on CL for $100?

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Fabricate a feedhorn mount to keep the current position then bolt an Inverto Black pro LNB to that feedhorn. You will have a awesome KU system!

My plan was to rig up a geosat pll lnb there, but you know your stuff... Can you break that down for me a lil more, I can't quite picture that. I may be mistaken but that LNB pictured is a C band is it not?
You will need a 4ft x 8ft trailer, if you are going to lay it down (reflective surface UP). Otherwise you'll need a moving truck with a rolling door in back, and you can put it in on it's edge.

Heavy or not, IF you do the trailer, also take some rope or tie-downs to strap it down. You'd be amazed that even that could lift out of the trailer when hauled, and the wind hits it just right. I picked mine up from 130 miles away and did it like that.
The seller is meeting me half way form mobile to pensacola and didn't mention trailers, Im thinking in that case it can fit in truck bed with some straps? Do you think that would be dangerous?
The pictured unit is an Inverto Black Pro, voltage switched polarity (13vdc=vertical / 18Vdc=hortizontal), Universal type (10.7-12.75GHz) Ku-band.

The best feed performance option is to illuminate the reflector using the OEM feedhorn/scalar and adding a polarity switched KU LNB (like the Inverto Black Pro model - available in single or dual output). If you install a off-the-shelf LNBF, the feedhorn/scalar isn't matched to this dish/reflector design. The performance will be lower if the reflector isn't properly illuminated (shape or over/under illuminated).

To transport, I would remove the feed support arms, flip the reflector face down and strap down across in the track bed or across the rails.
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The best feed performance option is to illuminate the reflector using the OEM feedhorn/scalar and adding a polarity switched KU LNB (like the Inverto Black Pro model - available in single or dual output). If you install a off-the-shelf LNBF, the feedhorn/scalar isn't matched to this dish/reflector design. The performance will be lower if the reflector isn't properly illuminated (shape or over/under illuminated).

Ok I see what you're saying now, so how would you suggest I mate that lnb up to the feed horn? Last time I did a rig job like that it came out like this... LOL


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Most proper way to mount new LNB to existing feedarm is to make something like this IMG_20140730_210043.jpg IMG_20150828_185603.jpg then it is possible to adjust its position very precisely so LNB's Phase center is co-located with antenna's Focal point. And, IMHO, Inverto Black Ultra will outperform any other LNB even if it is mated to original Prodelin feedhorn.
No, I do not have a link, as there are no IBU LNBFs ready to be married with C120 flange. But, it is always possible to cut-off integrated feedhorn and adopt the rest to flange connection. That was done to Twin LNB (first photo in my previous post). There is another way how to adopt IBU IMG_20150726_200753.jpg
But, for Prodelin 1,8m it is better to use not modified IBU without any C120 flanges, that will give same results (difference is non-noticeable).
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Is the Inverto Black Ultra LNBF better than a Inverto Black Pro with C120 flange? I'm interested in what your experience is.

I have one of each of these. I'll be trying the Inverto Black Pro with a C120 feed on a 2.5 meter prime focus spun aluminum dish. The LNBF is for a 1.2 meter offset dish. I could modify the Inverto Black Ultra LNBF for the prime focus dish if it would be worth while.

I bought these a few months ago, but haven't had the time to try them yet. They're my retirement present to myself for next year. :):):)
Thanks for the reply. I haven't tried a GI-290P, but I will be trying a few different feeds and LNBs. Sounds like it isn't worth modifying my one IBU for the PF dish, if the results aren't predictable. Thanks again.
Well, the IBU is a little pricey, so I'd rather not cut off the feed unless there is a good chance of better results then the Pro. I'll just keep it as is for my offset dish.
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Lost 97 and had to re aim the dish

The Nightmare On My Street!

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