FIRST LOOK - ViP 922 Slingloaded DVR

1) EHD's cannot be used with the 922, with the exception of a one-time transfer from a ViP receiver to this receiver in the event that the 922 is replacing that receiver. After that, the EHD capability would be turned off for the receiver. Dish's site on the 922 under "Specifications and More" says "Supports External Hard Drives" with no asterisk indicating any limitations or notes. Is Dish already lying or not telling the whole truth to us?
Here is what I got from my contacts on the EHD feature on the 922.

I understand - I'll double-check again today. We have all been asking tons of questions about these things and this is just the information that's been passed along to us (and I'd be worried if it's incorrect as we will be the one's troubleshooting the issues). Just from what I've been told the EHD capability will be limited due to the 1TB hard drive. Like I said though, I'll double-check on the playback of previously archived programs today and get back with a 100% answer on that. Dish's site on the 922 under "Specifications and More" says "Supports External Hard Drives" with no asterisk indicating any limitations or notes. Is Dish already lying or not telling the whole truth to us?

If that is the case and EHD's are fully functional, then Dish is lying to it's employees too ;) That's about all I can say about that.
I have learned during this entire process that things change on an almost daily basis. :)

Agreed. And I hope that they have - I was personally a little disappointed that the EHD functionality wouldn't be there to archive content as I know most customers not only use to it expand storage but to backup information in the case of a hard drive or power failure... Makes it a little more difficult to explain why such an advanced piece of technology wouldn't allow the capability...
I talked with Dan Minnick about it a few weeks ago and it sounded like when done the EHD would work just like it does on the 622/722.

If you look when you set the timers its even setup so you can specify that shows record to the EHD.

THe pirces of the puzzle are there it's just not finished yet.
There are advantages of buying it for some folks

1) You own it
2) You are not stuck in a 2 year commitment by leasing it.
3) You install it yourself no need for a tech to come
4) You "moved" but can't have a tech come to your house, since your house is not there.

Some good reasons. :)
There are advantages of buying it for some folks

1) You own it
2) You are not stuck in a 2 year commitment by leasing it.
3) You install it yourself no need for a tech to come
4) You "moved" but can't have a tech come to your house, since your house is not there.

Some good reasons. :)

All four of these reasons are why I bought. $200-$400 to lease, plus $95 for them to install equals around $300-$500. $150-$350 more than buying. Figure I can sell my 722 for at least $150. I can also sell the 922 down the line, if, something better comes out. Hopefully, for $150 or more as well. Worth it to me, to have flexibility for the next two years. Plus, when they show up to install the 922, they would find an empty lot.
Yeah but the issue I see there is that many people have a 768k DSL connection and think thats broadband. That wont work for the 922 too well (especially for HD streaminig) :)

I suppose it depends on what you plan to do with the receiver. Where I live 1.5 down and 256k up is the fastest that CenturyLink offers. So, I realize that slinging over the internet is out of the question. I understand that slinging over a home network is a different story though, I have cat 6 cable run, so when I get ready for in home slinging, I hope that it works.
I'm currently using just one 622 in Single Mode and I have a few questions about the 922:

1) I bought a 21.0 UHF remote off of eBay that works with my 622, will it still work with the 922?

2) My 622 seems to have a limit of around 90-95 timers and a total of around 574 events, does the 922 have the same limits or something else?

3) When both sat tuners are recording on the 922, can I connect with the Sling option to view something that's already recorded without disrupting the current 2 recordings?

There are advantages of buying it for some folks

1) You own it
2) You are not stuck in a 2 year commitment by leasing it.
3) You install it yourself no need for a tech to come
4) You "moved" but can't have a tech come to your house, since your house is not there.

Some good reasons. :)

Here is a MAJOR disadvantage....the 922 becomes the new 921....then you are stuck with a boat anchor...Oh wasn't even good at that....okay a door stop.

I'm just saying...when the 921 dropped it too had all the same fanfare that the 922 is receiving today and for good cause ...

Is it likely that history will repeat it's self? Only time will tell.

PS...I once owned a 921 and thanks to the former liberal return policy at Costco....I got my money back.
Here is a MAJOR disadvantage....the 922 becomes the new 921....then you are stuck with a boat anchor...Oh wasn't even good at that....okay a door stop.

I'm just saying...when the 921 dropped it too had all the same fanfare that the 922 is receiving today and for good cause ...

Is it likely that history will repeat it's self? Only time will tell.

PS...I once owned a 921 and thanks to the former liberal return policy at Costco....I got my money back.

My 921 is sitting in a cabinet in my garage. That was the last receiver I purchased. Once is tanked, it was lease all the way
SatelliteGuys.US is PROUD to give you your FIRST LOOK of the DISH Network ViP 922 SlingLoaded HD DVR!

We hope you enjoy this first look of the 922 and in normal SatelliteGuys style we didn't sugar coat our review, we tell it like it is!

We here at SatelliteGuys feel that an educated consumer makes better decissions and we are proud to be able to offer you this first look so you can decide if this is a product which is best for you and your family!

We are also proud that no other website has or will give you more information on the 922 then here at SatelliteGuys.US!

We are proud to be your Satellite Information Source!

If you have any questions about the 922 or our review, please leave them here in this thread. In addition I will be placing the full size photos online for download from this review.

If you wish to order a 922 for yourself, I urge you to run the connectivity tool found at to make sure your broadband setup can handle the 922.

All screenshots for this review were captured using a Slingbox Pro HD hooked up to the TV1 component output on the 922.

A thank you to the SatelliteGuys staff for their help bringing you this First Look, and THANK YOU to our Pub Member supporters who help us keep the lights on for all here at SatelliteGuys.US! For more information on how you can support SatelliteGuys.US and keep all this great information flowing please CLICK HERE.

Now please enjoy our First Look of the new DISH Network ViP 922 SlingLoaded HD DVR!

I won't have to worry about every getting this box..
My fastest upload speed is 400kbs....And I'm on HSI via Earthlink across Time Warner's stuff. BTW my download runs around 6.5 to 7.0 mbs
In fact nobody around here in the suburban area will be able to use a 922.
The local telco's fastest download DSL speed is only 1.8mbs..
Oh well. that's money I can spend on far more important stuff. Like a new kitchen floor.
I called a little while ago and ordered one. To my surprise the CSR was up to speed. (When I was asked by the recording, "How could I help you today?", I replied add equipment and then said HD receiver. They will install a rooftop antenna for the $29 fee for the module which is great because my current antenna is UHF only and some stations here in NY switched back to VHF. It's due to be installed tomorrow!
A Dish tech is going ot install a roof top OTA antenna on your roof , for free? This I gotta see.
The OTA module retails for $29.99....That's what the $29.99 you paid up front is for. The tech is NOT coming to your home with a rooftop antenna and installing it for free.
I think you had better call back to Dish and get that squared away. I have been doing this for 12 years 6 consecutive on Dish and not once have we ever installed an OTA via Dish network. And if we did , we charged for the antenna and install. And I can tell you this, it isn't cheap.
Please check back after you've confirmed.
BTW, to my knowledge, there is no Dish Network supplied OTA.
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As I understand it, TV2 will not be able to output HD to a tv till the sling receiver 300 comes out.

When that comes out, will the TV2 coax be enabled, or is that never going to happen?
I hope the EHD stuff gets straightened out quickly. I know there is a price to be paid for being on the bleeding edge and I am willing to accept that. Just the idea of being able to sit on my deck and Sling the Masters in HD to my laptop while smoking a nice cigar is a great transfusion to offset the blood loss. :D

Scott, thanks for the reminder about the bandwidth. I am fortunate to have FTTH and can scale up from my 8Mb down 1Mb up connection if needed to Sling in HD when away from home.

This site gave me the knowledge to get in on this the first day of public release and that is why I am a happy Satelliteguys supporter. I will be performing some bandwidth tests on Saturday to see how things work and will be sure to share the information with the brethren.

922 Training Guide???

What are the Moca bars for?

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