FIRST LOOK - ViP 922 Slingloaded DVR

Can all functions of the receiver be controlled via a USB keyboard? (eg. the guide, all menus, etc)

Do you need a mouse if you use that method?
Can all functions of the receiver be controlled via a USB keyboard? (eg. the guide, all menus, etc)

Do you need a mouse if you use that method?

The answer appears to be YES, I tried it a long time ago when the browser was in it and havent tried it again, but another member who has been testing for quite along time has recently tested it and reported that it works fine. :)
So just called. Initially was told because I dished it up not too long ago that the cost of the 922 would be full retail at $649. I calmly asked if there was anyway I could get the equipment for lease for the $200 bucks and that if he could arrange it I'd do it right away. He goes on hold for a few and comes back with good news. Appointment is tomorrow. :) Woot!

Interesting. Both of the CSRs I've spoken with (one phone, one via computer) have stood firm at the $400 amount. I asked if it was an issue of being a many year customer, but both said no. I wonder why some folks are getting this deal.
Interesting. Both of the CSRs I've spoken with (one phone, one via computer) have stood firm at the $400 amount. I asked if it was an issue of being a many year customer, but both said no. I wonder why some folks are getting this deal.

Probably depends on a combination of:

1. Still under commitment
2. Monthly bill $$
3. Years as a customer
4. Last time upgraded
Probably depends on a combination of:

1. Still under commitment
2. Monthly bill $$
3. Years as a customer
4. Last time upgraded

Could be true. The CSR looked up my account and said you got it all you do qualify for the $200 lease fee. I believe you will need to subscribe to the top two tier programs.
Everyone needs to understand that there are many factors in determining what a customer is rated. There is no sense in asking over and over again. There is no definite answer that Dish has for us as retailers or for you as customers. It would be nice to put the questions to rest on that subject.
I just got word from DISHSTORE that they are down to about 17 922's left from their inital order. These things are flying!
I called earlier and my appointment is set for Saturday morning. I could have had it tomorrow, but Saturday means not having to take off of work.

My upgrade fee was $200 for the 922, $29 for the OTA module and $15 for the service call.

I have been a Dish customer for almost 4 years and have been out of contract for a while. I sub to Top 200, 2 premiums, HD, and get the ESPN GamePlan every year.

The CSR was really cool and even asked me to call him back and let him know I like it. He said he had a chance to play with it and was envious.:)
DONE. My 922 will be installed this Fri, Apr 9. They charged me the $200 fee, $30 OTA module, and $15 install fee with $6 service plan.
Man I wish I got comission on all the 922's that were ordered today. :)

If your ordering PLEASE make sure you have good broadband internet. :)
If you have the OTA module hooked up you can record 3 streams (2 Sat +1 OTA) and watch a 4th correct?
Well it is correct, but its better then that...

You can record 2 Sat and 2 OTA plus watch one recorded show on TV1 and a second recorded show on your laptop via Sling all at the same time. :D
1) Please do check on if you can watch programs on External HD on new reciever. That would probably be a biggie for me.

2) Any idea on how much this would cost to upgrade via Dish with a new 2 year contract?

1) EHD's cannot be used with the 922, with the exception of a one-time transfer from a ViP receiver to this receiver in the event that the 922 is replacing that receiver. After that, the EHD capability would be turned off for the receiver.
1) EHD's cannot be used with the 922, with the exception of a one-time transfer from a ViP receiver to this receiver in the event that the 922 is replacing that receiver. After that, the EHD capability would be turned off for the receiver.

As far as I know that is totally incorrect.
That goes against the documentation that has been provided to me.

As I said I havent tested it myself as I have my EHD on my 722k and it contains a lot of stuff including a lot of VOOM programming... I would hate to lose that content in testing things. :)
Here is what I got from my contacts on the EHD feature on the 922.

*ViP922 external hard drive support only includes the transfer of content
from a supported receiver to the ViP922. It can only be used for this
transfer and cannot be used to archive or record content from the ViP922.

922 Training Guide???

What are the Moca bars for?
