FIRST LOOK - Hopper OTA Module

Can 2 OTA tuners be connected to a single Hopper in order to record 2 different OTA channels simultaneously?
the info from Scott previously indicated that you would only be able to use one per hopper.

I'm guessing someone will actually report trying it out in the next few days just to see what happens.
BTW I should note we have had a number of SatelliteGuys members using the OTA tuner for awhile now. If they want they can identify themselves and help other members with any OTA questions you might have. :D

My question is where is the loss of signal percentage on this OTA Module.Say for example my MT2's loss of percent is at 58% on the OTA signal meter.Then the signal freezes and becomes unwatchable.Thanks for all replies.:)
My question is where is the loss of signal percentage on this OTA Module.Say for example my MT2's loss of percent is at 58% on the OTA signal meter.Then the signal freezes and becomes unwatchable.Thanks for all replies.:)

If I am reading your question right, when you tune to a OTA channel and press the info button you will see info on the show and signal strength-Hope this helps

Here is a example from a OTA channel
If I am reading your question right, when you tune to a OTA channel and press the info button you will see info on the show and signal strength-Hope this helps

Here is a example from a OTA channel
View attachment 82545

Appreciate the reply didn't know if you could bring up the OTA signal meter in the banner of the Hopper or what.

Guess we need someone who has some weak channels to see at what percentage the picture freezes,that's what I'm curious to know,but if you can't see it,except in the info display it maybe difficult to see.