FIRST LOOK - Hopper OTA Module

The key there is amplified, he could buy and amplifier and rabbit ears and get better performance then the flat antennas.

I am just talking performance wise.
My Radio Shack Yagi which I have a rotor picks up Cleveland when conditions are good. 116 driving miles from Pittsburgh. Just saying I didn't pay a lot for it and what it is capable of when fooling with the rotor. I do have a Channel Master Amp. I like Yagi's. Also my home is not on top of a hill.
I just bought a $30 Walmart antenna to play around with, and must say, I see what you guys are talking about. Now I just need a OTA dongle so I can get them on the Hopper. Don't suppose anyone has an extra one they want to sell on the side? Otherwise I will just be going through Dish or Amazon and picking up from there. I'm only 14 miles away from almost all the Phx locals, so the cheap cheap antenna is pretty sweet.
We only sell and install Digitennas, and they work great. I agree with what most people are saying about the fancy ones not working as well and being a waste of money. I do have to say though that some newer antenna are more specifically made for picking up the digital signal. The signals are still the same but the channels are being broadcast at different frequencies than they use to be. The majority are UHF now so most digital antennas focus more on the UHF signal. The nice thing about that is that the antenna can be a little smaller, easier to mount and doesn't look like an eye sore on the roof.

Don't be fooled by amplified antennas either. An amplifier can not pick up a station but than a non-amplified antenna. The amplifier only boosts the current signal through the cable. It's meant more for longer cable runs and splitters.
A low noise amplifier and pull in stations that would not be receivable with an antenna otherwise, there is some gain, if the noise level is very low and you are not just amplifying the noise.
Every time I try to use my OTA adapter my hopper freezes and reboots an hour or two later. I've tried two different adapters with the same result. Maybe my hopper is bad.
Every time I try to use my OTA adapter my hopper freezes and reboots an hour or two later. I've tried two different adapters with the same result. Maybe my hopper is bad.
Have you left the OTA module on a weak station, tends to drive the Hopper crazy.
Have you left the OTA module on a weak station, tends to drive the Hopper crazy.
It even happens if I watch an ota channel for just a few minutes then switch to sat channel. After watching sat channel for an hour or so it freezes and reboots. It hasn't always done this. It worked fine for a long time.
When you switch from an OTA channel to a Sat channel, the OTA channel is in a sense still "tuned", so when you change to a Sat channel, make sure to tune first to a strong signal OTA channel beforehand. See if that helps. At least that is the case on the older ViP receivers.
When you switch from an OTA channel to a Sat channel, the OTA channel is in a sense still "tuned", so when you change to a Sat channel, make sure to tune first to a strong signal OTA channel beforehand. See if that helps. At least that is the case on the older ViP receivers.
Hehe, I remember that now.... You could be tuned to a satellite channel and still get the yellow pop-up window telling you it lost signal on the OTA channel. I think they at least fixed the software to not pop that up if you weren't viewing the channel.
When I was getting the Partial Signal Loss or Complete Signal Loss problems on my 722. T^hat's what everyone said. But that wasn't the problem. It was a bad lnb. Ran a System Info test and 1 came back with drift. LNB module was replaced and no more problems.
So I suggest doing a System Info test to make sure the problem isn't with the LNBs.
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