Woah, settle down. I have in no way been advertising my site here, and have no affiliation with Malouff or any others that have posted my site. If I thought there would be a market for low end OTA digital TV converters on a satellite forum, I probably would advertise here, so no need to go overboard.
Anyway, the bottom line is that our agreement to sell this box was through standard distribution channels used by Sling Media. We're a Sling authorized reseller, and I did a lot of legwork to get the DTVPal into my distributor's catalog. Yes, the MSRP was announced at $39.99, and the distribution agreement was based on trying to hit that target, but the wholesale price ended up just being too high to support that, so we had to offer it slightly higher. It's incredible how many people think we're making so much money off these boxes. In this case, we were bound to make less than the royalty payments that are due for each box. LG is the real winner here, plain and simple, but I'm getting off the topic, so more about that for another time.
It appears as if Charlie's anouncement was a big old screw you to the new Sling side of the house. If they can solve their problems internally, we will still offer the box at whatever price it may be, but I think the end result of this is that many people are going to be turned off from the Echostar brands. Maybe they don't care about that side of the customer base. I'm not sure how many converter box owners would eventually turn into satellite customers anyway.