Scott nice review, but I wonder where is your OUTRAGE with the change in price? It seems lately your relationship with Charlie and Dish since the Team Summit love fest is making this site a advertisement for Dish. It seems Charlie was nice to you and your friends at Team Summit, but it looks like he was just using you guys. Charlie LIED about the price for this box, Charlie LIES about the number of HD channels Dish has(see screen shot from last chat), Charlie LIED about adding 20 plus HD channels several weeks ago because the next day he removed VOOM so he did not ADD he REPLACED. I think it is time to take off the rose colored glasses and call Charlie the CON MAN he is! I enjoy your site but your loyalty to this unethical man is drawing question to your sites integrity. With all the lies Charlie has been spreading it is no wonder Dish is in court so much. Can we REALLY BELIEVE Charlie when he says his DVR software no longer violates Tivo's patents? I for one will NEVER believe any thing that man says.
Charlie should be held to his previous statements about the tv converter box!
No company has really stepped up and said let's make this transition happen. Today, EchoStar Corp. has said we will make those products available for $39.99."
The box will be sold under the brand names of both EchoStar and its acquired subsidiary, Sling Media, for $39.99 at retail, and can be purchased via the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon Program. ...
"That means every home in America, for two TV sets absolutely free of charge, can convert to the digital transition," Ergen said. "There is no reason the digital transition can't take place by February 2009, and there is no reason it will cost the consumer a dime."
The TR-40's features include up to a seven-day electronic programming guide, program search, parental locks and VCR auto-tune timers. The TR-40 is sampling now and will be available in limited quantities in March and unlimited quantities in June.