First Look: Dish Network's DTVPal Digital Converter

Here is the link to NTIA FAQ 258

You can also call your RadioShack and ask if they allow exchanges, I have heard reports that they do for 30 days.

Again if you go with Sears all they will let you exchange for is another Magnavox as they don't have anything different.

At least going with RadioShack gives you more of a selection most retailers only sell one model.

I think RadioShack and Target are the only two selling more than one.

Target however is not a Dish Network/EchoSphere partner so the chances of a DTVPal being sold here are not good.
Retail Chat

Well talk of other boxes belongs in other threads.

Back on point, the morning Retailer Chat* just said that a shipment of DTVpals arrived last night, and the units were being sent out to distribution today.
Dealers may not be able to have or order them 'till Monday.

As for what that means for Solid Signal back orders or Radio Shack, well the chat didn't address those concerns.
I'm waiting for a Radio Shack buddy who is in a big meeting today, to brief me, if he has any news.
(Not certain if today's meeting is even having the Dish rep, so it's a crap shoot on getting info)

Sounded like maybe the NTIA web site doesn't list the DTVpal, but that's only because (apparently) they won't until there are actual units in the US and available.
Since a shipment came in last night, it may be one or two days for the NTIA site to be updated , so don't go off half-cocked and argue about that matter, if it shows up.

There was a live demo where they hooked up a virgin DTVpal to a TV set and let it pull in some guide info.
They didn't show nor say now much guide, and the screen shot showed one and a half hours.
There was no demo of any sophisticated option with the timer: you set it on-screen on the DTVpal, and also separately on your VCR.
The lady who wrote the install manual gave the demo, and showed hooking it in-line with your antenna on the coax, and tuning the TV to channel three.

They did mention (and downplay) the TR40 as an August product.
So, I think worrying about those right now, is a waste of time.

*a dealer friend DVD'd the show this morning.
During the chat, one dealer called in live and said, "On the NTIA site, I can't add the UPC code for the DTVpal to my list of products".
Whatever that's for, it'll be fixed in a day or two.
Not really related to anything we care about.

: oh, I remember ....
It has to do with the NTIA listing that dealer as carrying the DTVpal on their (NTIA) advertizing literature.
This was dealer-stuff that end-users don't care about.
Well talk of other boxes belongs in other threads.
Sorry, about continuing talk of other boxes but I wanted to help.
I could have private messaged but then others asking will not know and I didn't even think of looking for another topic and referring the OP the the appropriate thread.
They did mention (and downplay) the TR40 as an August product.
So, I think worrying about those right now, is a waste of time.
I agree for those with coupons expiring before August the worry of the TR40 is a waste of time.
For those that will have coupons when the time comes it may be worth the time to see what features have been changed or removed and the cost benefit.

Thanks for the update Anole :D
Thanks, Anole!

Yes, a big thanks to Anole from me, too! :bow:clap:up:up

Finally some answers today, and in the nick of time for my July 2 expiration date!

My sympathies to those with even closer expirations; it will be tight! And to those with expired coupons, let's hope congress comes through and forces the NTIA to let you reapply.

I suppose I will try itself for my order, unless there's a better price at a reputable online dealer. I don't expect Radio Shack, etc., to get them in time for my deadline.

My remaining wish is that we'd get a specific, firm date for when they go on sale at, so I wouldn't have to keep reloading that darn page.
A look at the DTVPal from the Amazing World of the FUTURE!

While my main DTVPal-related concern over the next 13 days will be getting two for my household before my coupons expire July 2, I'd like to be the first to make a prediction about the "August $40 box" in the form of this PRESS RELEASE FROM THE FUTURE :eek: :

EchoStar Corporation, Englewood, CO, d.b.a. DISH Network

Our DTVPal product has been extremely well received and is the best-reviewed converter box eligible for the U.S. Government's digital transition $40 coupon program. Sales of the DTVPal at a suggested retail price of $59.99 have exceeded our expectations. DISH Network had planned to offer an additional box with a reduced feature set, named the TR-40, which would retail at $39.99 and be essentially free with the government coupon. However, with the feature set of the DTVPal proving to be so popular, it has been decided that to better serve our customers and maintain our standards of excellence, in place of the TR-40, effective immediately, we will be cutting the suggested retail price of the DTVPal to $39.99. Also, beginning in late October, a co-branded version of the DTVPal will be offered by Sling Media, and will be available at many additional retail outlets. We expect the sales pace will continue as many people who have converter boxes for their TVs realize their VCRs will also need converter boxes. The DTVPal's channel-changing timer feature makes it an ideal choice for use with a VCR. And finally, the DTVPal will be the perfect Christmas gift for friends or relatives who may still need assistance in getting ready for the digital transition deadline of February 17, 2009.

Also, DISH Network has 100 HD channels. Sort of.

For more information, visit and
- :D - :D -

If I'm being too subtle so far, what I'm saying is I think they are already planning to do this, and they never intended to build a separate $40 box. This scheme not only maximizes profits (or minimizes losses) by selling boxes for the first two months at the higher $60 price, but it also provides some "cover" for the conflicting statements repeatedly made since January about a $40 box. Remember DISH spokeswoman Francie Bauer's REAL quote: "Our company will ensure that its DTVPal -- the only NTIA-approved converter box that is priced at less than the government's $40 coupon -- will be available in the Wilmington area well in advance of the Sept. 8 conversion." (link) - Thursday, May 8, 2008. (I don't think anyone should count on it happening this way, though, it's really just a guess.)
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I'd like present my personal vision of the hmmm Tr-40/DTVpal perturbations.
Originally it was planned a year or couple ago at least as announced deal - low margin ( perhaps zero, but getting millions of new customers for future service(s) ), attractive $40 price and coverage of it by govnt coupons..
Later on, after TiVo recent case, they making new plan - make profit $20 or $10 on each of million boxes for collect money to pay TiVo while ppl have the coupons and feel the $20 from pockets reasonable with coupons. Later, when practically no more coupons will left, that 'new' TR-40 will come and rest of buyers will pay full price, what will add more money to that TiVo payout internal fund.
One other little thing I forgot to mention is this:
They had dealer 1, 10, and 100 piece pricing.
They said on the chat, that they would accept only small orders at first.
No 100-piece orders. For how long? It wasn't clear.

So, while there may be demo units showing up all over everywhere, that doesn't mean folks like Solid Sig nor Radio Shack will have any quantity on Monday or even next week.
It's obvious that the priority is to get a few to everyone (we're talking dealers) so they can get up to speed and briefed on the product.

My buddy runs a mid-sized Radio Shack store, and says he's moved 300 pcs of converter boxes a month, recently.
Still, he is constantly short on product.
There is just that much demand.
And that is from the great unwashed, buying any converter box they see, without knowing one might be better than another.

If he has any news about DTVpal availability through RS, either tomorrow or any time soon, I'll post.
I'm just hoping RS is going to get some. So far, I still don't have a clue.
While my main DTVPal-related concern over the next 13 days will be getting two for my household before my coupons expire July 2, I'd like to be the first to make a prediction about the "August $40 box" in the form of this PRESS RELEASE FROM THE FUTURE :eek: :

EchoStar Corporation, Englewood, CO, d.b.a. DISH Network

Our DTVPal product has been extremely well received and is the best-reviewed converter box eligible for the U.S. Government's digital transition $40 coupon program. Sales of the DTVPal at a suggested retail price of $59.99 have exceeded our expectations. DISH Network had planned to offer an additional box with a reduced feature set, named the TR-40, which would retail at $39.99 and be essentially free with the government coupon. However, with the feature set of the DTVPal proving to be so popular, it has been decided that to better serve our customers and maintain our standards of excellence, in place of the TR-40, effective immediately, we will be cutting the suggested retail price of the DTVPal to $39.99. Also, beginning in late October, a co-branded version of the DTVPal will be offered by Sling Media, and will be available at many additional retail outlets. We expect the sales pace will continue as many people who have converter boxes for their TVs realize their VCRs will also need converter boxes. The DTVPal's channel-changing timer feature makes it an ideal choice for use with a VCR. And finally, the DTVPal will be the perfect Christmas gift for friends or relatives who may still need assistance in getting ready for the digital transition deadline of February 17, 2009.


very interesting...
no , not interesting . . . funny

it's . a . joke , folks !

. . . not a fact . . .

- and should have had some smiley faces on it - :cool:

- :D - :D -
Thanks again, Anole!

If he has any news about DTVpal availability through RS, either tomorrow or any time soon, I'll post.
I'm just hoping RS is going to get some. So far, I still don't have a clue.

Thanks for keeping us updated!

Looks like "P.a.l. = Pain in A~~ to Locate" will be true, at least for the first few weeks or months, but any info you can provide should help a lot. :clap
10 per store maximum, that's not much more than a demo or an employee perk, to be first in line. The online retailers who had their orders cancelled had sold thousands.
Pabeader, someone passed on a Provantage CR comment that they had expected 60 calls a day, and were getting more like 600 a day. Mosquito processed thousands of orders. I'm not surprised by it, I ordered, not finding analog pass through locally. SolidSignal changed the price 3 times (42, 49, 52, 60) which suggested to me they were getting price changes when they ordered more. With 200,000 coupons a week expiring, the announced "week of June 16" availability naturally drew orders.
wow, didn't figure that the intended demographic would be so internet savy. I tend to assume i'm a typical person, and I couldn't find a reason to own one. Except for the fact that they're almost free. More of a curio to add to the shelf of stuff.

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