A look at the DTVPal from the Amazing World of the FUTURE!
While my main DTVPal-related concern over the next 13 days will be getting two for my household before my coupons expire July 2, I'd like to be the first to make a prediction about the "August $40 box" in the form of this PRESS RELEASE FROM THE FUTURE

EchoStar Corporation, Englewood, CO, d.b.a. DISH Network
Our DTVPal product has been extremely well received and is the best-reviewed converter box eligible for the U.S. Government's digital transition $40 coupon program. Sales of the DTVPal at a suggested retail price of $59.99 have exceeded our expectations. DISH Network had planned to offer an additional box with a reduced feature set, named the TR-40, which would retail at $39.99 and be essentially free with the government coupon. However, with the feature set of the DTVPal proving to be so popular, it has been decided that to better serve our customers and maintain our standards of excellence, in place of the TR-40, effective immediately, we will be cutting the suggested retail price of the DTVPal to $39.99. Also, beginning in late October, a co-branded version of the DTVPal will be offered by Sling Media, and will be available at many additional retail outlets. We expect the sales pace will continue as many people who have converter boxes for their TVs realize their VCRs will also need converter boxes. The DTVPal's channel-changing timer feature makes it an ideal choice for use with a VCR. And finally, the DTVPal will be the perfect Christmas gift for friends or relatives who may still need assistance in getting ready for the digital transition deadline of February 17, 2009.
Also, DISH Network has 100 HD channels. Sort of.
For more information, visit dtvpal.com and dishnetwork.com.


If I'm being too subtle so far, what I'm saying is I think they are already planning to do this, and they never intended to build a separate $40 box. This scheme not only maximizes profits (or minimizes losses) by selling boxes for the first two months at the higher $60 price, but it also provides some "cover" for the conflicting statements repeatedly made since January about a $40 box. Remember DISH spokeswoman Francie Bauer's REAL quote: "Our company will ensure that its
DTVPal -- the only NTIA-approved converter box that is
priced at less than the government's $40 coupon --
will be available in the Wilmington area well
in advance of the
Sept. 8 conversion." (
link) - Thursday, May 8, 2008. (I don't think anyone should count on it happening this way, though, it's really just a guess.)