First Look: Dish Name Based Timers

GaryPen said:
I wholeheartedly agree that NBR will be a big improvement. I'm looking forward to it!

I was just pointing out that it will not solve the problem of the networks starting and ending their programs earlier or later than what is in the guide. For that, we need to smack around the network execs.

Hey, I don't CARE if they want to start or end their shows earlier or later.... just make sure that the guide data they provide incorporates this. HBO did this with Band of Brothers back in 2001 when they listed the correct ending times (some would end at 10, some at 10:10 etc...) This way I never missed anything...... Just do this and the problem goes away for most of us when name based recording gets here....
I believe this delete issue varies by series - 50x and maybe 522 don't have it. I think the other guys are talking about 721's. I know I have this issue on my 921.
Delete Issue:
Are we talking about while the original timer is still active, or just aborting a PVR event?

Even on the 921 while viewing a PVR event I can hit the Stop key and then delete the event. The problem with the stop key is that is sometimes kills in progress recordings without warning. I believe this is scheduled to be fixed later in the decade.

HBO and the like could probably fix the scheduling, but at least they acknowledge that things run over:

But, for the networks, the over/under shoots seem to be a tool to pack in more commercials and annoy the PVR users. This will not change unless people stop watching (which I would if they somehow try and force me to watch commercials).

( :p the other day, I reached my hand up looking for the skip-back button on my car radio)
David_Levin said:
Delete Issue:
Are we talking about while the original timer is still active, or just aborting a PVR event?

Even on the 921 while viewing a PVR event I can hit the Stop key and then delete the event. The problem with the stop key is that is sometimes kills in progress recordings without warning. I believe this is scheduled to be fixed later in the decade.
We're talking about just hitting delete while viewing a recording. It's just another of the user-hostile features of the x21.
David_Levin said:
But, for the networks, the over/under shoots seem to be a tool to pack in more commercials and annoy the PVR users. This will not change unless people stop watching (which I would if they somehow try and force me to watch commercials).
David_Levin said:
( :p the other day, I reached my hand up looking for the skip-back button on my car radio)
I try to do that while listening to Mike Rosen on KOA!
GaryPen said:
Conversely, I wish I had a skip ahead button, when listening to the radio. Luckily, it does have a button for changing the station, if I inadvertently tune into a talk radio station.
But, but, but, what about Air America?!?!? :D

Or are they dead already? I guess the marketplace spoke.
I don't care for ANY talk radio. If I want to listen to people talk, I talk with people. I don't even wanna hear DJ's, just music. Of course, I enjoy a good stand-up special on HBO, but that's TV.

OTOH, considering the level of comedic talent involved with AA, I'd probably give it a shot. It's probably pretty funny. In the mean time, an occasional booster shot of The Daily Show or Weekend Update gives me my RDA of political humor.

Oh wait. I wasn't entirely honest. I do listen to Prairie Home Companion on NPR. Good stuff. But, it's more of a comedy/music/variety show. Quite a pleasant thing to have on in the car, on the way to the Farmer's Market or Brunch or other Sunday activity.
GaryPen said:
I'm sorry. I'm such a serious fellow that I often don't understand when people are just kidding around. Next time, put the word "joke" afterwards, in large, red, bold fonts, if it's not too much bother.
Allright, allright :D

How many lefties does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None - they wait for the government to do it for them. JOKE
The problem with deleting a DVR Event I described is with my 721. I would think that the 921 would have the same type of issue since they would both be running Linux therefore having some similarities in the software.
SimpleSimon said:
But, but, but, what about Air America?!?!? :D

Or are they dead already? I guess the marketplace spoke.

I'm not a fan of this sort of radio, but initial reports have Air America doing very well. Stations that picked it up are showing large increases in their ratings, and Franken is beating Lmbaugh in at least one of the few markets it is in. I think they also have shattered records for streaming audio.
SimpleSimon said:
Allright, allright :D

How many lefties does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None - they wait for the government to do it for them. JOKE
A good joke, as above, usually has an element of truth in it. (NO JOKE) :D
Sure,Air America is just doing great!! shown here from the New York Times:

Even by the chaotic standards of a new media company, Air America Radio's first two months of broadcasting have been convulsive.

The fledgling talk-radio network has replaced five top executives, been taken off the air in two of its top three markets and lost several crucial producers. By late April, current and former executives said last week, the company was perilously close to running out of money. It has since received an infusion of cash, though it has not disclosed how much or from whom.

The roiling in Air America's front office has undercut its continuing assurances that it has the financing and leadership to survive past the presidential election in November, in pursuit of its goal of establishing a permanent liberal counterpart to Rush Limbaugh and his radio cohort on the right.

In a sign that the privately held company's financial woes have not fully abated, Al Franken, the network's best-known star, said in an interview last week that he had agreed not to draw a salary, however temporarily, making him "an involuntary investor.''

"We had some bad management,'' Mr. Franken said. "Then we got some good management.''

Still, Mr. Franken, his tongue only partly in cheek, added, "It's a little fuzzy to me exactly who's in charge.''
Btw,Al Franklin is now working for free.What an idiot!!Liberal radio failed for the same reason it usually does: there's no audience for it. To be sure, they drew some interest in thier first month ... with all the press coverage how could they not? But advertisers don't put their money into train wrecks. In this case, sheer incompetence hastened their departure. I wonder if the media will cover their demise as heavily as they did their debut?

I doubt it.
Well, seems obvious to me. Liberals don't know how to manage a business. It's almost by definition. After all it's the liberals that are always screaming about evil corporations, so it simply stands to reason that they wouldn't be the ones running those corporations. :D