First Look: Dish Name Based Timers

GaryPen said:
... I was just pointing out that it will not solve the problem of the networks starting and ending their programs earlier or later than what is in the guide. For that, we need to smack around the network execs.

Something like:

Because of your onerous scheduling to try to stop me from changing channels to the competition, I will no longer watch this show.

And don't forget the advertisers. It only takes a minute to fire off a short email something along the lines of:

Because of the scheduling malarky the network is doing, I now feel negatively about your product.

It doesn't even matter if you will stop watching or go buy the product - a good email campaign can move mountains.
GaryPen said:
For that, we need to smack around the network execs.

No doubt! I missed the end of That 70's Show season finale because of those jerks, I even had it padded out 2 minutes extra. Grrrrrr.

I one has to pad out so much more then that will take up more hard drive space and more likely for conflicts and an even more demand for more tuners and bigger hard drives. In some cases like I have seen lately one would have to pad as much as 10-15 minutes.
I wonder if we will still have the option to create manual timers like we do now? This is how I work around the changing show times and endings. I just record in blocks ,( example: 7:00pm - 9:00 pm), with a little 5 - 10 minute pading at the end. I get each show's name and the individual information for each show and I can watch in any order with my 721. I would hate it if I still lost this current ability. I do love the name based idea with the Season pass option. :D
I am told that Tivo can do that so I don't see why they would take away a function that we currently have. What I like to do is set up a recording from the guide then pad it from the "edit timer" screen if I think it is going to need some extra time on either end. I currently have a weekly timer set up for my 9-year old son to record "Power Rangers Dino Thunder". The first time it recorded I noticed that ABC Family tends to run their morning schedule about 1 minute early. I went in and edited the timer to start one minute early and have had perfect results for the last two months. Now they are starting repeats, but that is where the intelligent name based recording will help out the most. I can leave the timer in place and when a new episode finally airs in June, be it on ABC Family, Toon Disney, or my local ABC station my 508 will find it. THAT is cool!
Manual timers are also good for shows that are far enough into the future that they are not currently in the guide yet or cannot be searched for.
Thank you, Scott. Great news!

Scott Greczkowski said:
From what I saw they need to add a feature so that you can set your unit to record your show only off one channel, so lets say you like Friends, and you want to record each episode which airs Monday - Friday and you want it to record off WPIX only, this way you dont also record Friends Monday through Friday which is airing on WGN and KTLA as well (since they would be the same episode)

But even if it only records off of one channel, is it not smart enough to not record duplicate episodes? From the quote I made bold above, I'm guessing not. Do you mean it's still not going to know the difference between duplicates and will just record ANYTHING it sees with a "Friends" title (even if only on a single network)? What about if I tell it to record all episodes of a show on just a single channel, a lot of networks rerun the same episodes several times a day. Would I end up with 4 copies of the same exact episode? Thanks.
Funny. I seem to remember that, with the dishplayer 7100, people begged for quite some time to add timer based recording to the name based recording.
bytre said:
Funny. I seem to remember that, with the dishplayer 7100, people begged for quite some time to add timer based recording to the name based recording.

Yep. I'm hoping that we get BOTH name-based AND keep the current VCR like functionality.

Both have their uses, and IMHO, you need to be able to pick on a timer by timer basis whether
it's for the time-slot or the program.

BTW, has anyone heard whether this includes the 721 in getting NBR?

LER said:
BTW, has anyone heard whether this includes the 721 in getting NBR?


Scott said at the beginning of this thread it should be on all Dish's receivers by September...
Let's hope this is the early part of September in time for when the new fall season starts. This is almost like getting a DishTivo. I think this is a major step for Dish to take . I just hope it works out well and there won't be any major lawsuits involved. I think the "best of Dish" option is a lot like Tivo Suggestions. I hope you can turn that off, since I never liked what Tivo suggested I watch. I imagine Dish would record all kinds of shopping channels and the Bingo channels and Charlie & Tech chats. I definately want to be able to turn that off. ;)
SimpleSimon said:

Something like:

Because of your onerous scheduling to try to stop me from changing channels to the competition, I will no longer watch this show.

And don't forget the advertisers. It only takes a minute to fire off a short email something along the lines of:

Because of the scheduling malarky the network is doing, I now feel negatively about your product.

It doesn't even matter if you will stop watching or go buy the product - a good email campaign can move mountains.

They will see that you are using a DVR and will not care.
You are not counted in the Nielson ratings, so why should the network care.
You are not watching the commercials, so why should the advertisers care.

sucks, but you just don't matter to them.

Also, sometimes shows are scheduled to go past the announced time by the network(bad idea, in my way of thinking), sometimes they go long because they are broadcast live, like american idol or sports (nothing they can do about that) and sometimes they go long because the local affiliate decides, for what ever reason, that they want the show to end later (the worst of all, IMHO). The last one happens more often than most people realize.
If I were Dish, I'd roll out this service *before* the start of the new TV season... That way it can be tested and (hopefully) ironed out... I wouldn't want to upset the clients who take their TV recordings seriously with bugs that cause the DVR to do strange things... ;)

Now I'm curious... Will we be able to specify when we want the NBR feature active? For example, to tape new episodes of History's Modern Marvels @ 1PM but not the rerun @ 7 PM?
Will we be able to specify when we want the NBR feature active? For example, to tape new episodes of History's Modern Marvels @ 1PM but not the rerun @ 7 PM?

Yes you will be able to tell it episodes marked NEW only. :)
rad said:
OK, who will be the first to sue E* for using some patented technology, Tivo or Replay? I'll bet some lawyer somewhere is looking over this and trying to figure out where they can get them.
They would probably make more money going after Motorola and Scientific Atlanta, as their recently released cable DVRs have similar features to NBR and season pass. I've witnessed it first hand at a friends house who has Cox cable with that giant gray SciAtl DVR.

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