First Look: Dish Name Based Timers

Scott Greczkowski said:
Yes you will be able to tell it episodes marked NEW only. :)
What about the SuperStation issue where wsbk, wwor, and others have the SAME episode of the SAME program
on the same time.
Conflicting times

I hate to say it but as more stations/networks bump thier start/stop time to conflict with other stations a two tuner set up may be the only answer. Use one tuner the first program and the second tuner for program that may have a conflicting start/stop times. I current have 2 TiVos that are connected to two separate Dish boxes in order to avoid these conflicts. TiVo does have a mode that allows you pad the scheduled start/end time your self - a nice feature.
I will be getting a 921 or 942 when name based recording is active.
Sometimes the "new" marker is misleading. Case in point is "Stargate SG-1". All new episodes from the current season are shown on the SciFi channel. Episodes from the prior season on SciFi are still marked as new when they first air in syndication on a local broadcast outlet like KTTV even though they technically are repeats.
How good is the conflict resolution on this? Is it as good as TiVo in that if you have two season passes that have shows at the same time, it will pick up the lower priority show at a later time if possible? Say the lower priority season pass is set to only pick up "new" episodes, will it still record that episode 4 hours later when it repeats?

With tivo, it considers any program to be "new" for 10 days from the first time it aired. I'm wondering how dish will handle this. I must say i'm impressed so far though.
I have noticed that the first time a new episode airs it is marked as "new" in the guide info, and any subsequent airings even on the same day do not have "new" on them. They may just be keying on the word "new" in the guide data rather than having some sort of tracking algorithm like Tivo has.
rad said:
OK, who will be the first to sue E* for using some patented technology, Tivo or Replay? I'll bet some lawyer somewhere is looking over this and trying to figure out where they can get them.

Tivo already has a suit against E*.

Big Bob said:
They will see that you are using a DVR and will not care.
You are not counted in the Nielson ratings, so why should the network care.

Not true in all cases. That may be the case in the homes with the black boxes, but those that fill out the Nielsen paper log are asked to indicate if the program was recorded live and then allows you to indicates when you watched it. I have done this in ours over the years.
As others have pointed out, name based recording falls apart when channels like MTV or Tech TV (soon to be G4) show totally different programs then what the electronic program guide lists as being aired. Its not perfect and not a big deal to me now same as it wasn't when the Tivo fanatics used to regularly trump it up as the be all end all "gold standard" in elite PVR's. Manual timers works perfectly for me the way its currently implemented. I'd rather have a feature that checks for last minute program changes every 25 minutes then NBR myself, but that would be quite a task having it successfully coordinated and updated 24-7.
I thought that they were going to be done with giving the 721 anymore new software upgrades? That was mentioned on here before, but then we heard about the name based recording and the satelliteguys best of show award for the home media center software (the 721 does have usb ports) although it is different software than the other receivers they were meaning that to be for (the 522, 942). If they do not have the home media center software for the 721 then I do not see them getting it for the 921 either.

I think the name based recording will come to hte 721 and 921 anyways even if it does not get the other software enhancements in the future.
Big Bob said:
They will see that you are using a DVR and will not care.
You are not counted in the Nielson ratings, so why should the network care.
You are not watching the commercials, so why should the advertisers care.

sucks, but you just don't matter to them.

Also, sometimes shows are scheduled to go past the announced time by the network(bad idea, in my way of thinking), sometimes they go long because they are broadcast live, like american idol or sports (nothing they can do about that) and sometimes they go long because the local affiliate decides, for what ever reason, that they want the show to end later (the worst of all, IMHO). The last one happens more often than most people realize.
I never said anything about telling them you had a DVR. :D

If you did put that in the letter, you'd be right. :)
Here's one thing I'd like to have included in a software upgrade. When you're watching a program, you can't delete it until you've finished it. This is pretty annoying, particularly if you start to watch it then realize you've already seen it. You have to fast forward through the entire program before you can deleted. Now granted with the 300x FF speed it's pretty quick, but annoying, none the less.
Not being able to delete it until the program is finished has been annoying me as well. It tells you that you cannot delete a program that you are viewing. Sometimes it still will not delete when I already told it to. The box that usually pops up to tell you that some large events may take longer to erase..... does not tell you that, just remains blank and stays that way for a bit then it comes right back to the screen asking if you want to Erase, Start Over, Protect, Cancel, Help like you done nothing, and this has happened for a while now.

A while back it quit doing this but recently started doing this again. A work around for this is to start watching another DVR Event then select to record it. This problem may be related to the issue of not being able to delete the show as you have described.
SAEMike said:
Here's one thing I'd like to have included in a software upgrade. When you're watching a program, you can't delete it until you've finished it. This is pretty annoying, particularly if you start to watch it then realize you've already seen it. You have to fast forward through the entire program before you can deleted. Now granted with the 300x FF speed it's pretty quick, but annoying, none the less.

SAEMike, This is not true. At least on the 50x series you can delete a show you are watching without fast forwarding to the end. While watching a program, press stop and then you can delete the program. If you press "PVR" button to return to the Menu, you cannot delete the program as you suggested. In this case, press Resume, then stop, then the erase will work fine.
tbenning said:
SAEMike, This is not true. At least on the 50x series you can delete a show you are watching without fast forwarding to the end. While watching a program, press stop and then you can delete the program. If you press "PVR" button to return to the Menu, you cannot delete the program as you suggested. In this case, press Resume, then stop, then the erase will work fine.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok, thanks so much! I'll give my girlfriend this information in the morning. She'll be delighted to hear that lol :)
tbenning said:
SAEMike, This is not true. At least on the 50x series you can delete a show you are watching without fast forwarding to the end. While watching a program, press stop and then you can delete the program. If you press "PVR" button to return to the Menu, you cannot delete the program as you suggested. In this case, press Resume, then stop, then the erase will work fine.

I do this all the time on my 501.

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