First Look - Dish Booth & 922

I didn't take pics of the entire booth, in fact I only saw the Sling side. But I did spend some hands on time with the UI. It looks beautiful, but the touchscreen remote is somewhat finicky and limited. Hoping they resolve that prior to launch, also I'd like to see more physical buttons. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the SG team uncovers. Here's several pics I took of the 922 and SlingGuide, also embedding a few in this post:

"SlingLoaded" DISH VIP 922 Details



Ya think? I've never thought of any Dish remote being the paragon of design, but that one is due a serious change!
Maybe it is ergonomic for some alien being.

The remote is simple because it needs not be fancy, it controls a cursor on the TV screen, if you have used the Wii controllers or other similar ones, you just move the cursor around on the screen and shoot.

I agree the remote itself should look more attractive.
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The remote is simple because it needs not be fancy, it controls a cursor on the TV screen, if you have used the Wii controllers or other similar ones, you just move the cursor around on the screen and shoot.

I agree the remote itself should look more attractive.

That was mainly what I getting at. It could certainly be more curvy to nestle in one's hand easier. Of course, it may well be a prototype.
Scott :

Ask the appropriate Programming person:

- Which "Fashion TV" will be in HD and when ?

Not because it is any more important than the other channels, but simply because the reference was more ambiguous... thanks !

K...I agree it was a terrible announcement, but it's 99.9% obvious that it's the Paris Fashion TV.

1) Paris version is available around the world (including in the US over FTA and MobiTV.) Canadian version is available in Canada.

2) Paris version has already launched an HD channel, Canadian hasn't.

3) Canadian version isn't even actually called's like "Fashion Television- The Channel" or something awkward like that

That said, this is DISH we're talking about. I don't think you could be sure until it lights up, no matter what the "appropriate Programming person" says. (And that goes for the "when" too.) :D
A favor, please:

There is a 922 pub thread, a 922 thread in the main forum, the press conference on the 922 thread, and this thread. Can we consolidate discussion into one on these threads?
On the subject of the True2Way product:

If you have the opportunity to ask Echostar question, please inquire as to whether they've decided to run the cable company's own True2Way DVR software, or whether they will run the cable co software in the background and run this new 922 interface on top of it.
Wow, why does every electronic manufacturer lately think they need to lock users into their remotes? Aren't there more people like me that have Harmonys and the like that use the macros and only want one remote? The PS3 uses bluetooth, and now the new 922 not only uses RF, but a cursor?
If you want to create some cool new tech, great. But let it be backward compatible to IR universal remotes for at least a few more years!


Thanks Dave for the pics. :) I was looking for you at the Sling booth a little while ago and they said they havent seen you today.

Getting ready to do a live call in radio show. Feel free to stop by and say hello at the Dish booth!
Dos it have Dual HD Outputs though... PLEASE GOD PLEASE!!!!! :) I want this as I could use a GENFEN adaptor for TV2.... It would be SOO simple to add this... Scott?!?!?!? Can you ask Chuck about this for us ;0 ?
Wow, why does every electronic manufacturer lately think they need to lock users into their remotes? Aren't there more people like me that have Harmonys and the like that use the macros and only want one remote? The PS3 uses bluetooth, and now the new 922 not only uses RF, but a cursor?
If you want to create some cool new tech, great. But let it be backward compatible to IR universal remotes for at least a few more years!



I hear ya. I don't use and won't use a Harmony remote because I find them too breakable and limited, but I do use universal remotes (mostly from URC - see MX-980 and MX-900).

If the receiver is tied to this remote, there's no way I'll ever use it or recommend it. There better be a way to control the receiver easily using the traditional remote navigational methods, and via IR through a universal remote.

That means no cursors. And actually, I don't want a cursor. They're great for computers, but I don't want my satellite receiver to be a computer. It's much easier to navigate with directional buttons. Looks like that guide would be a huge pain to navigate with that thing!

And that remote looks like an ergonomic disaster regardless!

I'd appreciate if anyone could shed some more light on the ability to control the receiver by more traditional methods. Thanks!
Wow, why does every electronic manufacturer lately think they need to lock users into their remotes? Aren't there more people like me that have Harmonys and the like that use the macros and only want one remote? The PS3 uses bluetooth, and now the new 922 not only uses RF, but a cursor?
If you want to create some cool new tech, great. But let it be backward compatible to IR universal remotes for at least a few more years!



Has not the universal remote always taken the back seat? I was not aware any CE mfr. considered the compatibility of universals in their own designs.
Having macros is certainly a biggee and a selling point for Harmonys, et al.

In fact, I'm a little surprised more mfrs. have not competed with them. Although, a relative handful have integrated their specific controls with universal remotes, mostly on more expensive receivers and some other high end gear.
Obviously, cost is a factor.

Kudos to Logitech and other universals for being able to keep up with the changes, so far. More use of cursors, etc. could change all that, or force the unis to do some redesign.
I asked the last question on the Scottie Chat today. However, due to stage fright and totally stressing out I don't think I asked what I meant to or really know exactly what I asked.

What I wanted to ask was if you have the slingloaded 922 hooked up at home is there any possible way to hook up your laptop to a tv somewhere else, say at a hotel room, and watch your 922 remotely on that tv?

I realize you can watch your home 922 at a hotel on your laptop but how about on a hotel tv?
Has not the universal remote always taken the back seat? I was not aware any CE mfr. considered the compatibility of universals in their own designs.
Having macros is certainly a biggee and a selling point for Harmonys, et al.

In fact, I'm a little surprised more mfrs. have not competed with them. Although, a relative handful have integrated their specific controls with universal remotes, mostly on more expensive receivers and some other high end gear.
Obviously, cost is a factor.

Kudos to Logitech and other universals for being able to keep up with the changes, so far. More use of cursors, etc. could change all that, or force the unis to do some redesign.

Many manufacturers, almost all decent ones, make their devices universal friendly. Most commonly they have extended codesets for discrete power and inputs, many have IR inputs on the back, some are controllable via RS-232, etc.

Yes, there's always that device that's a pain to control, but this shouldn't be it. Dish has been great so far with control...discrete power and 16 different IR addresses.

Plus the cursor style makes no sense.

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