Fine Tune 4DTV 920

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I put the new C-Band BSC211 - 13K that I bought dirt cheap on Flea-bay ($10.00 plus $6.00 shipping), and I didn't see a noticeable difference in signal quality with the 4DTV anywhere across the arc. I didn't hook up the Pansat to verify that, but I know it is hard to beat the Chaparral 20K that I am currently using.

But that is fine by me. If it does as well as the Chaparral, I can use the Chaparral on the Pinnacle. :D It will be a very inexpensive replacement on the 4D dish.

I hooked up one of the no-name white "Low Stability" Ku LNBs that George sent me, and I saw no difference between it and the Eagle Aspen. Again, I didn't hook up the Pansat to verify. Just using the numbers off the 920.

Tomorrow evening, I am going to try the Cal-Amp .6 Ku LNB, and see what it does. :D

I have a Cal-Amp 25K C-Band LNB on the Birdview, and it works just like the Chaparral 20K. Good stability, and excellent SQ.

That's it for tonight. It was a little toasty on the roof this afternoon. The high here today was 88F so you know what it was like on the roof.

I have the mount all assembled for the Pinnacle, and the center mast in place, plumbed up and the blocks on the out-riggers. Just have to do a little work on the AJAK mount, cleaning, lubing, and preparation for putting up on the roof.

It was worth trying for!!

I think it also proves that the BSC211 is a pretty decent LNB. :D

There is just no getting around an undersized dish.

It was a decision I made to try a smaller dish to help prevent the wind problem because of where it sits on the building. For that purpose it works!!

The signal I get is decent, just not great!! :D

It just becomes a project for this fall to build another non-pen mount like the other two and move the dish from off the wall and put up the SAMI 10 footer for the 4DTV. :D

I finally got a small window of opportunity to go up and change out the little white "Low Stability" Ku LNB and put on the Cal-Amp .6 Ku LNB.

The winner is the Cal-Amp. I have the AMC2 test card at a signal of 82.

In all fairness, I did get that test card earlier today by reversing the polarity and using K9 as the substitute satellite for that position. The signal with the little white one was only 78.

I checked the signal on K3 (AMC3) and X4 (G16), and I had equal or better digital Ku too. That is with heavy overcast skies and rain all around especially to the South of me.

I will probably switch the BSC211 with the Chaparral 20K if I get another opportunity tomorrow. Been raining here all day and expected to do the same through Friday morning.

My respect for this dish is gaining. I might just keep it. :D

Hey Al,

Thanks a million for the explanation.

I read your post, and already got it done. :D

I'll have to figure out a different Satellite to program into the 129W location for analog. Last summer, I saw some Cardinal feeds in that position when I first started out and the old Drake was the only thing I had to play with. :D

As to my signal strength being what it is. I may be a little too hard on this dish. It receives everything I want to watch. I more than likely won't ever subscribe to HBO/Cinemax. I think I am just an over-achiever, and want all signal I can get whether I watch it or not. :D

Thanks for the help Al,


I Dont Blame You Get What You Can Get Out Of It. Good Luck Man:up
Thanks chefwan,

I managed to put the Chaparral back on the feed-horn last night. I also put the focal distance back to factory specs of 33.75 inches. I had to bend the ends of the support arms a little to get to that distance. I was having a little problem with side lobes and interference on a couple of C-Band channels at the calculated focal distance.

I understand now why the factory specs are written at what they are.

It is getting pretty decent signal, and I am going to leave it where it is and use it until at least next fall, maybe longer.

Thanks to all who were interested and have responded.

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USA/E is now on GB-590

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