
Please reply by conversation.
Dee Ann, My wife and I are "Mom And Pop, Caring About People". We minister to all kinds of people. I am well aware that "religious" concepts are not well tolerated on this forum, and rightly so, but your comments are very type-typical of many people we help.Some may call it /you drama queen, we know different. We and God know the truth. You can get through this. This PayPal thing may be the thing that has pushed you over the edge, but grab that branch and hang on until someone can reach down and lift you back up. You have proven you are capable of getting THROUGH this whole mess. I can tell your family loves you - you are worth loving, and you are capable of loving again.
I blew up at Brian at SatelliteAV a few weeks ago and we did get it worked out. We all can get this worked out also. If you wish to PM me we will continue this discussion in private. Do not give up, kid. BTW, you notice I am rv1pop. Now you know the reason for the POP.
"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some (wo)men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way (s)he wants it. Well, (s)he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men.

and now we cue "Civil War" By G & R ;)
(for the uninformed at the beginning of the song they have that line above)
Few thoughts on this whole thing.....

dee ann said:
Wow...... That's exceptionally RUDE and crude...... I'm done here. F this forum. I'm done and gone. I'll figure it out on my own.
I don't need crappy insults like that.

Thanks for nothing....

PS, reported for RUDENESS........


so lemme see. Empiretc throws out some sarcasm because well you did too (saying the 10 foot dish is "about the size of a kid's lunch box but weighs about 250 tons"). And you call that rude? How about all the posts here where people try to help you and you take bits and pieces of it and wonder why its not working? I mean damn there is some GREAT info there that a new person can read through and probably get a C-Band dish up.

I saw the reported post (actually all staff can see it) and I already wrote a response to the other staff.

And by the way his second part is the beginning of the Guns and Roses song "Civil War". From wiki
The song samples Strother Martin's speech in Cool Hand Luke ("What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.")
and if you dont beleive wiki, youtube it.
He added a couple letters to make it right for the person (a female)

If you feel that you were offended, that is up to you. But to say "F this forum" is not only a slap in the face of everyone here who has tried to help you get this working and that includes me. I am beyond pissed right now and frankly that takes a helluva lot to piss me off here. I've been called damn near everything in the book from people via this site and via PM's (anyone I have banned for illegal things usually come back and attack me personally) but basically you told the whole FTA area (not just the people who have tried to help) to...well.... F off.

You say you'll leave but I got 20 bucks that you'll be back (the fact you responded after your little temper tantrum proves it). You did the same thing when RTV dropped the west coast feed on 83W KU and added Tuff TV and you went to their facebook site and complained and damn near got the channels scrambled. We were not very happy (screw it...we were PISSED)...and I'm using "we" as in the FTA folks here at Satelliteguys. I have said it before we are like a family here (a dysfunctional one) but dammit we all seem to get along and help each other. We may have different views but some of us felt betrayed when you went to RTV's facebook page and complained to the point they were gonna scramble the channels. But yet we let you back (basically letting bygones be bygones) and we helped you try and get the 6 foot dish working. The fact you had it very close to working then getting mad and tearing it all down basically wasted alot of folks times....I think some of this has been covered in posts after yours. Your time spent on it may not mean anything but dammit mine does.

If you want to stay, you are more than welcome to.
If you want to leave, thats fine too. I'm not going to have a "please stay Dee" thread.

side note...I'm not gonna close it yet because honestly the folks who have tried to help you have the right as far as I am concerned to respond.
I sit corrected. I mentioned this to Phottoette yesterday about the words to what I thought were the apology to the troops, and she corrected me, it was "Cool Hand Luke" as Empiretc mentioned above. I was going to come back and correct that post, but we had a power failure, then I had to leave for a doctor's appointment. The power never came back on until well after my bed time last night.

Thanks for NOT closing this thread yet, Iceberg. I felt that there would have been more people responding (and venting).

And in the 'for what it's worth' department, I don't see where anyone called her a man.

Last edited:
I like many have been hooked to this thread and like many I've added my thoughts, advice and encouragement with the hope that Dee would make it and would benefit from the "almighty power" of SatGuys.

So what's my point/angle?

1) Dee has worked real hard at this and has got real frustrated as we all have (with our own projects) and decided to offload on the contributors - not cool, don't bite the hand that feeds
2) Dee is a determined SOB - yup I guess I might be reported, but this is a compliment
3) Without judging or getting into it, Dee clearly has a condition that affects her life, something she is living with, something most of us don't have to consider and yet, she is giving it all she's got - that's commendable by itself
4) It does seem Dee "ignores" the advice posted here, this might be because she doesn't understand or because it doesn't seem to apply to her circumstances, the "problem" here is that Dee is nor reporting back on the advice or, so it becomes difficult to offer new advice.

After all is said and done I think Dee is in the right place, but if she's too stubborn to "play along" then maybe she should look elsewhere.

Sorry Dee, if this offends/bothers you but SatGuys means well, but you do need to drink the CoolAid.

My 2.5c
Actually the title of the thread means something as I think this thread is FINALLY over! Glad luck with the project dee if your still reading. For what it's worth I think dee was just flustered with the whole thing and maybe figured it would be a little easier. You have to admit it is a daunting task.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
This is so much knowledge in this thread alone it needs to be a sticky. With a new name of course lol

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
Yeah, I'm stupid. Call me stupid all day long. I don't care. Call me ugly too, I know I'm not pretty. That's why I'm single.
But don't call me a guy. That's BS. Someone posted some nasty, rude, from the gutter insult some days ago that was 100% uncalled for.
I've complained about sports. I TOTALLY HATE SPORTS. I've mentioned that I don't watch religious channels but I never insulted anyone's religion or beliefs. I've complained numerous times about the total saturation of the airwaves with male-centric programming.
But I never insulted or attacked anyone's manhood !!

That post with all that "(s)he" BS was what tore it.. :mad:

I've tried to get along and keep my OPINIONS to myself since the RTV facebook thing. I've kept my complaining offline since then. At least here in this forum.

I effn TRY. I may not get it, I don't understand most of it, but I effn TRY.
I don't have ANYONE helping me with this BS in the real world, I have to struggle through this BS all by myself doing something that I have never done before, all on my own with only faceless people on the internet trying to advise me.

And yeah, I'm STUPID and I'm DUMB and I'm old and ugly.
But I'm no man and I am P***ED OFF over those RUDE comments and insults!

I'm done screwing around with that little dish. It doesn't work and I'm bone tired of messing with it. I am going to make that big dish work.
And I'm going to do it by myself. I'm not going to ask for help on it because all I'll get is more nasty, rude insults.

I have no idea how to do it but I'm going to do it.

BY MY SELF. :mad:
I thought you were done with this forum Dee??? I remember reading, and I quote; "F this forum, and I'm never coming back", "thanks for nothing", and "I'm thru here"...

thx for coming back with a long pointless sarcastic reply... it was really helpful and informative...
featured now on the SatelliteGuys Network:

I think this is actually season TWO.
I remember a similar situation...and exit....before.
Was that Season 1, Commercial Ku Dishes..?..
I believe you are correct.
And look how that turned out - whole farm of little dishes are now installed 'n working fine!

If the first season hadn't had such a happy ending (no pun there!) I probably wouldn't have tuned in for:
Season 2, Little BUD, or: The Six Foot Challenge.. - ;)
Unfortunately, the network has been putting on reruns, repeating the same material, instead of getting to end of this series.
Think they need new writers? - :eek:
Or new actors?
Unfortunately, I hear Ashton Kutcher is spoken for.
And I wouldn't touch Tom Cruise with a 10 foot pole! - :rant:

Speaking of which, I'm anxious to see next season.
What will that be called?
Season 3, Big BUD and Ten Little Indians?
Or maybe: In the Shade of the BUD?
Guess we'll have to wait 'n see.
Sure do hope the network renews the series.
Based on all the add-space season 2 has generated, I feel certain they'll bring it back. - :up

You know, in a way this reminds me of the recent Ice Road Trucker spin-off.
They drove some backwater highways in the mountains of northern India!
Featuring unknown/broken/suspect equipment, new local customs, strange language, difficult challenges, and frustrating helpers. - :eek: - :rolleyes:
Yea, quite a few similarities!
I said right after your attack that no one called you a male. References were made to what was being QUOTED but you decided that it was a personal attack on you, too bad you feel that way, because that was NOT what was intended, at least not to insult your femininity. Lighten up already.

Also as was posted by at least a couple of people, myself included, if you would have told us what you had done when we tried to help you, and what short comings you had suffered because of the work you had done according to the helpful suggestions offered, we could have better guided you in the direction needed to accomplish what you were trying to do, namely, point the dish in the right direction.

And just as an aside, Dee-Ann, no one here has used the words that you are using here now to describe you, namely the 'stupid' or 'dumb' or 'old and ugly.' Where in the heck is THAT coming from? What I specifically mentioned TWICE is the way you decide that THINGS, INANIMATE objects, that do not have the ability to THINK cannot be construed as being STUPID. And as I said in that particular post, people can DO stupid things, but very few of the people I have met in my life can honestly be describes as "stupid." I really think that is NOT a term that can be used as being "PC" (politically correct).

I know now that you are definitely NOT reading all the posts here, because there have been at least THREE explanations on what the words were that you are objection too here. And BTW, no one even tried to placate you or tried to make you feel better about a bad choice of words. They are quotes from a song, and from a movie staring Paul Newman, made in the early 70's, a time that I feel you weren't probably even yet alive, or such a small girl that the words went right over your head.

If you think that something written before or right after you were born was directed AT you as an insult to your femininity, then Ma'am, PLEASE do not read Homer, or Aristotle, or any Greek phylosipher, since they were ALL directed AT you specifically from an era nearly 3000 years ago and today carry as much thought and weight as they did then. I might also mention you should stay away from Shakesphere also since he often used MALES to portray FEMALE roles, and that too might be taken as an insult to your femininity.

You ARE a rebel, and thank your G/god(s) for that, and may (S)He give you the strength to assault this world that has wronged you so much. But remember too, you HAVEN'T been alone as you stated. You have had some guys come out and do things you needed to have done. And you mentioned a couple of times paying some of these guys. Well,I hate to tell you, but there are PLENTY of guys here on this forum that have paid to have people come to their place(s) and get work done, whether aiming a dish or lifting a dish.

And you have NEVER "been alone" as far as this forum has been concerned, there have been well over 300 posts in this thread from all sorts of people that have been trying to HELP and GUIDE you in your quest for better signals from the sky. And add to that, one VERY special invitation from rv1pop who even offered (without saying so) to pray with you, but you didn't mention that in your last offering.

And even, just suppose, imagine that the statement by the poster that quoted Cool Hand Luke, or Guns and Roses WAS directing an insult directly AT you specifically (which I sincerely believe he was NOT doing, with the accumulated frustration of trying to guide you and help you), why on Earth would you in any sense of common decency rip into EVERY member here, whether they contributed to this thread or only LEARNED by reading this thread. Go back and see what people have said when they learned from reading this thread, heck I even mentioned that I learned from advise that I gave you, did you even SEE that?

And as for your THIRD time parting statement about making the big dish work for you and not asking for any help here, and stating that you are going to do it all by your self (that's me paraphrasing here) ... well, for the THIRD time, I wish you luck. But stop threatening us with your suffering about how we miligned you and mistreated you. GET it done, then come back and show us you really could do it. But I would caution you on one thing. Keep this entire thread, save it, read it a thousand times, because ALL your needs are answered within this thread.

Good Luck and I wish you the very best you are capable of accepting.

Let's just lock this and be done with it. It's degenrated into something absolutely useless. I'll be glad to leave.
Leave the thread open so you guys can sit here behind my back and continue to insult me? Not very fair is it?

Please lock the thread. It's done. Stick a fork in it.

Please, Dee, take a deep breath and read this post:
Mom and I mean what we say. Over 30 years as pastoral counselors has allowed us to help hundreds of people (maybe thousands). My FAITH is not of mankind, but I do not shove my God down peoples throats.

My voice is recognized on the the Seattle area talk radio stations, including one where a woman had attempted suicide by jumping off the Ship Channel Bridge. She was being ridiculed over the air and I called in and offered to help. The host laughed at me and hung up on me. He got over 20 calls from people who knew me and told him that my wife and I were qualified to help.

I have sent you a couple of PMs in the past. No responses from you. I am reading between the lines, and I have been doing this for over 30 years, so I am good at it. There is NO condemnation in ANYTHING I have said or will say to you. You have two friends in this motor home. You are not stupid. You are extremely brilliant. You are a good learner. I never have seen an ugly red head! You are hurting and for good reasons, but you are not drowning yourself in booze or drugs. OK? I could go on, but since this a public forum, I am ready to continue via PM... If anyone else needs help along this line, this is my calling, this is what we do. PM me. This is the main reason we own a motor home and travel - to help people - to show we do care.

Mom And Pop -- with POP doing the typing.
Looks like the series finale folks. For what its worth, I think she did a good job she just jumped ahead steps to quickly without finishing the last step. I think she thinks we all are laughing at her but dee we just wanted to help ya. You don't have people here responding to your thread for 38 pages if they don't like you. This thread does need to be a sticky though as it has a lot of info and is one of the better threads in sat guys. "Well if I don't see ya again,good afternoon,good evening, and goodnight". The curtain closes on the dee ann saga.
Let's just lock this and be done with it. It's degenrated into something absolutely useless. I'll be glad to leave.
Leave the thread open so you guys can sit here behind my back and continue to insult me? Not very fair is it?

Please lock the thread. It's done. Stick a fork in it.



This thread has not degenerated into something useless, your last post however, was pointless, unfounded and uncalled for.

I can't believe YOU believe that you have been insulted by anyone here, except yourself - I don't know why you think you have, I don't know why you think anyone here who has tried to help is insulting worse, they are expressing frustration at your apparent refusal to read everything, process it and ask questions based on the advice, hints, suggestions, etc.

Further, despite this thread getting off topic, contributors are still trying to help you, if we didn't want to help, if we didn't have respect for your BUD fight, if we didn't want to help, this thread wouldn't be a record breaker in terms of posts and would have no updates.

FWIW: Go back, read it again, read it all again and save the advice, whether you leave, stay, post or not, the advice is great advice.
Yeah, I'm stupid. Call me stupid all day long. I don't care. Call me ugly too, I know I'm not pretty. That's why I'm single.

Dee!! Dont put yourself down!! No one is even close to what is considered perfect on this world.Be yourself and take pride in it!FTA is a great hobby and should be used as that and not to replace what cable or dish has to offer.I have really had some ups and downs with this hobby!the latest is RTV on AMC3 playing hide and seek with me :) makes me feel like using the dish as a bullseye in target practice put i dont,because i know this is just a hobby.If you really enjoy FTA as a hobby just take a step back for now and clear the head! Those satellites are not going anywhere very soon.When you deal with so many different people on a forum such as this!someone is bound to say something that you may find insulting to you!But we are all human and with that said we all say things we should of not said.This forum is full of group of great guys and gals that just want to share what they have learned in this hobby and learn more.Take care Dee! I hope that we get the chance to hear from you again on this great hobby they call FTA. Stan!!
I sure wish we had the option to print this entire thread because it sure easy to lose track of what's been posted. If there is a way to print would someone let me know, if not how about looking into adding it as an option administrators.
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