
Please reply by conversation.
all comments relate to your 6' dish

You realize your iPod/Pad/Phone was made in China. :)

For the record, I don't agree you should throw out the 6' C-band dish, nor abandon C-band on it.
I'd like to see a test-run with a GeoSatPro C2 from SatelliteAV.
(and some more aggressive alignment as I described above in a recent post)
The C2 is well reviewed, that's what Iceberg and many others use, and it's a known base-line item.

You will not get decent Ku on the 6' dish using a C+Ku LNBF.
Those things don't see the entire dish on Ku.
On a good 8' or larger dish, they turn in reasonable Ku performance, with some anal tuning.
But a 1m or 1.2m dedicated Ku dish is still an equal or better choice.

I see you have an old Chaparral C+Ku feedhorn.
Won't offer any opinion how that equipment will work out for you on Ku.
Maybe others will speak up.
However, for C-band, if you want to give it a try, I'd think that might be worth a night with the bugs. ;)

Here are some sources for a recommended Ku LNBF to match your prime-focus dish:
Think of your typical Ku lnbf as being like a regular lens on a camera.
You need a wide-angle lens/LNBF to see all the surface of your BUD on Ku, and the LNBFs listed in the above thread do that.
(the SatAV, the DMSI, and the Invacom horn with a Ku LNB)

Did you look into or test-drive wire cups and wire wheels for your drill?
You realize your iPod/Pad/Phone was made in China. :)

Yeah, and I wish it wasn't. It's a shame it wasn't / can't be made here. But we don't make things here anymore.

For the record, I don't agree you should throw out the 6' C-band dish, nor abandon C-band on it.
I'd like to see a test-run with a GeoSatPro C2 from SatelliteAV.
(and some more aggressive alignment as I described above in a recent post)
The C2 is well reviewed, that's what Iceberg and many others use, and it's a known base-line item.
Ok, thank you. I will look into that. Right now I am in a financial mess, someone in China hacked my paypal account, drew a large sum against my bank account and caused an over draft. I filed a claim, Paypal is investigating but in the mean time my bank account is frozen. Paypal told me that my funds will be tied up for 30 days. Until the return my stolen money my bank account is frozen too. :mad:

Until this mess gets fixed I would have to get my dad to make any purchases for me. He's done it before but he doesn't like to do things online. I think Dad is wise. More and more I am falling victim to online fraud and it's p:rant:ing me off! :mad:

You will not get decent Ku on the 6' dish using a C+Ku LNBF.
Those things don't see the entire dish on Ku.
On a good 8' or larger dish, they turn in reasonable Ku performance, with some anal tuning.
Oh.... :(

But a 1m or 1.2m dedicated Ku dish is still an equal or better choice.
I have the one meter lawn chair dish pointed at PBS now. It works pretty well. I was hoping for better though. The S2 channels and Montana are a little glitchy at times.

I see you have an old Chaparral C+Ku feedhorn.
Won't offer any opinion how that equipment will work out for you on Ku.
Maybe others will speak up.
However, for C-band, if you want to give it a try, I'd think that might be worth a night with the bugs. ;)
Ok, scratch the ku ideas.... As I said before, it can't possibly change polarity anymore since it's a bit broken. But me and this tv and NASA are all on the horizontal channels. I don't think there's anything on the vertical channels of that satellite that I am interested in.

Here are some sources for a recommended Ku LNBF to match your prime-focus dish:
Think of your typical Ku lnbf as being like a regular lens on a camera.
You need a wide-angle lens/LNBF to see all the surface of your BUD on Ku, and the LNBFs listed in the above thread do that.
(the SatAV, the DMSI, and the Invacom horn with a Ku LNB)

Ok I will read that too and try to figure out if or how I can use any of that information in my situation.

Did you look into or test-drive wire cups and wire wheels for your drill?

No, not yet. I don't have anything like that but my dad said he does, he is going to loan those things to me so I can get the rust cleaned off and paint the stuff.

I asked him about painting the whole dish and he said painting it with spray cans would be pointless and expensive, he said I need to get a roller brush with long fuzz on it and some black latex paint and roller it. Does that sound feasible? It sounds like a good idea to me but then again, what do I know?

Thanks so much! :)
I have a professional painter friend who came over to spray one of my dishes. His sprayer clogged up and he whipped out a "mini" roller and it turned out great. He used Ace Hardware flat exterior latex house paint mixed to a light Grey. The mini roller follows the curvature better and gets into tight spots on the back side.
I have a professional painter friend who came over to spray one of my dishes. His sprayer clogged up and he whipped out a "mini" roller and it turned out great. He used Ace Hardware flat exterior latex house paint mixed to a light Grey. The mini roller follows the curvature better and gets into tight spots on the back side.

Sweet! Thank you! I'll def. go get a mini roller and a can of paint tomorrow.. :D
I have the one meter lawn chair dish pointed at PBS now. It works pretty well.
I was hoping for better though. The S2 channels and Montana are a little glitchy at times.
Read up on what others are using for the S2 on that satellite.
I know you haven't gone dish hunting, but look around the neighborhood and around town.
You might find an old PrimeStar 1.2m , or the Andrew/ChannelMaster branded late model on a business somewhere.
Here's one I found on a local Mexican take-out restaurant.
You'll know 'em when you see 'em! :)
This one is pointed NORTH, so it's obviously out of service! :up

Also, there are Prodelin 4' wide (maybe 2' high) dishes on a lot of gas stations out here.
They are actually rectangular, with real corners.
Those should perform about as well, I believe. can't possibly change polarity anymore since it's a bit broken.
I'm not sold on trying the old feed, but all you have to do is rotate then entire body 90° to change from V to H.
So, if you were experimenting and just wanted a single polarity, you -can- try either.
Not recommending the idea, but just passing it along.

I asked him about painting the whole dish and he said painting it with spray cans would be pointless and expensive, he said I need to get a roller brush with long fuzz on it and some black latex paint and roller it.
Some of the members have used outdoor latex house paint, and recommended it.
Stogie5150 did a roller paint job on some little Primestar dishes, and a big 4-segment fiberglass BUD.
It looked great.
McGuyver did his 8' molded ChannelMaster.
The restoration made it look new.
Chapelrun painted his 8' molded ChannelMaster black and then traded it to a guy using a 10' ChannelMaster as a sign!

Those dishes were not metal that could rust.
They're fiberglass or molded thermo-setting plastic.
Mine are aluminum, so no problem there.
Unless your dish is actually rusting, I wouldn't paint one!
It's just an excuse to delay the inevitable.
And if I did, it'd be with medium or dark charcoal, not white nor black.
Think what color would go unnoticed the best; maybe light or medium gray for your yard?
And NOT GLOSS!!! Use flat paint.

Spray cans on the dish proper might be a challenge or expensive.
If you can find a color you like in 99¢ cans, ya might give it a try.
But rollers seem the best for large flat surfaces.

Now for the mount, it's small, it -can- be glossy, it's rusty metal that -requires- good, expensive, primer 'n paint, so spray cans are perfect.
I already gave my thoughts above on that.
And, being small pieces, easily moved and handled, you could work with them at your leisure.

...he is going to loan those things to me so I can get the rust cleaned off and paint the stuff.
The primer I mentioned is meant to bond with rusty surfaces, so long as the rust isn't sloughing off.
That's what the wire cup and wire wheel are for - to knock off whatever is loose.
What rust remains, gets dusted with a rag or an air hose, and then you apply the primer.
From your talks, I'm sure you've done craft or home repair projects with spray paint, so I'm sure you'll excel at it! :up
The primer isn't cheap, but once the metal is covered (and you apply the color top coat of your choosing), that should be the end to the creeping rust problem.
Much to my surprise, SatelliteAV has re-stocked their Ku prime-feed LNBF.
It's cheap, too! - :up
All credit goes to dougruss for catching it! thanks -:)

Wow Anole! That's cool, and that's a LOT of info to digest! Thank you!

So..... Last night I tried to reply, when I hit the preview button it said some token was expired and it totally wiped out everything I had typed so I just pulled the plug on everything and went to sleep.

Last night I went out with my little tripod and tried again to get ANYTHING on that dish.
First off, I tried the old Chapparl lnb. Nothing. It's dead. The meter showed nothing at all, when I connected it up. It was as if it just wasn't there at all. Scratch that.

So back to the cheap lnb. :(

I spent over an hour trying to find anything at all on 87. I moved the dish all around, moved the lnb all around, stuck a piece of plastic pipe in it to help me point it to the center of the dish, turned the skew, nothing........ Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Finally I got MAD and I grabbed the bleepin scaler ring and bent it all crazy out of shape like it used to be at first then I spent another 30 minutes and I FINALLY found NASA but it was BAD.....

Then I tried tipping the dish with my hand like Phottoman said (100 times) and the signal got better.
BTW, the new meter, I like it. A LOT.

So I climbed down and went behind the dish and adjusted the tipping bolt up and down until I got the best signal.
I went back up top and made sure the lnb was pointed to the center using the plastic pipe then I adjusted the dish east / west with the remote control and tipped it up and down with the bolt until I got the best signal numbers and best picture I possibly could.

With that I called it quits.

I got NASA at 82% "Signal Intensity" and 40% "Signal Quality" according to this new meter. There are some other numbers that didn't show a scale, I don't understand them and didn't make a note of their readings. I just used the scales to try to get as high as I could according to them. That's all I know to do.

NASA came in really well, I was able to watch the shuttle launch on their HD channel and it look pretty darn amazing on my flat screen.

BUT, I can not at all get MeTV or thisTV, at all.

I set the meter on one of the transponders for one of those two channels (I don't remember which one) and it would only show the Signal Intensity at 60% (which is what it shows even if the lnb is covered by my hand or dangling my the wire pointing at the ground), the Signal Quality scale though was jumping up and down real fast between 0% and 32% and it would not show the signal locked alert.

I wish I could figure out how to make a video of the output of the meter so you guys could see what the thing is seeing and doing..

I talked to my dad today. He's going to come pick up that ring and take it to his place and finish welding it up properly then he's going to bring it back along with some wire brush things to put in the drill so I can clean up the rust and paint it. I still have to go to Lowe's tomorrow and buy some different paints and stuff for the ring and for the dish itself. I'm not to excited with the grey or black dish prospect, I'm going to look for some green paint. Just to be different. But flat green, you guys said don't use shiny paint. Maybe I'll paint ALL the dishes while I'm at it. They are all ugly. I'm thinking maybe I'll build a bunch of trellises around them and plant a bunch of roses. I'm a garden goddess with roses, they grow like weeds for me. What better way to hide the ugly than behind a zillion roses? !! :D

Anyway, there's a high probability that I'll get the BIG dish put up by the end of this week but I'll be stuck with the same exact cheap lnb as I bought two of them. I'm still financially cooked until Paypal determines that YES, IT WAS FRAUD and they release my money back to me thus releasing the freeze my credit union put on my account and on my cards. :mad

So it may be weeks or longer before I can make purchases online. I may ask Dad to help me out again with that and have him order a new lnb or two for me. I'm really starting to believe that these cheap, bottom dollar lnb's I bought are at the root of my troubles.

It makes no sense to me why ~some~ channels come in just fine 24/7 and some channels come and go like hummingbirds in a tornado. ????????? The dish isn't being moved at all. It's THREE different tuners now, the pc, the coolsat and the new handheld tuner/meter thingie. ALL three different tuners have problems getting certain channels in the day time but all three have better luck finding them at night time. Can't be three different tuners at fault now, can it?
Can't be the wires or switches, I'm using a short, brand new 8 foot cable with no switches, connected directly to meter. I even tried the spare cable between the dishes and the house, same thing. So, not the tuners, not the wires, the dish isn't moving so what's left? The freaking lnb!!

Tonight I'm going to go mess with it again. And by the way, I have checked all day numerous times and NASA has not lost signal or quality like the others do.. It's stayed solid all last night and all day today.

I DUNNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nasa is a way stronger signal. With the same dish as you I'm getting 75 quality.this and me tv have been in the 50 quality lately.something is off for you somewhere make small changes nothing your lnbf setup correctly in your menu's.its a c and ku lnbf like mine correct. Run just the cband and remove the jumper cable so only cband is hooked up
Nasa is a way stronger signal. With the same dish as you I'm getting 75 quality.this and me tv have been in the 50 quality lately.something is off for you somewhere make small changes nothing your lnbf setup correctly in your menu's.its a c and ku lnbf like mine correct. Run just the cband and remove the jumper cable so only cband is hooked up

Jumper cable?

I see nothing like that, I assume you are talking about the old chapparl lnb. It has two separate lnb things sticking off of it and you have to put your wire on one or the other. I guess if you were using it properly in the day, you would have three wires running to it, one wire for the polarity motor, one wire for the C and one for the ku halves. I have seen newer lnb's that have a wire connecting the two halves then one wire runs out to your tuner. I think these new lnb's have a tone switch in them (I have no idea how you send a TONE through a wire but whatever)..

This thing is ancient and doesn't have anything like that.

The new lnb I have is C band only. It does not have ku capability at all and there is only one connector on it. And in the tuners, which ever one I am using be it the meters, the coolsat or the pc, I am 100% certain that I have the lnb set to C band for this dish. As of this point in this saga, the dish does not have ku capability and I have not attempted to use it as a ku dish, yet. I haven't put a ku lnb on it yet either.

The old chapparl lnb, I have the ku half of it taped over so I can not accidentally connect to it even in the dark.
Dee has some one-output C-band-only LNBF.

I'm not to excited with the grey or black dish prospect, I'm going to look for some green paint.
Just to be different. But flat green, you guys said don't use shiny paint.
Maybe I'll paint ALL the dishes while I'm at it. They are all ugly.
Auric, painted his BUDs with John-Deer green! - (three pix)
Even had his wife paint a little leaping deer on 'em, in yellow.
Just like the tractor colors! ;)

To keep your dishes from being noticed... or from bothering you... I think ya need a dull-as-dirt color.
Some damned ugly medium-dark green that none of us would ever buy at the store!
Get something lite 'n bright, and it'll stand out like a sore thumb!
Check in my signature for my AMCI perforated dish.
It's dull-@$$ gray, flat, medium reflective, a little darker than pewter.
One of the most stealthy dishes I've seen!

And as I said, don't spend time painting the big BUD until after it's working.
The mount 'n pole are another matter. I'd do 'em as you find time (relatively soon)

And while I cannot guarantee the SatAV C2 LNBF will cure your problems, at least it'll give you a good working tool to diagnose your troubles.
Might wind up using it on the big BUD, when the times comes.
If you're serious about using the 6' dish for Ku (or maybe another dish in the future), the SL1P is your ticket.
I'd order the C2 and the SL1P together at your convenience, to save on shipping.
Dee has some one-output C-band-only LNBF.

Auric, painted his BUDs with John-Deer green! - (three pix)
Even had his wife paint a little leaping deer on 'em, in yellow.
Just like the tractor colors! ;)

To keep your dishes from being noticed... or from bothering you... I think ya need a dull-as-dirt color.
Some damned ugly medium-dark green that none of us would ever buy at the store!
Get something lite 'n bright, and it'll stand out like a sore thumb!
Check in my signature for my AMCI perforated dish.
It's dull-@$$ gray, flat, medium reflective, a little darker than pewter.
One of the most stealthy dishes I've seen!

And as I said, don't spend time painting the big BUD until after it's working.
The mount 'n pole are another matter. I'd do 'em as you find time (relatively soon)

And while I cannot guarantee the SatAV C2 LNBF will cure your problems, at least it'll give you a good working tool to diagnose your troubles.
Might wind up using it on the big BUD, when the times comes.
If you're serious about using the 6' dish for Ku (or maybe another dish in the future), the SL1P is your ticket.
I'd order the C2 and the SL1P together at your convenience, to save on shipping.


Dad is coming by later today to pick up that ring and see what progress I've made so he and I can talk about what needs to be done next towards getting this done. I obviously can't do this stuff all by myself and my dad enjoys fixing things so that is really awesome for me. Must NOT forget Father's day!

I am pretty confident that at the very least, I will be able to get the big dish up on the pole this week. I ~hope~ to give it a try this week.
I buried the wire over to the other pole this evening (which still needs to be cut down).

I like the suggestions about the new lnbs, I would like to get those as soon as I can. But that's kinda a problem for the time being. I guess I should wait and see how the cheapo lnb works on the big dish. Maybe I won't need anything else. That would be nice. Maybe the cheapo lnb is not designed for small 6 foot dishes.. I dunno..

Well, it's like walking on hot coals, broken glass and carpet tacks but I'm slowly making it up the path to, to, um, something....... :)
Then I tried tipping the dish with my hand like Phottoman said (100 times) and the signal got better.
BTW, the new meter, I like it. A LOT.

So I climbed down and went behind the dish and adjusted the tipping bolt up and down until I got the best signal.
I went back up top and made sure the lnb was pointed to the center using the plastic pipe then I adjusted the dish east / west with the remote control and tipped it up and down with the bolt until I got the best signal numbers and best picture I possibly could.

I had decided to not get into this discussion again, but I see you only read PART of what I wrote, so I will try it one more time.

Dee-Ann, at NO TIME did I tell you to change the elevation (declination) on your dish, and your description of changing "the tipping" bolt makes me believe that you really screwed this up big time.

I ~believe~ that by changing the elevation (declination) of this dish, you just threw off the calibration of the arc, but maybe I misread your narrative. I hope THAT is more the case that what I read.

What I told you to do was really such a SIMPLE thing to do.

If by holding the bottom of the dish, and pulling up (slightly) improves your reception, your dish is too far West (or too low), move the dish East by loosening the four bolts holding it to your pole, move the dish East just a small amount, then tighten the four bolts and use the actuator to bring the dish back to the West. Then try the test again, and if necessary, move the dish again. The DISH Dee-Ann, not the tilt (declination) adjustment.

OK, let me try to put it to you another way.

If your dish was stationary, and you were off just a tad, you would probably try tilting it up and down to get a better signal, and once that was done, you may even try tugging slightly on each side of the dish to see if you needed to move it East or West slightly. Once you tighten everything down, you try again to move the dish to see if the signal improves.

OK, same thing here with an actuator (or motor). If the signal improves by holding the dish higher or holding it lower, that means that your original estimate of True South was off, and that is extremely possible, as I mentioned when I was trying to tell you that magnets are not the most accurate tools in any yard. So we compensate.

Once you find as close as you can to your true south with a motor driven or actuator driven dish, you need to know that it is as close to true south as you can make it, so you line up on a satellite and see how close you are. You HAVE to do the small steps in order, like learning to crawl before you try running.

So, let me try using different words on this test I was trying so hard for you to understand. If you can tilt your dish UP and get a better signal, that means your dish is too low, right? Now before you go out and start messing with the dish again, think of the EASIEST way to correct that angle without messing up the entire arc. Let's see, if it's too LOW (West) then let's try loosening slightly the bolts that hold the entire dish and everything connecting to it to the pole, got that? Now move the dish just a smidgen by hand towards the East and tighten everything back up. What you have in effect done is RAISED the dish a hair when it is pointed at your True South.

Now bring the dish back to the satellite by using your actuator/motor and bump it slightly until you are back pointed at your goal. And try the pulling on the bottom again. If pulling on the bottom of your dish improves your signal, then do it all again. If you can get to the point that neither pulling nor pushing the dish improves the signal, you have arrived at the sweet spot, and THEN you can start messing around with other things.

Before you start again spending money that you don't have, and believing that some better more expensive toy will improve your signal, you will STILL have to start at the basic concept of pointing the dish AT THE SATELLITE before any new better more expensive LNB or LNBF will improve your signal. All the meter can do is HELP you aim your dish, NOT make decisions FOR you, do you see that?

I read in your posts that you made something to help improve the aim of your LNB, that's good, but if your dish is pointed to the North instead of the South, would that help you get a better signal on the satellite you are trying to get? No. But if your dish is CLOSE to pointing at your intended satellite, all you have to do is readjust a little bit at a time instead of large movements to get the dish properly aligned with THAT satellite.

IF your LNB is square to the dish, and IF your square to the satellite in your aim, then you will get a better signal to your receiver(s) and PC. But if the dish isn't aimed AT THE SATELLITE, all the pushing and playing and new meters are NOT going to improve your signal.

The fact that you are getting the strongest transponder (NASA HD) tells you that you are VERY CLOSE, but not quite there yet. Use that transponder to aim as close as you can, then go to another weaker transponder and tweak your dish. Once you find that weaker signal (and yes, I am aware that you only have that 6 foot dish, so maybe not ALL the transponders will come in) tweak the dish again. You may only be off on your pole by quarters of an inch, but when you extend that aim out 24 thousand miles, it becomes a BIG miss, and like they say, close one's only count in horseshoes and A-Bombs. If you are off by as little as a half degree AT THE POLE, you may be missing the satellite by much more than you realize.

I didn't multi-quote your posts, but you also asked a question in your last post.

"It makes no sense to me why ~some~ channels come in just fine 24/7 and some channels come and go like hummingbirds in a tornado. ?????????"

If you are close to your intended satellite but not quite ON IT, you also have to take into consideration that the satellite moves around, it moves a LOT in a sort of box up there, and if you are not ON the satellite with your aim, that satellite 'drifts' in and out of your aiming point. The stronger transponders can be seen by your equipment sometimes during part of the "drift,' but if our not dead on with your aim, you'll lose some weaker transponders as the satellite "slides" past your aim.

My advise, is if you changed your declination by changing the "tipping bolt" or what ever you called it, go back and try to get that back where it was, then tweak your dish East or West as needed, THEN try other things that have been mentioned IF NEEDED !!!

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On the 10 foot dish.. I called my dad today and we talked about it. He told me to go over to his house (they are still out for the weekend) and go get a little bitty welding machine and bring it here. The whole thing is about the size of a kid's lunch box but weighs about 250 tons....


I had decided to not get into this discussion again, but I see you only read PART of what I wrote, so I will try it one more time.

Phottoman--------"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some (wo)men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way (s)he wants it. Well, (s)he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men. "

Phottoman--------"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some (wo)men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way (s)he wants it. Well, (s)he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men. "

Wow...... That's exceptionally RUDE and crude...... I'm done here. F this forum. I'm done and gone. I'll figure it out on my own.
I don't need crappy insults like that.

Thanks for nothing....

PS, reported for RUDENESS........


Wow...... That's exceptionally RUDE and crude...... I'm done here. F this forum. I'm done and gone. I'll figure it out on my own.
I don't need crappy insults like that.

Thanks for nothing....

PS, reported for RUDENESS........


I may be totally off base here, Dee-Ann, but I believe it was in 1944 when General George Patton slapped a soldier for being a "coward" while he was touring a field hospital. It was later discovered that the man was suffering from "Battle Fatigue." Patton didn't see it that way and was forced to apologize to that man, the other men in the ward, the staff on duty and the Arm or Wing that the man was attached too. At least that's what I read into this.

Your "F" bomb was only the first of many that would have / could have been dropped in this thread, but were held back out of decency to ALL the members using these posts to LEARN, not to enrage anyone, yourself included.

People on THIS thread have tried over and over to GUIDE you using the simplest of terms to describe the SIMPLEST of methods to get your dish up and running but you have constantly ignored HOURS and HOURS of hard work by many many members here. The hours and hours of typing and attempts to teach you have gone unheeded.

My personal feeling is that you'll figure this out on your own the day after hell freezes over.

Your statement about thanking ANYONE for nothing was probably the MOST rude statement I have ever read on

PS, and you can also report ME for rudeness

Phottoman (waving 'bye bye' to Dee-Ann)

edited by myself to remove possible personal attack and insult
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I have read ALL of the posts during this drama. I have related to both the helpers and Dee Ann in her installation SAGA as I have similar problems with my little C Band install, even though I have installed many many KU Band dishes from scratch, which for some people is impossible.

I have learned from many posts in many forums besides this one, that the written word in these threads is not as easy to actually read as you would think. Unless the poster is very well gifted in the understanding process of how easily our written words can be MIS-understood, the emotion and facial expressions are not there. Most people will put a LOL (laugh out loud) or a ;>) (winking eye) to soften a remark that might be misunderstood. I do that once in a while, but not always.

Many of us are learning from the answers to these sometimes obnoxious (LOL....;>)) questions that could be answered by just reading the wealth of information posted here and elsewhere. The fact this thread appears to be breaking a Forum record should attest to the fact thousands of FTA'ers are out there struggling with doing something similar.

And for the record, I don't see anything rude here. I see frustration on ALL the poster's part. (my 4 cents worth...)
I know I'm not pretty but calling me a man, that was BS.....

I'm not accepting apologies from anyone for that.

I'm through here.
Is this the cliffhanger to season one? I sure hope this comes back for another season.

Dee I wish you the best and hope that you get both C band dishes up and running soon, so that you can enjoy "Me TV" and the many other great channels available on C band FTA satellite.
Please reply by conversation.

Need Help understanding length of Feed Horn Mount Legs

10' Winegard in Maine

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