Finally using an Invacom Quad

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Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
These are just my random thoughts.

I have been in FTA for about 2 years now and my setups have usually been the same setup. A KU band LNB and a DBS next to it. So when you move the dish, using USALS you always needed to offset the spot due to the LNB being off by 5 degrees.

Well, I got me a Invacom quad the other day and installed it Saturday. One simple question


This thing rocks. I like the fact I can scan Galaxy 11 and Nimiq1 at the same time (without moving the dish). Another thing is I use 1.2 on my setup and the Pansat only has 23 slots for 1.2
Well between the KU I can get and a couple DBS slots, I ran out of room. But I wanted to see what was on 61.5 & 129 (even though its just test cards). No need to set a 1.2 setting. Go to Amazonas or IA7 and scan the DBS side.

So Invacom...THANK YOU for such a great product. I was able to use One LNB for both without losing the .3 noise ratio :)
Mine arrived today.I expect my DS2076 this week.Can't wait to get all this going on the SG2100 this weekend.
Iceberg said:
THANK YOU for such a great product. I was able to use One LNB for both without losing the .3 noise ratio :)

Well said Iceberg! I knew you would like the QPH-031, makes for a nice neat install!
I have read so much about setting up the motor on this site.Great info.I think I can do it since I have done hundreds of installs with 18" DBS.You Guys have posted great info on this subject.I found IA5 & IA6 with the DirecPC dish this past sunday.I am a little tired of running outside and moving the dish around,but I think it might prove to be an invaluable experience when setting up the motor.I can find quite a few sats by eyeballing the direction at this point.
Based on my set up, I would need the QPF-031 to attach to my field horn on the a DirecTV international Dish, however, the QPF seems harder to find and readily available. Hopefully this will change but for now I have to cater for the extra 5 deg. when I do get the arc set up. Any ideas the best way to do the 5 deg. offset? Thanks.
Once you have a QPH-031 you are spoiled for life ................What took you so long ICE ????????????????
I bought the QPH-031 some time ago and hooked it up to my dish. However, I found that it just didn't seem to peak the signal as good as the SNF-031 so I put the SNF back on and my quality went back up.
The quad polar Invacom is an extremely versatile product. Its basically two dual LNBFs (a circular and a linear) in one case that share the same feedhorn. Mine has served me very well :D
I was hoping it would work for me as well. It just didn't match up to the quality of the SNF-031, and I tried everything I could think of to make it work as well as the SNF.
Fed Ex is supposed to deliver my QPH-031 on Friday. I tried to add a circular LNB... I used the one from my old Dish Network 18" dish, it worked but not real well, and I had the same problem of running out of motor slots on the Pansat.

The 22khz switch I ordered arrived today, so of course I had to go out and test it. Hooked up the SuperDish and it switched over like it's supposed to!
Now I wonder if someone will make a "universal" C/Ku Band LNB that does everything the QPH does in C-Band as well:devil: ?
That might prove very educational to have something like that hooked up to a FTA STB...:hungry:
sidekick said:
I was hoping it would work for me as well. It just didn't match up to the quality of the SNF-031, and I tried everything I could think of to make it work as well as the SNF.

weird....I had an Invacom Universal single an d my signals went down due to the weight of the LNB (and the fact the LNB hangs out too far). This one gives me about the same readings as the Xtreme I had on there (but the 6000 has a different signal meter than the 1500 did)
I'm thinking that the weight of the QPH had something to do with the signal quality problems. The bracket on my winegard isn't the strongest. Perhaps I should try it again and support the bracket somehow.
>Perhaps I should try it again and support the bracket somehow.


They make this stuff called Aircraft safety cable. It is extreamly stong and very thin stainless steel wire.

After Katrina I had to repoint every dish of everyone I knew. Everywhere I could, I drilled a hole in the edge of the dishes and guy wired the dishes in place. On some DirecWay dishes I atached guy wires to the end of the LNB arm and brought them up to the 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions.

This has worked incredibly well. It adds no weight but will support probably a 20lb LNB ;-)

I have a Winegard 76cm and I'm planning on doing the same to it. It already has the holes predrilled. :D

The stuff ain't cheap. But a roll will last me 5 years. Check an airplane supply house at your local airport. The stuff is great. It also does a heck of a job on broken muffler mounts. :D :D :D
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