Finally Had Enough! -- Moved to Dish

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charper1 said:
Come on give Guffy a break on this one, huh? He backed up all his previous his comments with switching (and voting with his wallet) his displeasure for DirecTV and went on his way, just to be provoked back? Seems like everything he was being called before, now applies all around somewhat. Just let it die already. Hes happy with his new service, now lets go be happy with ours. Push away for the keys and go watch some TV.

Just for the record, I still have D* also..

Seleccion with no locals, and the MLBEI package..

I use it to watch Channel 95 MLB HD, and Tigers games in SD that arent on Fox Sports Detroit via my Charter Cable service :)

Ill be putting my D* account on hold for an extended period once baseball season is over..

Have a nice day everyone :D :D :D
Finally Had Enough--Moved to Dish

guffy1 said:
I have made multiple posts in multiple threads in the last 4 days, both here and over at AVS...

Once again, you've proven that you're an idiot that spews nothing but meaningless and inaccurate crap.. Atta Boy!!!!

Ahhh-what a relief!

The above post reflects the guffy1 we all know and love--articulate, kind-spirited and thoughtful, who adds so much to any discussion.

Welcome back guffy1!!!

What a guy!
Neutron said:
Both providers have been proven to be broadcasting their HD in HD-Lite.
BINGO! Sometime ago I authored a thread about how all multi-channel providers SUCK. They do all suck and all we can do as consumers is choose what we feel sucks the least. I am with D* because of NFLST, because Comcast HD while brilliant has crappier SD than an antenna with foil and I don't LIKE Charley Ergen's ethics as a business man. That is my 2 cents, worthless as it is :rolleyes:
little dish guy said:
That’s funny, friends in the business who have both D* and E* say D* has the best HD picture. I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do to make yourself fell better.

I don't think there are too many serious videophiles that at this point would say D*HD has a better picture than E*HD. :eek:
Finally Had Enough--Moved to Dish

jimboeau said:
I don't think there are too many serious videophiles that at this point would say D*HD has a better picture than E*HD. :eek:

Most of us are not serious videophiles. We just want to watch TV (either SD or HD) with a good, clear signal on our sets and D* meets our needs.

Most of us also don't have both D* and E* running side by side (except guffy1) in order to make a fair comparison.

Those of you who are serious videophiles (whatever that means) are free to go to E* or cable or FIOS or whatever suits you best. We wish you well and God speed!

Just don't try to say that those of us who are happy with D*'s HD picture quality are somehow less than equal because we are happy with what we have with D*.
tds4182 said:
Most of us are not serious videophiles. We just want to watch TV (either SD or HD) with a good, clear signal on our sets and D* meets our needs.

Most of us also don't have both D* and E* running side by side (except guffy1) in order to make a fair comparison.

Those of you who are serious videophiles (whatever that means) are free to go to E* or cable or FIOS or whatever suits you best. We wish you well and God speed!

Just don't try to say that those of us who are happy with D*'s HD picture quality are somehow less than equal because we are happy with what we have with D*.

There are plenty of us that lurk around these HD forums that have multiple HD providers..

Whether it be D* and E*, D* and cable, or E* and cable or whatever, I really dont see why it is that you find it so hard to believe...(actually thats a lie, I do have a real good idea why, but we wont get into that)..:)

I actually had 4 HD providers at one time (Bev, E*, D*, and Charter cable)..

Why? Because I can..And its fun..

EDIT: If you want to include OTA I actually had 5 HD providers at one time :) Currently I only have 3, for this week anyways...
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Finally Had Enough--Moved to Dish

guffy1 said:
There are plenty of us that lurk around these HD forums that have multiple HD providers..

Whether it be D* and E*, D* and cable, or E* and cable or whatever, I really dont see why it is that you find it so hard to believe...(actually thats a lie, I do have a real good idea why, but we wont get into that)..:)

I actually had 4 HD providers at one time (Bev, E*, D*, and Charter cable)..

Why? Because I can..And its fun..

EDIT: If you want to include OTA I actually had 5 HD providers at one time :) Currently I only have 3, for this week anyways...

Allow me to post one more time and let's all see if we can get guffy1 up to claiming 5 HD providers simultaneously.

This is so much fun, it continually amazes me!

Now guffy1, what did you say was "limp" on you before you edited the above quoted post?

Oh yeah, now I remember.
Wow I visit these forums to see what's new in the HD world and now it seems to be more for a laugh ( my picture is better than yours )
And I take offense to being bashed by the likes of Guffy Guppy who ever & Sean both senior members very childish if you ask me.
I am a D* subscriber that went HD a couple months ago I am very happy with my PQ and the content available to me I am a sports fan and could care less about Voom and some of the others.
If E* has a better picture that's fine but I have only heard that from a select few.

I have seen posts on many forums comparing D* MPEG 4 Locals to OTA and 75% or better say it's a toss up How do explain that? I would say thats pretty good PQ.
After all I am happy with what I have and that should be all that counts. Some day I may decide to switch to another provider also but NO ONE DESERVES TO BE BASHED and Raked over the coals because of there selection and I notice it is only a select few that do this. yep I'm a newbie but I have my opinion to:up
tds4182 said:
Allow me to post one more time and let's all see if we can get guffy1 up to claiming 5 HD providers simultaneously.

This is so much fun, it continually amazes me!

Now guffy1, what did you say was "limp" on you before you edited the above quoted post?

Oh yeah, now I remember.

I did forget to mention my HD DVD player..

I dunno, can we count that? Or are we only considering broadcast HD options?

You can decide tds4181...

EDIT: I said it wasnt broke...Thats all:)
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Finally Had Enough--Moved to Dish

guffy1 said:
I did forget to mention my HD DVD player..

I dunno, can we count that? Or are we only considering broadcast HD options?

You can decide tds4181...

EDIT: I said it wasnt broke...Thats all:)

HD DVD players don't count, only broadcast HD.

The count you claim to have (or have had) now officially stands at 4 (for now).

Let's give it a day or so, I'm sure you can come up with another one or two, maybe more.

BTW, your exact words that you edited out of the post referred to limp, not broken. I can repost it if you'd like.

Think hard, I'm sure you can come up with another HD broadcast source or two to claim.
tds4182 said:
HD DVD players don't count, only broadcast HD.

The count you claim to have (or have had) now officially stands at 4 (for now).

Let's give it a day or so, I'm sure you can come up with another one or two, maybe more.

BTW, your exact words that you edited out of the post referred to limp, not broken. I can repost it if you'd like.

Think hard, I'm sure you can come up with another HD broadcast source or two to claim.

Go ahead idiot..Post it..

The wird limp is not in the post...So smoke some more crack little boy :)

The word was brokedick, but I believe I typed it with two words instead of one...

The proper term is brokedick though, and it does not refer to anatomy in any way..
Satmeister said:
Guess this thread is ready for flushing and closing the lid. :eek:

No doubt..I could not possibly agree more...

How many more times does this idiot need to be completely wrong before he just simply hangs himself?:confused:
Finally Had Enough--Moved to Dish

guffy1 said:
No doubt..I could not possibly agree more...

How many more times does this idiot need to be completely wrong before he just simply hangs himself?:confused:

As long as guffy1 keeps using words like moron and idiot (among others) to describe those with whom he disagrees, the posts will keep on coming.

He's the one who started using terms like this, not me.

That's an important fact to remember.
tds4182 said:
As long as guffy1 keeps using words like moron and idiot (among others) to describe those with whom he disagrees, the posts will keep on coming.

He's the one who started using terms like this, not me.

That's an important fact to remember.

Once again, Im still waiting..

Wheres the post?
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