Don't skip more than one satellite when moving away from your south satellite. Find each, in order, and fine tune the azimuth(twist of mount on pole) When moving only 2 or 4 degrees, the chances of acquiring Q is greater. Then watch each sat Q on the way back to center(south). slight adjustment of Polar elevation at zenith may be required. Mark the mount and pole for am azimuth reference. May come in very handy, to fine tune the declination if: Then check operation on the other side of the arc. Adjust azimuth if necessary. When you get this side adjusted. check the marks on the pole. If not aligned with the mark made adjusting azimuth on the opposite side, adjustment of the declination is required. Move back to your south sat. adjust declination slightly. Re-peak Q with the polar elevation. Then move to the side and adjust azimuth. Marks on pole should move together> If moved apart, adjust declination the opposite direction, (DO at south sat)