I don't think the Ipad is suppose to be a replacement for a Kindle, it's suppose to be a replacement for a notebook with a touch screen.
So far the Android and Dell pad is too small, might as well use a phone.
I know, the ipad is an all-purpose device. Yet, there are comfort consequences of the size and weight.
But from looking at video of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, it really seems to be the best of all worlds. A True Star-Trek comm-pad form factor. 7" screen is one inch larger than a Kindle, but half the weight of an ipad. Now, I would love to actually use one to compare its actual feel, but from what I am seeing, it looks very nice. And on my potential wish list.

Don't get me wrong, if money was no object, I'd have an ipad right now, as it is the best thing out right now. But money is an object, so I am waiting and researching, and hoping for something even better to meet my own needs/wants.