Fill 13 ft. pole for dish with concrete?

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Not only was it worth it, you must have lost 10-15 pounds while going up and down that ladder? Not to mention, anytime you work with cement, it's a real workout! Probably the hardest type work I've ever encountered?

No kidding. I had a summer job in my late teens working for road construction - I was required to always have a shovel full of wet cement in hand (the shovel, not the actual cement in hands) all day (14+ hours sometimes) and that stuff gets heavy. I got really good at tossing just the right amount of cement anywhere across 2 lanes of fresh cement and into a low point for leveling. I also got really sunburned and and REALLY sore.
Filling the pole with concrete will definatley help. Have a 2.7M solid with quite a heavy duty mount sitting on a pole about the same height as yours. (The pole is 89mm. 3 and 1/2" I think, sorry metric brain here) I just poured the the concrete in litte by little and rodding as I went. Also when I first concreted the pole in the ground made a rock can around the base of the pole about 2' or high which looks quite attractive. The cement holding the rocks together and the cement in the ground are as one. As I did it at the same time.
Havenx's idea has a lot of merit as with time the ground can shift. The guy wires with bottle screws could be used to keep the thing plumb.
Anyway, this thing of mine has been though a cyclone/hurrican with no movment.
I did that concrete trick when I put up my 12 ft. mesh dish MANY YEARS ago. I DIDN'T use a SOLO CUP >>>>> TOO SLOW >>>> I used a 1 gallon bucket and then just hosed my pole off. It still took a few trips.....

OT but... this morning I was at the local Hospital (brother had surgury) looking out a window I could see a lower floor roof (Gravel) there is a 10' fiberglass dish on the roof mounted on a tripod with 12" channel iron set up about 8' square and loaded with cinder blocks ;) it had about a 1" cable running from it... interesting setup...
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