Feb 14 '05: Phillip Swann "Voom Is Still Doomed"... Schmuck!!!

Mr. Swann is influential w/in the realm of industry, street and public.

Hence, the need to be reminded of his position, of a need to remain unapproachable and yet he has negated this and more with his most recent public address appearing irreprehensible in both character and stature.

Do I want to see this schmoe on CNN, FOX, or anywhere else spewing his self-righteous indignity for others to be influenced or quoted by him?

I believe I have provided him food for thought.

Additionally, it is far wiser to face an accuser for whatever the reason in regards to bad PR rather to allow others to be fed by bias and fester in such assertions. Damage control in these situations, at times, must be acted upon proactively, heading off industry and public opinion that could be irreversible in time to meet objectives.

Mr. Swann presents himself as the sole proprietor of his organization. Being confronted with prior knowledge of conflict presents a potential libelous situation, not only for statements made on his behalf, but any other media sources that may succumb to his opinion due to his stature, running counter Mr. Dolan's character, ambitions, goals, etc.

Simply put, I wouldn't want to be Swanni.
First impressions will get you everytime and that first impression will either be a positive one or one that will haunt you forever.

I didn't know who this guy was and didn't know what he did until a couple days ago when I saw his name in a post. So I went and visited his website out of couriosity. After reading a couple articles and seeing his face on his site I came to the conclusion that this guy was nothing more than a smug little brat that one day will get knocked down a peg or two and end up living on skid row.

Yes, I thought about writing him, but this is the type of guy where sending an e-mail would just be a waiste of my time and I wouldn't bestow such a luxury as my time on him.

That's the problem with first impressions you only get one and the one I have of him is quite negative.
bradley said:
Do I want to see this schmoe on CNN, FOX, or anywhere else spewing his self-righteous indignity for others to be influenced or quoted by him?
Unless he's talking about the Iraqi elections I don't expect to see him on CNN or Fox. Have CNN or Fox said a word about Voom? They don't seem to be in to business news much anymore. And the only way he'd make it on Lou Dobbs is if he was talking about "Exporting America". The only "financial news" Lou seems to care about now. I doubt if Mr Swann is one thousanth the influence he believes he is.

I've just poked around on CNN.com, Money.CNN.com, and FoxNews.com and can find only one story about the current situation. Fox has a January 31st article on the January 20th Cablevision sale to Voom. Off the radar for those folks.

I Googled Swann to see where he has been "quoted" and the list is unimpressive. No major reports and what he got seemed like filler where a reporter needed to fill a webpage - "get someone's opinion, I don't care who" - type of coverage. That and webbots finding his own spewsite.

He seems to be more of a nobody than I thought before. :D

Never heard of this Swann guy and don't particularly care what his opinion is, but I have no problem with his stating it on his website for his followers/fans (?) to read. I guess I sorta understand the reasons for posting it here, but it seems to me it's just lending credibility to someone who otherwise lacks it, and introducing him to some (me, for example) who would otherwise remain blissfully unaware of his existence. When his opinion is posted at SatGuys, it seems to gain an importance that I don't think it really deserves (especially since he doesn't say a word that hasn't already been said here). Seems like some of the best advertising/publicity he could hope for.

I'm really not the grammar police, but if you're going to try to use big words to put someone down, it helps to use the correct ones.

Hence, the need to be reminded of his position, of a need to remain unapproachable and yet he has negated this and more with his most recent public address appearing irreprehensible in both character and stature.

Unapproachable in this context? Why does he need to be approached in the first place. The phrase you're looking for is "above reproach". Unreproachable might be a word, but I'm not going to spend much time on it when above reproach is a stronger declaration anyway.

What about irreprehensible? To quote Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. "

I mean irreprehensible might work, but I think that it's a really poor choice of words. Are you saying that he is appearing both blameless and innocent? I believe you are actually looking for is its opposite, reprehensible.

I don't mean to seem like I'm picking on you too much but your message gets buried in the poor usage of language. If you want to make a point effectively then the choice of words, and their correct usage, is fairly unimportant ;)

If you think his story holds no merit, why all the fuss about it? If reports like his are what puts the final nail in Voom's coffin, then there wasn't much there to save in the first place.
Voom rocks and I hope it does well. If it does not then I guess I will switch back to Dish.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. This guys predictions were basically correct.

He predicted that not enough people would sign up with VOOM because not enough people have HDTV's or cared about HDTV programming (evidenced by the fact that very few people were buying HD Tuners before VOOM). By any account, 26,000 subscribers after one year is certainly a failure.

Now he has predicted that even though more people want HDTV as long as DirectTV completes its plan to provide HD locals and increase their HD lineup then people will still not sign up for VOOM. That makes sense as well.

VOOM's minor competitive advantage is that it has more HD channels and provides HD local networks. Its major competitive disadvantages are that is has so few subscribers that no one knows about them, they have no placement in major electronics retailers, they believe their system is too complicated for a self-install, they have less SD channels, and they do not offer a dvr.
Ditto. They've sent $1 Billion to get 26,000 paying customers. I don't care HOW deep his pockets are that won't last long as a working business model......
jnardone said:
VOOM's minor competitive advantage is that it has more HD channels ....

Of course, if you watch mostly SD crap than having the most comprehensive lineup of HD channels is a minor issue... :eek:
you guys are delusional

You say swanns opinion don't mean squat. but neither does yours!

Voom ain't gonna make because NO ONE HAS IT! THEY CAN"T MAKE ANY MONEY. That's why people go into business. not to provide a bunch of die-hards with all the "Equator HD" they can handle. I had Voom. I liked Voom. But they don't have enough.

Most folks watch TV. I wanted to see my RSN and didn't care whether it was in HD or not. Voom didn't have it so I switched.


Sorry folks, but Voom is still doomed.
FrankJo said:
You say swanns opinion don't mean squat. but neither does yours!

And the same goes to you also. Your opinion makes no difference in the way I feel about Voom or how it will succeed.
No Frank, you're dillusional

FrankJo said:
You say swanns opinion don't mean squat. but neither does yours!

Voom ain't gonna make because NO ONE HAS IT! THEY CAN"T MAKE ANY MONEY. That's why people go into business. not to provide a bunch of die-hards with all the "Equator HD" they can handle. I had Voom. I liked Voom. But they don't have enough.

Most folks watch TV. I wanted to see my RSN and didn't care whether it was in HD or not. Voom didn't have it so I switched.


Sorry folks, but Voom is still doomed.

So, Frank, you spent a couple of grand on a HDTV and you don't care whether your RSN is in HD or not.

Sorry, Frank, on the contrary, you're not even average.

Frank, How do you like your Crow?
andrzej said:
Of course, if you watch mostly SD crap than having the most comprehensive lineup of HD channels is a minor issue... :eek:

In an area with good OTA reception - VOOM has about 2 times the number of HD channels as a Dish receiver with OTA module.

If you look at the available HD PROGRAMS on VOOM versus Dish with the OTA module there is probably only about 25% more HD programming on VOOM every month.

When you consider that a lot of non-repeating HD programs are on opposite each other every month you actually end up with MORE HD choices per month on Dish with the OTA module and DVR than you do on VOOM.

When VOOM introduces the DVR in March they will have more HD choices than any other provider but until then they do not.
FrankJo said:

That's long been my opinion as well.
Only 26,000 folks can afford to have VOOM in addition to cable or satellite.(And some with tons of disposable income can even have all 3)
They have to appeal to the masses to continue this ride.
voomster2 said:
That's long been my opinion as well.
Only 26,000 folks can afford to have VOOM in addition to cable or satellite.(And some with tons of disposable income can even have all 3)
They have to appeal to the masses to continue this ride.

I only have Voom, and I can only afford 1 provider.. I just don't need Home Shopping Channel or PBSKids that badly I guess.
jnardone said:
In an area with good OTA reception - VOOM has about 2 times the number of HD channels as a Dish receiver with OTA module.

If you look at the available HD PROGRAMS on VOOM versus Dish with the OTA module there is probably only about 25% more HD programming on VOOM every month.

When you consider that a lot of non-repeating HD programs are on opposite each other every month you actually end up with MORE HD choices per month on Dish with the OTA module and DVR than you do on VOOM.

When VOOM introduces the DVR in March they will have more HD choices than any other provider but until then they do not.

the DISH Network HD Pak. This includes ESPN HD, Discovery HD Theater, TNT in HD, HDNet and HDNet Movies all for one low monthly price.

How does this start to compare with Voom. :confused:
Yeah, but at least now I get my RSN. With Voom, you don't. If it boils down to being able to get it in SD, or not get it at all. I'm goiing to go with SD every time.

So, be happy. Enjoy Voom while you can. But, sooner or later, you will not be getting Voom from that dish on your roof. That's the reality, whether you want to accept it or not.
r.jones1116 said:
the DISH Network HD Pak. This includes ESPN HD, Discovery HD Theater, TNT in HD, HDNet and HDNet Movies all for one low monthly price.

How does this start to compare with Voom. :confused:

Don't be confused - it is easy to understand. Human beings can only watch one TV program at a time so it does not matter how many channels you have. What matters is how many different PROGRAMS you have available. The channels that are exclusive to VOOM have very little variety in the programs that they show while the HD channels that are common to both VOOM and DISH with the OTA module have lot more variety. This is why even though VOOM has twice as many HD channels (at my house VOOMw/OTA = 45 HD channels, DISH w/OTA would be 20 HD channels) they have only a little more HD programming. A DVR allows you to record programs and watch them at a different time than the time they were broadcast. This is why you can watch many more different HD programs on DISH even though VOOM has more HD channels.
If I wanted to watch SD I would have bought another SD set and not an HD and spent thousands more than I had too. I already have C-BAND and KU which puts DISH and DIRECT PQ to horrible shame at a much lower price. Granted not everyone can have a BUD. But VOOM is the only service I considered as an alternataive to my BUD because I didn't have to buy a special sidecar at $750 to get a few HD channels. VOOM was and is a deal. I may have some compliants about PQ and compression but I will leave that in another thread. VOOM is real value for the $1. Now with FOOD NETWORK, Scifi, CNN, FOX, MSNBC and ESPNHD was well as the other HD channels offered. I am set. I don't care if they never add another SD channel. HD I would.

Is Voom Still Doomed?

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