Feb 14 '05: Phillip Swann "Voom Is Still Doomed"... Schmuck!!!

bradley said:
Go back and examine your very own posts, Mr. FrankJo. I did. Haven't seen single positive post. Not a one going back almost 20 posts.

You know what I have seen, FrankJo? B***h, b***h, b***h! Contradict. Agitate. B***h, b***h, b***h! Contradict! Agitate. What a glorious agenda you have! You are one happy camper!
. . .
When and if Voom fails, as you so self righteously predict, then gloat. But it hasn't happened yet, has it, FrankJo? So, till then, try to be a contributing citizen; not simply a blemish on the face of life.
Did it occur to you that FrankJo doesn't have anything positive to say about Voom's future? Is there a rule here that posters must lie every few posts and say something they don't believe? Consistantly negative is at least consistant and not wishy washy.

It appears the word filter doesn't catch that particular one. Perhaps a family friendly word such as "complain" would be more appropriate? Or are you intending to offend not just FrankJo but other readers?

You may not agree with FrankJo's contributions, but namecalling? You are better than that, right?
bradley said:
Sickens me, those who troll around just to feed their twisted desires; no respect. None.
You started this attack thread, didn't you?

Sometimes I think people here enjoy "the trolls" because it gives them someone to yell at other than Cablevision. And they are perfect targets to release the stress of not really knowing how this will turn out. VoomHD and Cablevision have not signed a definitive agreement, let alone complete the transaction. There is a good chance that it will happen, but the uncertainty is there.

Don't like trolls? Don't feed them. And don't import their tripe from other websites. :)

Being a long time PBS fan...

I definitely agree...my emphasis added to your words...
bryan27 said:
...Interesting. As an early adopter I spent over $700 for an OTA STB. At the time there was one channel PBS-HD. I must have seen "Eye Over Italy" a hundred times on PBS-HD. Last night I watched "Chilluny (sp) Over Venice" for about the 50th time. This was the first every HD program transmitted by PBS in 1998. Why watch this stuff over and over? This footage is so spectacular and vivid that everytime you watch you see something you missed before.
Compared to HDTVs early years the repeats on VOOM are tollerable. Imagine having only one HD channel for several years where the programming was three, 3 hour blocks of EquatorHD type programming (most of what is on E-HD came from PBS) in a constant rotation for 3 years. In 2001 the other local stations started comming on line to give me a little variety before VOOM started.
I was amazed at the things I had never noticed before when I saw PBS material on VOOM!! Now, I admit, I'm a nut (in general) but especially about travel and nature! Seeing this material on VOOM brought, well...more clarity...and depth...and WOW!!
I used to be one who NEVER watched something twice...even things I loved the first time...but I now find myself wanting to revisit my favorite movies, documentaries, etc. on VOOM because of the added pleasure of seeing the REAL picture. That doesn't mean, of course, that I don't want and expect new programming...it just means to say that VOOM gives even repeat programming a new perspective!
justalurker said:
Sometimes I think people here enjoy "the trolls" because it gives them someone to yell at other than Cablevision. And they are perfect targets to release the stress of not really knowing how this will turn out. VoomHD and Cablevision have not signed a definitive agreement, let alone complete the transaction. There is a good chance that it will happen, but the uncertainty is there.

Don't like trolls? Don't feed them. And don't import their tripe from other websites. :)

OK justalurker...I give up!! I've tried a time or two to give you the benefit of the doubt, because on occassion I have seen you post constructive debating points. But the above comment is the straw that breaks this camel's back!

I doubt anyone here enjoys "trolls"...they impede the progress of actual debate and waste people's time by injecting snide, unproductive comments. This forum is where people come to find news and new developments about VOOM...demonstrated by the thread's title, if you haven't noticed!

What Bradley posted was news about a biased, inaccurate, "analyst's" statements, which should be addressed by those who wish to see "truth in advertising". Those of us who agree with that position will take whatever actions we deem appropriate to combat the distortions or outright lies he purveys. Those who don't agree may take contrary actions, or no action.

I'm biting my tongue as I type, because I DO have to agree with you, to "not feed the trolls"...but Bradley didn't import a troll...he merely reported on information that VOOM supporters may or may not want to repudiate.

Mod Edit

Personal attacks appear to be allowed by the mods if the attacker is pro-VOOM and the attackee said something not so pro-VOOM.
voomster2 said:
Personal attacks appear to be allowed by the mods if the attacker is pro-VOOM and the attackee said something not so pro-VOOM.

Oh I see. Now blame the mods. How cute.
klen said:
Phillip Swann is a no talent A-Hole who works for Mark Cuban.

Am I the only one who sees this?

While you may agree or disagree with Mr Swan's analysis, he does respond to emails, immediately and personally, which is more than any of the 'major' folks do.
toto said:
While you may agree or disagree with Mr Swan's analysis, he does respond to emails, immediately and personally, which is more than any of the 'major' folks do.

True. I am afraid that he does it because he is not one of the "major" folks although he is trying hard. :)
Various messages have been deleted and will be deleted without warning. As much as we would like to be here 24/7 (without sleep), it is impossible to do so. Any personal attacks to individuals members of this forum will not be tolerated. Thank you for your cooperation. If you want to alert the Mods about this type of situations, please use the red triangle icon to report bad posts. This will go to any mods that will have control to moderate the thread. Again thank you all for your cooperation.
(It's also been speculated that Chuck Dolan, a billionaire, will use his own money to fund Voom indefinitely.)

Just give up man VooM is dead!!!!
lee espinoza said:
(It's also been speculated that Chuck Dolan, a billionaire, will use his own money to fund Voom indefinitely.)

Sean...you will notice I have been very reserved recently when seeing these statements. I will let the actual news and VOOM's signal ( Almost a month now and counting) SCREAM the good news to these gentlemen. They may join me in the gutter.

(Gutter...refers to the area between two pages where nothing is printed, stated or meaningful is found.) It fits.
You're Right Lee Espinosa

Yeah man you're right, it's dead. Not only Mr. Dolan but the rest of us here on this sight shouldn't spend any more money, thought, or time on it. We all realize, now that you have said it, that it must be true. I am sure that I speak for everyone in this forum when I say none of us will be coming back to this forum, ever again. There will be no new posts this forum will be a ghost town.

Let's all just go on our way and never look back.

Yours is the last intelligent post that will ever be placed here. Lee Espinosa, Join me in promising to never look back. Let's just move on. Maybe the D* forums will still have some life in them. See you there, man.
lee espinoza said:
(It's also been speculated that Chuck Dolan, a billionaire, will use his own money to fund Voom indefinitely.)

Just give up man VooM is dead!!!!

Hey Joe,
Whatsa matter? Your wife won't let you get Voom cause your just one year into your crappy 3 year dishnetwork contract? :shocked

Go watch your SDTV programming and leave us alone.
r.jones1116 said:
Hey Joe,
Whatsa matter? Your wife won't let you get Voom cause your just one year into your crappy 3 year dishnetwork contract? :shocked

Go watch your SDTV programming and leave us alone.

Are you talking to me - I think I am the only Joe here.

I have VOOM but I am the one who argues that until VOOM has a DVR they actually offer LESS choices in HD than Dish with the OTA module and DVR which is what I should have purchased instead of the VOOM box.
jnardone said:
Are you talking to me - I think I am the only Joe here.

I have VOOM but I am the one who argues that until VOOM has a DVR they actually offer LESS choices in HD than Dish with the OTA module and DVR which is what I should have purchased instead of the VOOM box.
What is this, the new math? Dish = 5 HD channels; Voom = 39 HD channels. I guess are schools really are doing a poor job with match education.
It's the several hundred SD audio and video channels that are missing that are the problem there.........
toto said:
While you may agree or disagree with Mr Swan's analysis, he does respond to emails, immediately and personally, which is more than any of the 'major' folks do.

"immediately and personally", because he has nothing else going on. Cuban is bankrolling his little "Swanni" charade to pump HDNET, and to blast anything that is a threat to it.
SD Garbage

Personally, I'm glad that there is a limit to the SD channels available on Voom. I just swithced off the D* and I don't miss one minute of all that crap. I especially hated when I tried to block some of those PPV and Shopping Channels on D* and they would still show up when i was channel surfing. :shocked What a joke. So glad all that garbage is gone. Now I can sit back and enjoy a pleathera of HD programing. :)

Is Voom Still Doomed?

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