Bradley,bradley said:Go back and examine your very own posts, Mr. FrankJo. I did. Haven't seen single positive post. Not a one going back almost 20 posts.
You know what I have seen, FrankJo? B***h, b***h, b***h! Contradict. Agitate. B***h, b***h, b***h! Contradict! Agitate. What a glorious agenda you have! You are one happy camper!
. . .
When and if Voom fails, as you so self righteously predict, then gloat. But it hasn't happened yet, has it, FrankJo? So, till then, try to be a contributing citizen; not simply a blemish on the face of life.
Did it occur to you that FrankJo doesn't have anything positive to say about Voom's future? Is there a rule here that posters must lie every few posts and say something they don't believe? Consistantly negative is at least consistant and not wishy washy.
It appears the word filter doesn't catch that particular one. Perhaps a family friendly word such as "complain" would be more appropriate? Or are you intending to offend not just FrankJo but other readers?
You may not agree with FrankJo's contributions, but namecalling? You are better than that, right?
You started this attack thread, didn't you?bradley said:Sickens me, those who troll around just to feed their twisted desires; no respect. None.
Sometimes I think people here enjoy "the trolls" because it gives them someone to yell at other than Cablevision. And they are perfect targets to release the stress of not really knowing how this will turn out. VoomHD and Cablevision have not signed a definitive agreement, let alone complete the transaction. There is a good chance that it will happen, but the uncertainty is there.
Don't like trolls? Don't feed them. And don't import their tripe from other websites.