Fear the Walking Dead (Walking Dead spin-off)

I quit during the oil refinery episode, partway through I clicked off and deleted the timer. The zombie FX are still good but character make up and costume were really poorly done and the writing is just stupid.
I mostly enjoyed the back half of this season, partly due to some nice moments with Daniel, Grace, and Morgan. The Ginny story line moved along at a good pace. HOWEVER, the culminating confrontation could've been completely avoided if the main group hadn't done something . . . ***surprise*** . . . STUPID! (not scouting the new location in advance as they had been doing for all the other potential locations). The resolution set up some interesting scenarios, which I plan to at least tune in to at the start of the next season to check out. At the very least, I need to find out how . . .
Morgan gets saved from his apparent demise. My prediction is Dwight's wife Sherry, who was heard on the walkie-talkie earlier in the episode, swoops in to take out the walkers and gets him medical attention. My further prediction is Sherry isn't with Ginny any more (surprise, Ginny lied!) and is now either on the run or part of, if not organizing, a resistance against her.
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That's the oddest mid-season character "recast" I've ever seen. Though obviously Dorie's dad's appearance was planned for some time with his connection to Teddy Maddox.
This season's bad science re: radiation exposure is going to get a lot of people killed if there's ever a serious nuclear accident. I don't know if I can keep watching. The inconsistencies and doing the exact thing they just said not to do is killing me faster than any radiation sickness would. :sigh:

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