Everyone reading this needs to pay attention and get of your fat Amerikan asses and do something. If "We the people" fail to act, we will be handing the internet, creative expression and freedom over to the monopolies on a silver platter.
The minute you make internet distribution a MVPD you make it EXACTLY like DirecTV, DISH, COMCAST, Time Warner or any other outlet. MVPD are all subject to the same requirements and regulations. Independent distributors cannot hope to meet MVPD requirements like CC and educational hour requirements. Some little independent serving a couple Croatian channels to a limited market is suddenly a "Cable provider" by MVPD standards and is ran out of business. If my church wants to run a couple channels, they could be shut down and/or subject to so many regulations that they are done.
In fairness what the FCC is trying to do is make the internet the same as satellite and cable. Do you want this??? Do you want "must carry" and 100 other requirements and regulations?????
If YOU let THEM regulate the internet all you've done is give the big providers another way to rape you. Innovation and independence is done. IF YOU DO NOTHING YOU ARE HANDING THE INTERNET OVER TO COMCAST, DIRECTV, DISH NETWORK AND OTHERS AND THROWING THINGS BACK TO 1-1-1970.
YOU need to contact your Senators and Representatives NOW and let them know you are opposed to the internet being subject to MVPD.
The net offers the best although slim chance of alacarte unless YOU throw this to the wolves.
Contact your Senators here: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Contact your congressman here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
The minute you make internet distribution a MVPD you make it EXACTLY like DirecTV, DISH, COMCAST, Time Warner or any other outlet. MVPD are all subject to the same requirements and regulations. Independent distributors cannot hope to meet MVPD requirements like CC and educational hour requirements. Some little independent serving a couple Croatian channels to a limited market is suddenly a "Cable provider" by MVPD standards and is ran out of business. If my church wants to run a couple channels, they could be shut down and/or subject to so many regulations that they are done.
In fairness what the FCC is trying to do is make the internet the same as satellite and cable. Do you want this??? Do you want "must carry" and 100 other requirements and regulations?????
If YOU let THEM regulate the internet all you've done is give the big providers another way to rape you. Innovation and independence is done. IF YOU DO NOTHING YOU ARE HANDING THE INTERNET OVER TO COMCAST, DIRECTV, DISH NETWORK AND OTHERS AND THROWING THINGS BACK TO 1-1-1970.
YOU need to contact your Senators and Representatives NOW and let them know you are opposed to the internet being subject to MVPD.
The net offers the best although slim chance of alacarte unless YOU throw this to the wolves.
Contact your Senators here: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Contact your congressman here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/