Fairwell Terri Shiavo

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I agree, vurbano.

As Peggy Noonan wrote today at the wall street journal.com, before Terri Schiavo's passing:

"Everyone is upset about Terri Schiavo. Everyone should be. Even Republicans who say Congress and the White House should have no role in this case are uncomfortable with what has been wrought, as are many, many Democrats.

A great nation does not like to see an innocent woman put to death. Everyone seems aware: It is not like us. Her death, if it comes to that, will be a big loss. We will ponder what happened here for years to come. The fight for life has many fronts, and the war will not be over in our lifetimes.

For now, may those who fought for life be honored. May Jesse Jackson be honored, and all who fought the fight in Florida.

From David McCullough's "John Adams": "Adams had, however, arrived at certain bedrock conclusions before [his] end came. He believed, with all his heart, as he had written to Jefferson, that no effort in favor of virtue was lost."

The law says an autopsy must be performed prior to cremation. Michael asking for one has nothing to do with it. It is just spin by his lawyer. It will be performed whether he wants one or not. It says nothing about his guilt or innocence, it says alot about his attorney.
The only good thing out of this terrible situation is for EVERYONE to get a LIVING WILL.

That way everyone knows what your wish is instead of fighting in court & on TV for years.
Then I guess the media is reprting THEIR findings incorrect as well. Seems major media outlets would be the 1st to point out that it was law and not his request.
Then I guess the media is reporting THEIR findings incorrect as well. Seems major media outlets would be the 1st to point out that it was law and not his request.

OK after reading the FULL story and researching FL law, it IS NOT mandatory that an autopsy be performed because of cremation, the medical examiner has the sole decision making on the process, and unknowing to Mr Schiavo, before he made his announcement to the press, the examiner had pre-determined that an autopsy was warranted to be performed in this case due to all the conflict. Man, how people spin the information.

From the huge state government document.

(a) When any person dies in the state:

1. Of criminal violence.

2. By accident.

3. By suicide.

4. Suddenly, when in apparent good health.

5. Unattended by a practicing physician or other recognized practitioner.

6. In any prison or penal institution.

7. In police custody.

8. In any suspicious or unusual circumstance.

9. By criminal abortion.

10. By poison.

11. By disease constituting a threat to public health.

12. By disease, injury, or toxic agent resulting from employment.

(b) When a dead body is brought into the state without proper medical certification.

(c) When a body is to be cremated, dissected, or buried at sea.

(2)(a) The district medical examiner shall have the authority in any case coming under subsection (1) to perform, or have performed, whatever autopsies or laboratory examinations he or she deems necessary and in the public interest to determine the identification of or cause or manner of death of the deceased or to obtain evidence necessary for forensic examination.
Chapter 406.11 of The Florida Statues direct what constitutes a case where the medical examiner must be called. If a death occurs under ANY of the following circumstances, then the Medical Examiner is responsible for determining the cause of death and they are authorized to take any action they deem necessary, including autopsy, to determine the cause of death: 1) Criminal Violence 2) Accidents 3) Suicide 4) Sudden death when in apparent good health 5) Unattended by a practicing physician or other recognized practitioner 6) In a prison or penal institution 7) In police custody 8) In suspicious or unusual circumstances 9) By criminal abortion 10) By poison 11) By disease constituting a threat to public health 12) By disease, injury, or toxic agent brought into the state without proper medical certification. It
charper1 said:
Then I guess the media is reporting THEIR findings incorrect as well. Seems major media outlets would be the 1st to point out that it was law and not his request.

OK after reading the FULL story and researching FL law, it IS NOT mandatory that an autopsy be performed because of cremation, the medical examiner has the sole decision making on the process, and unknowing to Mr Schiavo, before he made his announcement to the press, the examiner had pre-determined that an autopsy was warranted to be performed in this case due to all the conflict. Man, how people spin the information.
see above, you left out the most IMPORTANT part for your spin.. "shall have the authority" ..... "deemed necessary" It doesn't say is required by law, thus there is a choice, not a requirement. You do not need authority to decide if the law has already done so for you. It is all a moot point now anyway, everyone involved knew it was going to happen before she died.
Regardless of whether killing Terri was a good thing or a bad thing, it seems there were more humane ways of doing this than starving her death...
Where is that Dr. Kevorkian? ;)
My observation is still valid, Michael is not nor will be the one to decide if an autopsy will be performed. It is merely window dressing. Does anyone really think that an autopsy was not going to be performed? Why not make yourself look better by "requesting" something you cannot stop?

I personally believe we are here to learn and progress in this life. I do not believe Terri was or would be able to do that any longer. If Michael were not such a questionable character, this would not have been a big media event.

I believe the legal arguments in the case were valid as far as who has the right to make these decisions. I did not have a problem with the legal aspects, I had a problem with the guy making the decisions.

P.S. Media quotes undermine your position as far as I am concerned. We could trade opposing media opinions all day.....
hdtvtechno said:
it seems something went on in that hospital room, during the last 15 minutes,
mike didn't let anyone be there, and told them to leave, :no

did mike give her something and poison her to death during the 15 minutes ? :rolleyes: :(

think about it. :confused:

I feel an Court Suit against Mike coming :rolleyes:

What a ludicrous comment. As a resident of the Tampa Bay area (which some may or may not know is where Pinellas Park is located)...I have been following this case for years. It should be referred to as the "Schindler Case" as the actual Terri Schaivo case was litigated years ago. Ms. Schaivo has been in a vegitative state for 15 years. This means she doesn't move, doesn't speak, doesn't feel, and doesn't have recognition of those around her. If she was legitimately felt pain by being starved or dehydrated to the point of death, why didn't she show it or vocalize her problem? The Schindlers have maintained that she communicated with them on a regular basis. It also means she must be turned/moved by nursing staff every two hours so pressure sores (bedsores) would not develop. Is this what you would wish for your loved ones?

What most of the world has seen in the past few weeks has been nothing more than a media circus. (As a matter of fact, a juggler showed up yesterday...TRUE!) The first hour of tonight's local news contained approximately 2 minutes about the Pope receiving Last Rites, the weather, and the majority of the hour was dedicated to Terri Schaivo. Personally, I question the priorities of the media.

R.I.P. Theresa Marie Schaivo, you're in a better place now.
Just an addition to my previous post. While this media circus has been going on:

1. A resident of the Hospice died alone because his family members could not get through the extra security in time to be with him at his time of passing. (Doesn't this undermine the whole principle of Hospice?)
2. The elementary school next door to the Hospice was closed all this week (the previous week was spring break)...and the children had to be bussed or transported by parents to temporary classrooms several miles away to protect them from all the hoopla.
3. The city of Pinellas Park and Pinellas County incurred many additional $$$ in costs which will have to be absorbed into already strained budgets (including education).
charper1 said:
Although I never agreed to the mistress and kids without a proper divorce it has been proven in court papers numerous times that more than 65% of the settlement he won (was placed into trust) on her behalf was spent directly or indirectly on her care; but the remaining money was lost fighting court battles with her parents fighting to get that money for themselves. The fight with him, over HER, began once the knew the money was gone, THEN it became about Terri. Like I said before, they should ALL be ashamed.

where did you get the dollar figure from ? abc, cbs or cnn!

got mine frome DRUDGE, FOX and HANNITY

I should stay out of this as it is none of my business what happens in the privacy of the Hospice. If the Florida and Federal Governments as well as the Bushes put as much money into AIDS and Cancer Research as was spent on the legal challenges over the years, maybe fewer people would have to make the tough decisions of when to end life-extending measures for a hopeless cause.

Metaphysical question: Where was Terri's soul this last fifteen years? Trapped in her body? Purgatory, waiting for the Earthly connection to be broken? Or, with Jesus in Heaven, after her cerbrial cortex could no longer hold it here?

Instead, the media made money, as did the lawyers.

And now, for something completely different:

Florida Living Will -- Revised To Comply With Current Political and
Social Events (This version will leave no room for doubt.)


I, _________________________ (fill in the blank), being of sound mind and
body, unequivocally declare that in the event of a catastrophic injury or
illness, I do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.

I hereby instruct my loved ones and relatives to remove all life-support
systems once it has been determined that my brain is no longer
functioning in a cognizant realm. However, that judgment should be made
only after thorough consultation with medical experts, i.e., individuals
who actually have been trained, educated and certified as doctors
specializing in the relevant field of my illness or injury.

Under no circumstances -- and I can't state this too strongly -- should
my fate be put in the hands of peckerwood politicians who couldn't pass
ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it. Furthermore, it is my
firm hope that, when the time comes, any discussion about terminating my
medical treatment should remain private and confidential.

Living in Florida, however, I have been made acutely aware that the
legislative and executive branches of state government are fond of
meddling in family matters, and have little concern for the privacy and
dignity of individuals. Therefore, I wish to make my views on this
subject as clear and unambiguous as possible. Recognizing that some
politicians seem cerebrally challenged themselves (and with no medical
excuse), I'll try to keep this simple and to the point:

1. While remaining sensitive to the feelings of loved ones who might
cling to hope for my recovery, let me state that if a reasonable amount
of time passes -- say, ____ (fill in the blank) months -- and I fail to
sit up and ask for a cold beer, it should be presumed that I won't ever
get better. When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my
family and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and
call it a day. Then go out and drink a toast to me at a fine restaurant.

2. Under no circumstances shall the members of the Legislature enact a
special law to keep me on life-support machinery. It is my wish that
these boneheads mind their own damn business, and pay attention instead
to the health, education and future of those few Floridians who don't
seem to be in a persistent vegetative state.

3. Under no circumstances shall the governor of Florida butt into this
case and order my doctors to put a feeding tube down my throat. I don't
care how many fundamentalist votes he's trying to scrounge, it is my wish
that he play politics with someone else's life and leave me to die in
peace. I pray that he'll go out and get an honest job.

4. I couldn't care less if a million religious zealots send e-mails to
legislators in which they pretend to care about me. I don't know these
nosy wackos, and I certainly haven't authorized them to preach and
crusade on my behalf. I ask them to go out and feed the hungry, house
the homeless, or mind their own friggin' business.

5. It is my heartfelt wish to expire quietly and without a public
spectacle. This is obviously impossible once elected officials become
involved. At all costs, keep the Bushes and Tom DeLay away from me.

So, while recognizing the wrenching emotions that attend the prolonged
death of a loved one, I hereby instruct my relatives to settle all
disagreements about my care in private, or as provided by law -- WITHOUT
going to court.

If any of my family goes against my wishes and turns my case into a
political cause, I hereby promise to come back from the grave and make
his or her existence a living _______ (fill in the blank).​
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