External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

My 622 no longer recognizes my Seagate FreeAgent. How do I reset my 622 and/or drive so they see each other again? I've got 250gb of movies on the drive so formatting the drive is not an option I want to entertain. Help!

I wouldn't reformat either. Just yank the power cord out, wait 5 sec and plug it back in. Whenever I want to use my FreeAgent, that's what I do. The 622 will mention that it's disconnected, then ask you if you want to use it when you reconnect it.
I don't know if this has been discussed. I noticed the best $/GB deal is usually for hard drives in the 300's GB.

If so why not buy two 300's GB drives rather one 750 GB? For the same money you can have more flexibility, and group your recordings too, one for movies, one for documentories, for example.

Anyone sees the downside of this approach?
Sorry if this has already been asked.
Are people still having problems deleting/restoring movies from the Ext HD?
I have not tried to delete one yet, and I Don't really want to unless I know it's going to delete properly. I don't want 8GB of corrupted info on it.
Sorry if this has already been asked.
Are people still having problems deleting/restoring movies from the Ext HD?
I have not tried to delete one yet, and I Don't really want to unless I know it's going to delete properly. I don't want 8GB of corrupted info on it.


Life is risk, no guarantees ;)

Just my personal experience; I've deleted several programs from the external drive with no problems.

Sorry if this has already been asked.
Are people still having problems deleting/restoring movies from the Ext HD?
I have not tried to delete one yet, and I Don't really want to unless I know it's going to delete properly. I don't want 8GB of corrupted info on it.
None here.
Well, I finally tried it. I can NOT delete ANYTHING from my external HD. I check it, select delete, then click on "YES", and ..........Nothing. I go back into the menu, and the deleted item is still there. That's a bummer. Oh well.
Anybody else have this issue??
I thought I read somewhere in here that some people had that problem, but I can't remember seeing a solution.
Thanks for any help.
I am having same problem, but have a solution. I unplug the power cord, then delete from external hard drive or transfer to it. Without powering down I am unable to send to it or delete from it.
Turn them off. Those Seagates and WD' pre-builts were NEVER meant to run 24/7. And there is no reason you should leave them on, unless you're lazy.
Here's my latest experience. After returning my 1st EHD to Fry's to buy a Seagate 500 G I set it up, the 622 formatted it and so far I have saved some 15 or so movies and specials. Every once in a while it tells me that an error occurred while transferring a project. I unplug the Seagate power cord only, wait, and then plug it back in and try again. This has always worked. It never fails to recognize the Seagate.The EHD I returned to Fry's was their own brand. The Seagate has performed very well so far. Cost was $159. Hopefully, they will improve the 622 software to simply recognize the EHD as a separate drive and record directly without all this transferring. Also, they need software to organize the projects once you have them on the EHD. Otherwise.....so far so good.
Every once in a while it tells me that an error occurred while transferring a project.

I suggest you try a powered USB hub and see if it helps with the error. I've had one drive corrupts itself to the extent that I could no longer access it. Had to plug it into a PC and reformat.

There have been other reports of issues (like the loss of ability to delete).

I think that the protocol is not as roboust as it could be. It's not watching for corrupted transfers. Intermittant problems now could become bigger ones later.
Well, I finally tried it. I can NOT delete ANYTHING from my external HD. I check it, select delete, then click on "YES", and ..........Nothing. I go back into the menu, and the deleted item is still there. That's a bummer. Oh well.
Have you tried restoring the recording back to the 622/722 and then deleting it from the DVR ? Does that work ? Is it still on the External Drive ?
Does anyone know how long it should take to send a 2 hour movie in high def from the 622 Dish dvr to the external dard drive? I have the new Seagate Freeagent Pro 750gb external. Right now, it took 17 minutes and that seems long for one movie. Thanks.
Is there anything that can be done to prevent losing your recorded shows should the hard drive fail? Seems people in here have had problems with that and this scares me as I have not watched many of the shows I sent to the hard drive. Can a backup be made for that purpose? Can't do the same movie on 2 hard drives as it doesn't stay on the dvr after transferring it. I am not talking about collecting movies, but making sure they are backed up until I watch them. I have a seagate Freeagent pro 750 hooked up directly to the 622 dvr, not to the computer which is way across the room.
Is there anything that can be done to prevent losing your recorded shows should the hard drive fail? Seems people in here have had problems with that and this scares me as I have not watched many of the shows I sent to the hard drive. Can a backup be made for that purpose? Can't do the same movie on 2 hard drives as it doesn't stay on the dvr after transferring it. I am not talking about collecting movies, but making sure they are backed up until I watch them. I have a seagate Freeagent pro 750 hooked up directly to the 622 dvr, not to the computer which is way across the room.
Actually, most with problems people have had the opposite problem...can't get it off the drive or delete from it. Unfortunately (I am on my soap box here), many folks will continue to have problems because they are mis-using their drives, especially the bottom tiered, brand name pre-builts. These externals do not contain the better of their drive lines, and in most cases, have plastic shells. Therefore, they were designed ONLY to be infrequently used back-up devices. But there is an illogical desire with a lot of people to keep these things on 24/7 and they are going to fry, especially if they are Seagates with the sleep function disabled. So, simple message here is, turn it off when not using it. Another precaution is to use multiple smaller drives so if one goes, your whole library won't. Todays drives are very dependable, but there is a limit to everything.
Ever since the latest softwr. upgrade the ext HDD nolonger works for me.

Items that I have on the HDD wont play for longer than 60 sec and I cant transfer anything back.

anyone else having this issue?
Does anyone know how long it should take to send a 2 hour movie in high def from the 622 Dish dvr to the external dard drive? I have the new Seagate Freeagent Pro 750gb external. Right now, it took 17 minutes and that seems long for one movie. Thanks.
No, that's about right. Whatever routine Dish wrote to move the file over is not using USB2.0 Full Speed mode so the files copy slowly.
Ever since the latest softwr. upgrade the ext HDD nolonger works for me.

Items that I have on the HDD wont play for longer than 60 sec and I cant transfer anything back.

anyone else having this issue?

have you turned off the drive, unhooked it from the receiver, hard rebooted the receiver and then hooked up the drive again?
have you turned off the drive, unhooked it from the receiver, hard rebooted the receiver and then hooked up the drive again?

I have softbooted hardbooted and even reinitial the HDD on my 622. Hook and and hooked and nothing changes.

It work with before this last update and has not worked since.

What is odd is there is no indication that something is wrong. When the video plays, the picture and sound are perfect. I can FF RW skip ahead all no problem too.

As far as tranfering back...its starts out just fine...(say 25min 12 sec's) starts counting down. The bar starts moving but a min or so into it...the timer jumps to 1 hours etc etc...then it...the green bar god back to the beggining and then it just sits there.

Then the dread msg. you have disconnected your.......apears.

I am DOA with this last update...
Hook the drive up to your computer and reformat the drive. Then hook it back to your 622/722 and let it format the drive and start over.