Our actual need is one TV with its own DVR or some sort.
Entirely independent of that TV/DVR is two TVs - one upstairs and one downstairs. Those TVs do not require being able to record/view independently fom each other. In other words, both these TVs could be slaved together .
Still need a Hopper 3 and 2 Joeys?
Hopper-joey system is entirely different from previous VIP type systems.
The VIPs are individual self contained, stand alone units.
The Hopper-Joey is a server-client system.
The Hopper3 does ALL the tuning and recording (SERVER).
The Hopper3 has 16+ tuners.
The Hopper3 has higher tech tv output (4K HDR) than any of the current Joeys.
It also SERVES Joeys.
OTA module plugs into Hopper3 and puts OTA channels into system.
The Joeys are 'dumb' terminals.(CLIENTS)
When you select a program/channel on the Joey, the Joey sends that instruction to the Hopper and the Hopper streams' that program/channel to the Joey.
And is the HEART of the system.
So you need a Hopper3 at the highest tech advanced tv. (Living room, movie room)
An OTA module.
And you need Joeys (3s or 4Ks) at the other tvs.
This would be the regular setup.
There are other way to get around some equipment charges which are a bit more complex for entry level Hopper explorer.