Ex-FEMA chief slams 'dysfunctional' Louisiana

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CPanther95 said:
I get it, I just don't agree with you. You have a right to your ridiculous opinion, no matter how back-woods and shallow it is.

BS. You still don't get it. Now you're screwed 'coz I won't help you out.

Tell us, how do we shallow thinkers glean some of your finer points, irony, and satire from your psycho-babble wrapped in a posting? What tidbits of knowledge can be extracted as you bitch, whine and drone endlessly without possessing a basic grasp of the issues nor the facts to support your hyperbole? BTW, I was being sarcastic when I mentioned your finer points...you have none! :rolleyes:

After reading several or your posts, I have concluded they are equally tasteless as they are fact-less....and no, I am not being sarcastic. Mark Twain once said, "It is better to sit in silence and appear ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Until you prepared to logically support at least of few of your utterances with facts, then perhaps you should refrain from posting your nonsense. ;)
T2k said:
I'm always amazed when somebody just cannot understand why thoose 100,000 black folks didn't just pack up the family, filled up their SUVs and after pulling a box of Poland Springs didn't go to their summer house...? Weird, those blacks are weird, huh?

Well they could have boarded the city's buses and...

Oh that's right-Nagin let the buses sit there unused.
T2k said:
I'm always amazed when somebody just cannot understand why thoose 100,000 black folks didn't just pack up the family, filled up their SUVs and after pulling a box of Poland Springs didn't go to their summer house...? Weird, those blacks are weird, huh?

Hey ttook...(get that one?)
I get they can't gas up the 'slade etc and roll on out of town before the storm hit. They were suppose to use the buses that sat and sat and sat...until 6 feet or more of water buried them. It was in their own plan...the one they made. You should read my post and break it down like I used to have to do in gradeschool, if need be, to understand it. Never said all could leave.....the ones that could not leave should have been helped by their state and local officials and entities. THEY DID NOT DO THAT AND YOU BLAME THE FEDS :shocked We can debate the supplies taking to long to get places, the level of preparedness FEMA might have had for Katrina, or even why the levees where CAT3 worthty through multiple administrations, BUT FOR THE LOVEOF GOD ttook....THE REASON THE PEOPLE where stuck in the sewer water is becasue the damn buses and ythe local and state people had their head one of a couple places.....

or my personal thought


PS>>> where did a call someone weird??
Madtown HD Junkie said:

---Rant On---

That is the mentality of the left wing. The feds are responsible for everything that goes wrong, at least when the feds are Republicans that is. I have never seen a more pathetic group of people in my life than what you have in NO both in the government and the general public. All you see on TV is people standing around complaining about wanting this and wanting that. If my house blew away it would never occur to me to stand out on the lawn and demand that the government do something-wouldn't even enter my mind. I would think-gee I guess I better setup a tent or something for the time being.

Now I am not saying I would not avail myself of help from a government or charity program if it was offered or made available to me. That is fine and your right. But the kind of "gimme" mentality you see down there is really disgusting to me and I just don't relate to it or understand it.

---Rant Off---
I am guessing that CPanther has been through a number of hurricanes in NC and I have all of my life here on the coast of Virginia. With that said I think those that have experienced even how a cat 1 or 2 can take out power for a week or more would agree that people who think that the FEDS could get to a devastated coastal city faster than 3 or 4 days after a Cat5 hurricane ripping though 3 states say NC, VA and SC should get back on the yellow brick road and head back to OZ.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
All you see on TV is people standing around complaining about wanting this and wanting that. If my house blew away it would never occur to me to stand out on the lawn and demand that the government do something-wouldn't even enter my mind. I would think-gee I guess I better setup a tent or something for the time being.

I agree with you on that. A couple of years ago my house was damaged by flooding. Before the water level got down below the level of my house I started removing a lot of the stuff that I knew would need to be discarded, like the carpeting. I started pumping water out as soon as it was feasable. While I was tearing out walls to get rid of the mold they declared the area a disaster area. A few days later the man from FEMA showed up; he assessed the damage and got me some money to help pay for the cleanup. He also put me in touch with the SBA for an emergency, low interest, loan to pay for the rest of the repairs. I didn't expect the help I got, but I appreciated it.

People who sit around and bitch about the Feds get no sympathy or respect from me. There's a lot they could be doing to mitigate the damage and move towards recovery. I guess it's easier to bitch and do nothing.

mperdue said:
I agree with you on that. A couple of years ago my house was damaged by flooding. Before the water level got down below the level of my house I started removing a lot of the stuff that I knew would need to be discarded, like the carpeting. I started pumping water out as soon as it was feasable. While I was tearing out walls to get rid of the mold they declared the area a disaster area. A few days later the man from FEMA showed up; he assessed the damage and got me some money to help pay for the cleanup. He also put me in touch with the SBA for an emergency, low interest, loan to pay for the rest of the repairs. I didn't expect the help I got, but I appreciated it.

People who sit around and bitch about the Feds get no sympathy or respect from me. There's a lot they could be doing to mitigate the damage and move towards recovery. I guess it's easier to bitch and do nothing.


Exactly. And I understand that the damage done by Katrina was extraordinary. But to stand around all day demanding things I just don't see. You did what most people would do-took action to help yourself first.
vurbano said:
I am guessing that CPanther has been through a number of hurricanes in NC and I have all of my life here on the coast of Virginia. With that said I think those that have experienced even how a cat 1 or 2 can take out power for a week or more would agree that people who think that the FEDS could get to a devastated coastal city faster than 3 or 4 days after a Cat5 hurricane ripping though 3 states say NC, VA and SC should get back on the yellow brick road and head back to OZ.

Lived in FL for a year ('89-'90) and nothing significant hit us - of course, that was before global warming became such a significant problem. :rolleyes: Moved down here after Hugo, so we're a bit inland for any problems.

But I have a brother in Va. Beach and a brother in Wilmington, NC that have seen plenty. They've also never received any government assistance in the aftermath - they do have insurance, however. I'm sure once it becomes the policy of the federal government to replace any damage we incur - we'll all be re-considering those silly Homeowners and Flood Insurance policies.
CPanther95 said:
If I had any interest in what a communist racist had to say, that might bother me.

Pal, you're even less intelligent than I thought. :rolleyes:

Check my posts again and if you don't get it, ask for help - we're obviously not on the... hmmm how should I say nicely... same 'cultural level', let me put this way.
I hope you got it. :smug

PS: sorry for interrupting this very funny, 'fair and balanced' right-wing mental jerkoff - please, keep coming... :D
T2k said:
Pal, you're even less intelligent than I thought. :rolleyes:

Check my posts again and if you don't get it, ask for help - we're obviously not on the... hmmm how should I say it nicely... same 'cultural level', let me put it this way.
I hope you got it. :smug

PS: sorry for interrupting this very funny, 'fair and balanced' right-wing mental jerkoff - please, keep it coming... :D

Here you go Mr. "I am smarter than you". A few corrections to your post.:rolleyes:

PS: CPanther you should be ashamed of yourself. Dont you know its in bad taste to have a mental battle with someone who is obviously unarmed?
T2k said:
we're obviously not on the... hmmm how should I say nicely... same 'cultural level', let me put this way.

Finally, some common ground - I fully agree with you. But don't feel bad comrade, I still respect your third world culture. Plus, a little more time in the US and you'll find out what diversity is all about.
T2k said:
Pal, you're even less intelligent than I thought. :rolleyes:

Check my posts again and if you don't get it, ask for help - we're obviously not on the... hmmm how should I say nicely... same 'cultural level', let me put this way.
I hope you got it. :smug

PS: sorry for interrupting this very funny, 'fair and balanced' right-wing mental jerkoff - please, keep coming... :D

Here's some free advice:


2. I think everyone here is able to see that someone who starts every response with, "I am smarter than you..." is obviously trying to compensate for something, perhaps the very thing they are crowing so loudly about.
vurbano said:
Here you go Mr. "I am smarter than you". A few corrections to your post.:rolleyes:

Wow, you are really pathetic.
How many other languages you speak, Mr Dumbie?

PS: CPanther you should be ashamed of yourself. Dont you know its in bad taste to have a mental battle with someone who is obviously unarmed?

You see that's why I can't take you seriously. :cool:
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Here's some free advice:


He did not. His retarded comments on some 'racism' really made it obvious it was waay to difficult for hime to get it.

2. I think everyone here is able to see that someone who starts every response with, "I am smarter than you..." is obviously trying to compensate for something, perhaps the very thing they are crowing so loudly about.

Phhhhhlease. You couldn't make a coherent post about anything.
Or look at vurbano's classic undeucated, low-level demagogue crap - citing Bush's BS-filled, illogical, outrageously false and stupid reasoning doesn't make you a thinker.

I tried to start a meaningful conversation once - remember my short explanation about future oil market changes? - but the response was sooo idiotic, sooo low-quality political BSing from all of you, guys that I realized there's no space for such thing as long as few loud and khm "simple" GOP-licker constantly spam all these topics with mindless cheap propaganda.
None of you couldn't make a single point.
None of you couldn't come up with a new idea instead of barely reciting premanufactured stupid governmental answers.
CP was the most ignorant and pathetic when he called me some Commie - HA! :shocked That's the joke of the month... Nothing could show better how clueless he is on these things. It's very telling.
It seems since this country technically has a very limited party lineup, two pretty similar parties, you cannot imagine anything else than being right or left. :rolleyes:

Of course, what else should I expect in a society where majority of the kids think being stupid, unintelligent is cool and being smart is freaky and must be ridiculed, when a slightly debil person can get the top job?
T2k said:
Wow, you are really pathetic.
How many other languages you speak, Mr Dumbie?

You see that's why I can't take you seriously. :cool:

If you speak 15 languages that doesn't make you any smarter. It just means you have studied languages.

Now if insulting other people made you smarter you would be a genius. :D
I wrote down why I don't see any chance to meaningful debate. Read and interpret.

Let me know when things have changed and we can have a quality debate, without stupid PR propaganda.
T2k said:
I wrote down why I don't see any chance to meaningful debate. Read and interpret.

Let me know when things have changed and we can have a quality debate, without stupid PR propaganda.

if you want a "quality debate" then I advise first to quit insulting people and telling everyone that disagrees with you that you are "smarter" than they are. That would be a good start if that was what you really wanted. But I am not holding my breath.
T2k said:
He did not. His retarded comments on some 'racism' really made it obvious it was waay to difficult for hime to get it.

Everyone here except you can see that "he got it". Now you are the one who doesn't get it.

T2k said:
Phhhhhlease. You couldn't make a coherent post about anything.
Or look at vurbano's classic undeucated, low-level demagogue crap - citing Bush's BS-filled, illogical, outrageously false and stupid reasoning doesn't make you a thinker.

If the points that we make are so wrong, so demonstrably false, so "stupid" etc. then why not just refute them? Why all the name-calling? And I defy you to find a post where I have called you a name.
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