Getting into satellite tech to expand my skills

Former member 209150

Original poster
Oct 6, 2022
Hey everyone, joining the forum to dive into the craft so to speak.

Pretty sure I'm already years late to hop on, but nonetheless I'm willing to march onward. I've lately found it intriguing just tinkering with satellite hardware. It's something the average joe takes for granted nowadays, getting stuff bent-piped over from a satellite in orbit. Yeah, there's the obvious downsides and ticks, but it's technology that I wish I had a better and more hands-on relationship with growing up.

Starting out with sub-based DBS, currently have luggable setups: S/XM and Dish network Solo/PAYG. Might move onward with pursuing hobby FTA hardware someday, and perhaps make this a career path though I haven't been lucky finding a good starting place in terms of employment in the industry even with a (IT) degree and a year in a job.
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IS it a sin
