I woke up this morning and watched American Horror Story: Coven and Sons of Anarchy and my Hopper played them flawlessly. After SOA I decided I wanted to watch an episode of Deadwood from HBO via Video on Demand and that is where the fun begins! My Hopper becomes sluggish, acts like it's in a loop of switching back and forth from the VOD to Live TV so I restart my box. When I restart my unit and the Hopper starting splash goes away I stare at a black screen, no standby screen saver but I press the power button and my Hopper powers on. I tried HBO on Demand again the same thing happened, I had to restart my unit just to regain control of it again. It's so great to no be able to use a feature that you pay to use on a TV service. I hardly use Dishes VOD and I haven't really experienced problems with my Hopper except for the week when SYFY shows would be four times their normal size on the DVR. However that problem hasn't happened since I posted about it.