The best "advertising" I've seen on a house is after 9/11 someone painted their house/garage to be the American Flag
And their house is a big one
Amazing how the patriotism has fallen away... after 9/11 everyone waved a flag... We are now back to me me me me me
I don't mean to stray too far from the subject here, but I must include this point on the issue of patriotism.
I don't get my Bible out and thump on it and I don't deliberately push My American flag in anyone's nose. If they want what I (WE) have, they have to work for it. I won't give it away to them and I won't push it on them either. But, if anyone, any country or some dictator or whomever tries to mess with me or my friends and neighbors (that means most all of you). I will jump out with a gun, a pitchfork, an axe, a baseball bat... Anything I can get my hands on and beat the ever living tar out of them!
In WWII, there was a Japanese Colonel or General who recommended that they could not invade the USA mainland because there would be a "Gun behind every blade of grass". This is how we must remain, as citizens. A gun in every home (and more than one gun if possible - at least one gun for every person).
Yes sir! Just because I don't wave the flag every day, it does not mean that I do not know what it stands for and that I would not give my life for it and the freedoms that it represents. I do not need to wave My Flag every day, not literally as I wear it figuratively everyday and night in my heart and in my mind and in my soul. What is most important here is that I am not asked or required to do this, that is the most beautiful benefit of freedom. I have the choice to accept it or deny it or ignore it. Since I see that it (our system) works best, my choice is to accept it, embrace it and defend it with my life!
Sky, I guess I just wanted to set your mind at ease if you felt that patriotism was dead. This is one thing that never dies my friend. Do not under-estimate us, the American people.
Gordy (RADAR)