ESPN Blocked out during NHL Whats going on VOOM:((


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2004
I didn't have time to post till now but here is why I am mad.

Tuesday night San Jose played vs Colorado, and of course I was happy that I would be able to watch it on ESPN HD, well my happinies was till the time of the game when ESPN was blocked out :mad: :mad: :mad: Was I mad, damn, I would understand if VOOM had FOX Sport to watch it but they don't so how would I be able to watch the game if I didn't have the cable as well :mad: :mad: VOOM better get this straight now the San Jose are going to the next round and I will have the same problem.
They better get the damn ESPN off so I will have reason to keep the cable or I will need to switch to other Sat provider or even back to Comcast
Same problem here in Baltimore with the O's game yesterday. It was on Comcast SportsNet, but was blacked out on ESPN.

Not sure there is much they can do about it, tho.

I am pretty sure VOOM is doing it, maybe they need to talk to ESPN, I will agree if we had alternative channel on VOOM thats broadcast it, but since we don't VOOM better not doing it

jgantert said:
Same problem here in Baltimore with the O's game yesterday. It was on Comcast SportsNet, but was blacked out on ESPN.

Not sure there is much they can do about it, tho.

It happens only when your local network broadcast the same game, which is fine if I had that local channel with VOOM, but in order to watch it, I need to have cable because the local network is FOX Sport and (not FOX SPORT WORLD) and VOOM doesn't have it, so one more time if I didn't have alternative source (Comcast cable) I am screwed......

MrWhoa said:
you talking about game 6? I watched it on Voom... wtf?
OK. I guess the question is - is ESPN also blacked out on your cable system? If so, and I suspect it is due to contractual obligations, how is this Voom's fault? Now, if Fox Sports is a Regional Sports Network for you, as Fox Sports Florida is for me, then what you want to do is lobby Voom to add the RSN's for you. On that issue, I'm in the same boat - I want Fox Sports Florida and the Sunshine Network. But, it still isn't Voom's "fault" - I went into this knowing that Voom does not currently have RSN's and that there is no promise they will in the future, although I can hope. And hope lots of other people lobby with me regarding the necessity of providing RSN's.
sports is a mess

Trying to figure out blackout rules, and geographical boundries when it comes to sports is almost impossible.

I live in Wyoming. If Foxsport Rocky Mt. carried the Avs/Sharks game, I think I would have been blocked out, but I got the game on ESPN from VOOM and as good as it was to get the game the AVS lost.

The only thing I can figure out for sure is if it is supposed to be blacked out for any reason then it will. The satellite service providers do not make mistakes that I can see, and you will get every thing you possibleycan that they by contract are allowed to send you.

I would like to have just NESN, but for some reason I can't. Don't know why as I live in Wyoming, but it has something to do with money, rights, and geography. Now I can get NESN baseball games (when the Sox are at home) from MLB Extra Innings Package, but when the Sox are away it is the broadcast team of the home team. Yankees games are an even bigger mess with no ryme or reason that I can figure out as to which games I can get on MLB, although it is most of them. Basketball and football have similar rules, and packages, and exclusives, and it all is a way for them to make more money. Wait until it all goes to pay per view.....

Lots of great technology at work until the money gets involved. No HD networks as of yet in my state, but I can't get all the distant feeds in HD because of federal laws that protect my local network stations.

When you throw cable rules into satellite rules it gets even more arcane, and I don't think any consumer can really figure it out. For sure it is a protected market, and although the airwaves belong to the public, the feds give out the air to the networks to make money, supply jobs, and contribute to campaigns.

It is a mess. We have the tecnology to sit in almost any home, and watch any game, but for a variety of non conmsumer friendly rulings and laws we can't.

Now I am mad as hell , and I have to keep taking it.
CrazyINP said:
It happens only when your local network broadcast the same game, which is fine if I had that local channel with VOOM, but in order to watch it, I need to have cable because the local network is FOX Sport and (not FOX SPORT WORLD) and VOOM doesn't have it, so one more time if I didn't have alternative source (Comcast cable) I am screwed......

It does not matter if current provider (VOOM, E*, etc) has the channel, or even if it is available to have it. The regional sports network (RSN) has exclusive rights and there is nothing we can do about it. In Philly, Comcast SportsNet as exclusive rights for the Flyers (heck, they own part of the team), and they have found a loophole around providing that channel to sat companies. In the future, if VOOM adds RSNs, you at least have a chance of getting it.

For reference.....AFAIK, cable companies are required to share with sat providers any programming that they share with other cable companies via airwaves. In Philly, Comcast maintains that they have fiber-optic connections to the few local markets they have not bought-out, and as such they are not required to offer it at any price to D*, E*, or now V*. As such, Dish Network subscribers in Philadelphia have no RSNs.

Yes, it stinks.
I guess I could have posted a different way - don't you think Voom would love to advertise, "come with us and we'll give you ESPN when your cable system can't"? So, how can you be mad at Voom for the game being blacked out?

But that's not the reason for my follow-up. Can anyone, in 25 simple, understandable, words or less, explain how this black-out thing works? I don't mean the contractual end of it - no one can explain that in a thousand words or less. I mean - how does Voom black-out one reasonably small geographical area and not the rest? I assume by zipcode. But, it seems like a huge process for them to have to go through on a random basis - hockey here and here, but not here - and tonight but not tomorrow night - oh, wait, and we've got to black-out the Orioles in Baltimore tonight - but not in Richmond - but not tomorrow night, etc. Sounds like a nightmare to me.
I think all broadcast companies should offer some type of Pay for View for sports to be aired in a black out area . I know their are home games inwhich most people can't get tickets. Shouldn't they be able to air it in these situtions so we can enjoy it as well as the paying ticket holders. I know I would be willing to pay for it. There are games that I know someone should look into broadcasting so everyone can enjoy their sport teams. WGN for example airs there games without charging. But we should have a Voice in this matter considering How much these professional players recieve Millions of dollars for playing these games. I emailed Mark Cuban about this last month that someone should start a Pay for View in black out areas...I don't know why they can't do this. Their are many that would pay to see a game on tv and now HD. Does anyone know why this can't be done? Everyone would win the players, owners, and broadcast companies if money is the Only reason for blackouts. Pick your al carte team Sports Pay for View.....Does anyone agree and how can we change this?
"should offer some type of Pay for View for sports to be aired in a black out area"

Why not, indeed. Technically, I don't think there's any question it could be done. The fly in this ointment is likely the franchise owners who want the live gate and all that goes with it, which is the primary (but not sole) reason why black-out rules exist. If you knew you could just plop down $20 for a game to stay at home without fear of missing it, they know that many people would not fork out $400 to take a family of four to a game, what with the cost of tickets, food, parking, etc. Believe me, between the owners, the networks, etc. no one is overly concerned about you, the fan. It's a shame, isn't it?
I don't have voom, but...

I don't have Voom, but do you guys have ESPN alternate channels? There are typically two alternate channels.

What I've found is that ESPN will get blacked out and then the satellite provider will give you extra footage on one of the alternate channels if you qualify for it. That might be what Voom is contract, ESPN has to get dropped, but they may be able to let you see it via the backdoor (aka ESPN alternate).

I am only guessing most certainly not speaking with confidence or authority on this issue.
Yes. We do have two alternate channels. I have no idea how they work and haven't seen anyone explain it. Would love to know. I was hoping that rather than fill in a black-out (and I don't understand how they can use those to get around a black-out - otherwise, what is the purpose of the black-out to begin with?)they would be available for those who wanted to purchase the extra ESPN packages, such as Gameplan, Full Court, etc.

Can anyone explain how the alternate channels work? (See, I have millions of questions and no answers - I'm not proud - I'll just keep on asking them until someone decides to answer!)
schmoo said:
I don't have Voom, but do you guys have ESPN alternate channels? There are typically two alternate channels.

What I've found is that ESPN will get blacked out and then the satellite provider will give you extra footage on one of the alternate channels if you qualify for it. That might be what Voom is contract, ESPN has to get dropped, but they may be able to let you see it via the backdoor (aka ESPN alternate).

Yes, during the blacked out game, there were two other games on the alternate channels.

jgantert said:
Yes, during the blacked out game, there were two other games on the alternate channels.


Well, that answers that. Thanks. Of course, that's useless for the hometown fan who desperately wants to see his favorite team, and can't. Kinda like pouring salt in the wound.
We Should get the RSN's in the fall, with the new compression, more room , more stuff. Voom is on top of this and we will find out more on monday morning in the Q1 report for cablevision.
If they bring in all the RSN's including the Comcast channels I'll be in heaven.

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