ES XXV Satellite - Maxar and DISH

With 16 tuners, why do you really need a red light. The red light was because with 3 tuners you know your other tuners are in use. With 16 there's no need to know because you won't be interrupted.
The red light tells you that at least one other tuner is in use recording. It doesn't tell you if all tuners are in use. It would serve the same purpose on an H3. If you have a recording set for 9 PM and the light comes on at 9 PM, you know why. If the light is already on because another channel or channels was already being recorded, then you don't know if the latest recording started or not. Works the same way whether it's up to 5 tuners on an H2 or 18 on an H3.
I have 2 HWS, I like seeing the red light. :)

I use it more as a visual, to know without turning the tv on to see that a recording has at least fired.
Although I do keep a check on DVR HD space , wouldn't matter how many tuners you have if you run out of space (and yes I do have external HD attached).

I will someday submit to a Hopper 3 or Hopper 4 :cool:
I've chosen with my setup, to keep the red light on .....for now.

The red light tells you that at least one other tuner is in use recording. It doesn't tell you if all tuners are in use. It would serve the same purpose on an H3. If you have a recording set for 9 PM and the light comes on at 9 PM, you know why. If the light is already on because another channel or channels was already being recorded, then you don't know if the latest recording started or not. Works the same way whether it's up to 5 tuners on an H2 or 18 on an H3.
I'm a tech, I understand how and why the red light works. Just don't see the need for it. Once you set something to record there's no need to worry about it. I've never once thought to myself while watching TV, "I wonder if it's currently recording that other show" lol. Maybe it's just a younger generation thing, i don't know
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I'm a tech, I understand how and why the red light works. Just don't see the need for it. Once you set something to record there's no need to worry about it. I've never once thought to myself while watching TV, "I wonder if it's currently recording that other show" lol. Maybe it's just a younger generation thing, i don't know
Maybe for the elderly too. I would love for the next generation super Hopper to have the little navychop lite!
With 16 tuners, why do you really need a red light. The red light was because with 3 tuners you know your other tuners are in use. With 16 there's no need to know because you won't be interrupted.
It's got absolutely nothing to do with being interrupted it's to let you know that something is recording so you don't do a reboot and split/miss part of the show.

Sent from my iPhone with Chrome real Satelliteguys don't use tapatalk!
Put the Hopper Plus and the Hopper all together in one unit. Hopper 4 or Super Hopper would be nice name for it.
The above plus a larger HDD (16TB is what Linux supports) that gives 100% of the capacity available to the user, allow more a larger quantity of external store with maximum capacity (16TB is what Linux supports) and also having the hardware to as bug free as possible, etc. and also being able to see the boot log such as the dmesg output. Also, reporting the correct % of the drive spaced used as there are times when the box says there is only 75% full and the box will complain that the HDD is out of storage and all recordings has stopped and you will not be allowed to record again as that message will keep showing up until you restart the box, at which point it will be able to record again.
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I'm a tech, I understand how and why the red light works. Just don't see the need for it. Once you set something to record there's no need to worry about it. I've never once thought to myself while watching TV, "I wonder if it's currently recording that other show" lol. Maybe it's just a younger generation thing, i don't know
If the box is laggy or if you want to restart the box like there are times when I noticed it doesn't detect all the external HDDs which requires physically unplugging the USB hub, restart, then plug the HDD's in after it restarts. This is one way to tell if it's recording or not before you do it.
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The above plus a larger HDD (16TB is what Linux supports) that gives 100% of the capacity available to the user, allow more a larger quantity of external store with maximum capacity (16TB is what Linux supports) and also having the hardware to as bug free as possible, etc. and also being able to see the boot log such as the dmesg output.
I'm sure you know that 100% drive capacity user availability cannot be done. Formatting, etc, always uses some of the total capacity.
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I'm sure you know that 100% drive capacity user availability cannot be done. Formatting, etc, always uses some of the total capacity.
That is not why it cannot be done. The total capacity is because it's treated based on the number as 1,000K=1MB instead of 1,024K=1MB or 1000MB=1GB instead of 1024MB=1GB so you are losing 24MB per GB which is how storage manufacturers measure compared to physical memory so the number looks bigger than actual capacity and we are talking about formatted capacity and not unformatted capacity as those are two different things. What I meant by the 100% is with the Hopper H3, remember it's advertised as 2TB but only 1TB is usable by the user for recordings so only 50% of the advertised space is available as I know it needs space for things like the buffering but it does not need 1000GB or 1TB for that purpose.
When the Hopper disc gets full I thought that it would delete the oldest recordings unless you had the recordings protected. Thus it should always be able to record unless you have specified that the recordings are protected.
If this is not the case why does the timer settings have an option to protect?
I have never tested this since with external hard drives plus deleting programs I don't need to keep I have never run out of storage.

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Some Channels Work - Some Don't

Hopper Plus and Joey 4's
