Enter to Win: Sponsors Super Satellite Sampler System - Contest Ends 2.28.2010

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I got interested in FTA truely for the wild feeds. It's really amazing to find tons of different feeds. you never know what will pop up. Plus it's a great way to compliment any paid tv package or just go OTA and FTA!
What a fine bunch of prizes for the lucky winner. Never seen anything like it. I got into FTA in early 2006, when we switched our sat provider from DirectV to Dish Network ( my wife and her PVR are inseparable). :)
The Dish network installer took one look at all my electronics ( many computers, printers, hubs , routers, etc ) lying around the basement and suggested that I'd be interested in FTA . Lots of gadgets, he said. Well, he was right, and I've acquired lots of gadgets, dishes , receivers, since. It's a great hobby, with some great TV viewing as a reward.
Send those goodies my way, eh eh!

I got interested in FTA through a friend who is not too techy. After setting him up with lots of research found out the hunt was better than the viewing and I never look back.
I would tell a friend or co-worker to interest them in owning a Free To Air satellite system, that there is a lot of free programming available, FTA is the way to go. And that the costs for cable and DTV/Dish are way to much.
What got me interested to purchase my first Free to Air satellite system?

Well i used to have a BUD. Had been a Dish Sub for several years at this
location (Still am). I had never tried KU band and as a Amateur Radio Op
and avid SWL, I wanted to check it out. A little googling and ending up
here at Satelliteguys and I'm hooked!
What got you interested to purchase your first Free to Air satellite system

Living in the sticks no cable due to 2 few houses on the road, and no high speed internet due to same reason, bell and star choice poor package minimum selection, had to pay top dollar for what i wanted to watch, so heard about FTA and spent next 6 months trying to get a hit on a sat, rest is history now have 6 FTA receivers and 6 dishes from 30" upto 1.2 Meters and growing.
I was one of the original "FTA" folks way back in the day. My interest spawned from the lack of TV we had growing up..........one channel! That combined with my love of electronics made C-Band a natural choice way back in the late eighties when I was 18 or so. Fast forward to a few years ago after watching channel after channel dropping off of C-Band analog and digital FTA made a lot of sense to me..........still does!

This contest, like this website, is truly second to none! As always a first class operation from the staff, the members and all the wonderful sponsors! Keep it up!
Great Sponsers!!!

I got interested in FTA when Sky Angel was about to go dark. My brother gave me a DirecPC dish which I installed myself and pointed it to G10R for RTN. I'm glad 123W was there because that one satellite really hooked me. Now 3 dishes up with more in the basement just waiting for spring.

Thanks again for the great sponsers we have here! :up
Fun Hobby & Free TV

FTA satisfies my technical side, adds hours of reading about experiences of others and some great TV hard to find elsewhere.

I tell others about all the high quality video signals including HD for free.
I first got really into FTA through this site while researching how to get legal free TV to a few charities that I support in Baja, Mexico. Had heard of the concept, but had no experience other than installing "pizza".

The folks here held my hand (and kicked my butt when I needed it) and helped me learn and get everything done.

Thanks for the support that I've received from members and to both AV & WS for supporting the site with another outstanding giveaway!
Grand Giveway

I first got interested in FTA when I stumbled on to the Satellite Guys site. Having a C band system years ago, I missed the unique and free stations out there after switching to Dish. We love the old shows from the 50's and 60's and the ethnic channels. After reading about the FTA systems on Satellite Guys, we took the plunge to FTA.
i got interested in fta when i became aware of sites like satelliteguys and lyngsat. since then i have become more interested with a signal meter and alot less interested in my tv. haha. i love the hardware and pushing the limits. im more of a tester than a tv watcher.

i tell my friends to come and watch the tv my dish farm offers and make the decision themselves. i also offer to bring my gear out and show people what their BUDS are capable of before they give them to me and i take them down.

thanks for another great contest. i love this site.

crackt out,.
I got my first FTA system to get more variety in TV programs without having to pay for the subscriptions. We like to watch TV, but we really feel that we don't watch so much TV that we would get our money's worth on a large subscription. We subscribe to 4DTV for movies, and get some channels OTA. FTA complets our free reception.
Thanks for the opportunity!!
To answer the first question; I would love to tell a friend how much fun it is and is truly free. However I don't have one. If I was to win I would!:D
I would love an FTA system, I've been wanting one for a while but haven't had the $$$ due to the hard economic times, I know this won't replace my current tv provider but I would like to see whats out there ITC, it would be incredible if I won this setup. I already tell everyone about FTA and I don't even have a system.
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Yesterday, I mentioned to a neighbor, who is interested in sport feeds, he had no idea what
FTA stands for, he does now. What got me interested in FTA, as it similar to the old BUD days,
when I use to install C-Band, starting with a 12ft Spherical Antenna, with a Feed Horn on a Tripod. You older people know what I am talking about. FTA, no fees and the Liberty to Scan
the Skies, and the Pride that you, an ordinary person can Install a system
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